How Faith Works by David Oyedepo : 13 March 2019

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How Faith Works by David Oyedepo : 13 March 2019

Theme: Bible base faith confer Dominion (That is Faith based faith confers dominion)

How Faith Works

watch bishop David Oyedepo online
watch bishop David Oyedepo online

What is Faith? Putting Gods word to work believing,

  1. Faith is taking covenant responsibility so as to secure our desire; Matthew 5:7 Jesus came to ratify every covenant of the old testament, faith is taking responsibility in scripture to secure answers! What you must do to have what you want

If you repent and not baptized you are not fully born again! Jesus was baptized! You cannot enter Gods kingdom on your terms but his terms get baptized.

Romans 6:4 so we also should walk in the newness of life. Proverbs 3:35 it means if you desire a glorious heritage, then win souls this makes glory your heritage. As they mock him, they provoke him to make you!! Every time people mock you, they provoke God to make you.

Prayer by David Oyedepo: Grace to keep going becomes your portion in Jesus name,

  1. Faith is a display of confidence in God and his word until the desired result is obtained Hebrews 10: 35, it takes confidence with God to provoked your desired result.

Isaiah 2:2 in the last days they shall say come let us go into the House of the Lord! We are in the last days, so the last days began in the upper room! Our confidence with God must be intact Isaiah 66:9 we are travailing to bring a nation to Gods word!! As long as we keep engaging this supernatural eruption of God in this church, we shall continue to rise in Jesus name!

  1. Faith is our access to God a reality in the now! – Romans 10:6-9 it is the word of Faith that makes heaven a reality on the earth. Matthew 6:33 seek ye first his kingdom, when his kingdom becomes your priority in life, heaven on earth becomes your new lifestyle. Bible faith is an ever winning ticket in the race of life!
  2. Faith is the key to an ever winning life: John 15:16 whatsoever ye shall ask the father in my Name he shall give it to you ( Jesus speaking) kingdom priority seekers he adds things to them!

Prayer: Whatever anyone has mocked you about, this season it shall be turned to testimony for you in Jesus name.

Galatians 6:8 there are natural seed sowing and spiritual seed sowing. Every word you engage with in faith, it’s a seed! Soul winning is sowing a seed of joy Galatians 6:7

Prayer by David Oyedepo: I decree that every soul winner in this church you will never experience depression in your life again in Jesus name.



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Leading people to Christ becomes a joy to you; that shall become your testimony in Jesus name.

More – Bishop David Oyedepo Teachings

  1. Winners 21 Days Fasting 2019 Day 4 Message Pastor  David Oyedepo  Jnr

  2. Bishop David Oyedepo: Kingdom Advancement prayer is everyone’s responsibility
  3. David Oyedepo Overcoming Temptations: the Battle of our souls
  4. DOMI INC. One Night With The King(Special Feet Washing Service) Live Stream
  5. 2018 Winners Personalized Prophetic Declarations by David Oyedepo
  7. Bishop Oyedepo Sermon: Faith Triggers Fulfillment of Prophecy
  8. Understanding the demands of building your Faith: David Oyedepo Jnr.

To be full of joy is to have access to revelation, Psalms 16:11 in his presence there is fullness of joy!! Unlimited revelation and glory. May that be your portion in Jesus name.

What is  soul winning?

  1. Soul winning is sowing seeds of honour, you get back multiplied honor! From 2 seeds of corn you gotten thousands of grain

2 . Soul wining is sowing seeds of enthronement : 2Timothy 4:8, Acts 3:22 Proverbs 8:15

By having partnership with God in sowing seeds, you are sowing seeds of enthronement, so sow your seeds with an understanding, it must be heart based seed faith.

Faith is not just obeying God but also believing him to perform his own part.

Have you accepted Jesus today?

If you need to give your life to Christ, now is the time to say a prayer, surrender your life to Jesus, ask him to come into your life, ask Jesus to wash your sins with his blood and redeem you back to him! Thank Jesus for saving you now in Jesus name.

Special Invitation!!: We invite you this Sunday at Faith Tabernacle Canaan Land Ota or any Winners Church branch closes to you. We love you and Jesus loves you more.

Sermons by Bishop Oyedepo

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