Understanding the covenant of prosperity – Sermon Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr

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Sermon Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr

TOPIC: Understanding the covenant of prosperity

May 23, 2018

You cannot command or dominate what you don’t have insight on, the deeper the understanding, the more command. The desire of God is the prosperity of his people 3John, Psalms 3527. Job 3:11, that shall be your portion. Kingdom wealth is entrusted to those who are sold out to the lord. God checks our motivation to determine the blessing. Deuteronomy 8:18 that as it was with the father it is today, we provoke the convener as we stand right with God.

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Understanding the covenant of prosperity

What is a covenant?

A convener is a spiritual deal on clear terms sealed with an oath. Hebrews 6:16, this convenient agreement God came to man,he  made an agreement between God and man. God set his terms in the word by this it’s impossible for him to lie. 

To walk in financial prosperity we must find those terms and engage in them. The promise is on the

The premise of the terms. God was making an agreement with the heirs of the promise, Hebrews 6:12, the

pattern of the past is the part way of the future. We must begin to secure the pattern of the past, we

must begin to locate it and walk in it. We must locate the terms;  whatever the demands of this

covenant. Understanding the covenant of prosperity

Some terms of convenient of financial prosperity

Kingdom wealth is a tool for the advancement of the kingdom here on earth. Zechariah 1:17, God hath

agenda of advancing his kingdom on earth. God has the idea of securing the earth back to himself. John

3:16 he so loved that he Gabe, he gave his best to get that he loves. If you are in pursuit of the advancement of his kingdom you have position yourself as his priority. Those who put the kingdom first are the ones who get the wealth first. The wealth is given to those that can be trusted Luke 16:11. Haggai 8, everything belongs to God Psalms 8.

1. Kingdom wealth is a tool for Kingdom advancement

2. Tithings is key to a world of prosperity– God Gave you 90 and said return 10% to me as a test. Malachi

3:10 you have rubbed me I Gave you 90, and no one can run God. Everyone must be committed to tithing, Gods test to the obedience, of Man. He created the garden and said everything eat, don’t eat this one it belongs to me, Man ate it, when God says this is mine don’t touch it. Man has always wanted to test things God says no to and running them of the manifestation of the future. Tithing is a key, bring the tithe to my storehouse, the tithe is the key to the blessing, which maketh rich and added no sorrow to it. You are not made rich by what you gather but by what God gives. No need buying a big bed and lack sleep. No matter what you buy until God bless you cannot enjoy it. When we engage our tithe he releases the blessing, and then he rebukes the devourer.

Prayer: Your money will not be spent on service your health in Jesus name.



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3. Learn to give to parents: Ephesians 6:3 if you want it to be well, not by bowing them alone! y

blessing them with resources. Not just bowing to greet them, but bless them with money, resources. If

you are going to prosper, you must honor these keys. You must honor them materially.

Honor means weight, whatever honor you give to them weigh it according. Scripture made it very clear, honor your father and mother and when you do that you position yourself for prosperity Genesis 27:4,

Benefits of covenant practice Philippians 4:13

1. It secures the generation of our children unborn, Psalms 112:2 t generation of the upright shall be

blessed. Understanding the covenant of prosperity

2. It provokes divine ideas Isaiah 44:3, Isaiah 11:3, gives us insight to divine ideas,

Prayer: As we engage, divine ideas become our portion in the name of Jesus

3. Stimulate joy unspeakable –  2 Corinthians 8:2, giving is a joyful thing. A giver is difficult to depress,

Demands for guaranteed result on our seed sowing

1. Give in love: 1 Corinthian 13:3 if you don’t have charity it profits nothing, you must give in love. Those

who Gave the best loved Lord, Solomon loved the Lord, 1 Chronicles 29:3 David Gave in love

2. Sow into good ground, your seed is not to be scattered everywhere but intentionally played on good

ground. You must know were to plant your seed. You engagement will only answer when you have faith in it. Your faith in action is what stimulates Gods reaction. You must believe and do, when you combine the two, you provoke the reward. 

If you want to give your life to Christ, or want o to rededicate your life to Jesus make this decision now, pray:

Lord Jesus, I accept you into my life, as my personal Lord and saviour, I acknowledge your redemption

power. Lord I come to you as a sinner come into my life, take control of me, now I know I am born again.

Thank you Jesus for saving me, in Jesus name Amen!

Congratulations if you made this confession, we invite you to fellowship in any Winners Church or any Bible teaching church close to you.

This is Living Faith Church known as Winners Chapel, our services every week at Faith Tarbancle Canaan Land Ota our head quarters church. Weekly services every Wednesday, Sunday’s and every morning

convenant hour of prayer .

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