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Full Version Of RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT: Exo 14:21-22

And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to
go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the
waters were divided. And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea
upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand,
and on their left.
The Lord has declared through our Father in the Lord (Pastor E.A Adeboye) that;
“The Wind is Blowing”. The wind of God surely repositions His children for
good and brings destruction to His enemies.
At the peak of the storm while the Israelites were in between the forces of
Pharaoh and the red Sea, God used an uncommon technique – “The Wind”
to deliver the Israelites, The wind blew in favour of the Israelites and
repositioned them to the Mountain top
The wind has started blowing in our nations. Let us pray that the wind will blow
in our favour as we turn to God in prayers using this guide during the 50 days
fasting and prayers in Jesus name
DAY 1 – Thurs, Jan 11th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Ps. 101, 105, 136: 1 – END
Thanksgiving is the art of giving thanks to God through the demonstration and
show of appreciation for all His goodness. It is good to appreciate the Lord as
Hannah did in 1 Sam 2.
1. Father, I thank You for creating me in Your own image in Jesus name
Gen. 1:27
2. Father, I thank You for declaring me “very good” after creating me, in Jesus
name Gen. 1:31
3. Father, thank you for giving me dominion over all the works of your hands, in
Jesus name Gen. 1:26.
4. Father, I thank you for the gift of salvation for mankind in Jesus name.
John 3:16.
5. Father, I thank you for showing unto me the only way, the truth and life.
John 14:6
6. Father, I thank You for the salvation of my soul in Jesus name
Psa 62:1.
7. Father, I thank you for my sanctification in Jesus name. 2Thes. 2:13
8. Father, thank You for Your mercy that endures forever over my life in Jesus
name. Lam.3:22-23.
9. Father, I thank you for renewing your mercies every morning over my life, in
Jesus name. Lam. 3:22.
10.Father, I thank you for the grace of sleeping and waking up every day in
Jesus name. Psa. 3:5.
11.Father, I thank you for forgiven my past attitude of ingratitude in Jesus
12.Father, I thank you for keeping every member of my family alive in Jesus
13.Father, I thank you for divine protection and provision in Jesus name.
Psa. 91:1-5
14.Father, I thank you for divine healing in Jesus name. Psa. 107:20
15.Father, thank you for your wind blowing in my favor, my family, your church
and nation in Jesus name.
DAY 2 – Fri, Jan 12th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa. 51:1-end, Hab. 3:2
INTRODUCTION: God created man in his image and likeness. Man was
enjoying smooth fellowship with God before man sinned and fell short of the
glory and mercy of God, but God’s thought towards man is of good and not of
evil. God sent His only son, Jesus Christ to pay the price for the sin of man
through His mercy, therefore as many that will confess and forsake their sins,
the Lord is ready to forgive by His mercy. It is time to cry to God for mercy and
1. Father please have mercy on me and forgive me my sin, in Jesus name.
Rom 9:15
2. Father, let mercy reign over judgment in my life, in Jesus name. Jam.2:13
3. Father have mercy on me and forgive me my iniquities, in Jesus name.
4. Father let your goodness and mercies follow me all the days of my life, in
Jesus name. Psa 23:6
5. Father, hear the voice of my plea for your mercy, in Jesus name. Psa 28:2
6. Father, at every location I have lost your mercy, please Lord forgive me and
restore your mercy back into my life in Jesus name. Ps.51:12
7. Father, I confess and forsake my sin, please Lord let me obtain mercy and
forgiveness in Jesus name. Pro 28:13
8. Father, with you there is forgiveness, forgive me Oh Lord the sins of my
fathers, in Jesus name. Psa 130:4, 106:6.
9. Father, mercy and forgiveness belongs unto you, have mercy and forgive me
my sins in Jesus name. Dan 9:9
10.Father, because your son’s blood was shed for me, use the blood of your son
to cleanse me in Jesus name. Heb 9:28
11.Father, because you are the God of love and righteousness, forgive us our
iniquities and show your people mercy in Jesus name.
12.Father, let your mercy be available for me and set me free from where the
judgement of the enemy had tied me in Jesus name.Ps.130:7-8.
13. Oh my God, in the multitudes of your mercies please let me obey and serve
you like I have never done before in Jesus name. Psa 69:16
14.Father, we ask for your mercies over every error we have committed in your
church and our gatherings in Jesus name.
15.Father, as your wind is blowing, please stretch forth your hands of mercy and
forgive me all my past errors that have separated me from you in Jesus
DAY 3 – Sat, Jan 13th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Psalms 91:1-end, Psa 121:3-8, Rom 13:1
It is our duty as good children to watch, encourage, and stand in the gap for our
father and mother in the Lord. They also need our backup and support in the
place of constant intercessions and thanksgiving be made to God all times on
their behalf- 1Tim 2: 1-2
1.Father, we thank you for your beloved son, Pastor Enoch, Adejare Adeboye, we
thank you for your call upon his life in Jesus name.
2.Father, we thank you for bringing him out of darkness into your marvelous light
in Jesus name.1Pet.2:9.
3.Father, we thank you for enabling your son to enter into a great covenant with
you, in Jesus name. Exo 23:25
4.Father, we thank you for anointing him so powerfully and making him a blessing
to this generation in Jesus name.Ps.89:20.
5. Father, we thank you for using him to spread the gospel through your Church,
RCCG to over 187 countries in the world in Jesus name. Math.28:19-20.
6.Father, we thank you for our mother in Israel- Pastor. Mrs. Folu Adeboye, for the
support she is giving to the ministry of your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye in Jesus
7.Father, we thank you for your divine protection and provision over Pastor E.A.
Adeboye and his family in Jesus name.Ps.89:23
8. Lord, we thank you for long life and prosperity for your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye
in Jesus name.Ps.91:16
9.Father, let your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye fulfil all his assignments in his life time
in Jesus name. Zec 4:9
10.Father, please let your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye and Pastor. Mrs. Folu
Adeboye finish well and strong in Jesus name. 2Ti 4:7
11.Father, please continue to strengthen him and empower him for the task
ahead in Jesus name.Isa.40:31.
12.Father, never let any of your words in the mouth of your son Pastor E. A.
Adeboye fall to the ground in Jesus name, 1 Sam 3:19
13.Father, let your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye grow from glory to greater glory in
Jesus name. Prov.4:18.
14.Father, please do not let there be separation between you and your son
Pastor E. A. Adeboye, jealously guide your relationship with him in Jesus
name. Ps.89:24
15.Father, Let your wind blow in favour of daddy G.O and the family in Jesus name.
DAY 4 – Sun Jan 13th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Ps.127:3-5, Eph. 1:3, Jam.1:17.
Children are the heritage of the Lord; they are our future. They are a blessing,
good and perfect gift from the Almighty God. They are easy target of the enemy
so we need to arise and pray to secure their life and future
1. Father, thank you for the good and perfect gifts in Jesus name. Jam.1:17
2. Father, thank you for the priceless gift of children to families in Jesus
name. Ps.127:3
3. Father, don’t allow forces of darkness harm our children in Jesus
name. Matt.17:14-16
4. Father, make our children mighty vessels in your hand, in Jesus name.
5. Father, give parents heart of commitment and wisdom to raise their
children in a godly way in Jesus name. Prov. 22:6
6. Father, we come against any hindrance that would stand in the way of our
children climbing to the top in Jesus name. Math.19:14
7. Father, destroy every snare of the wicked designed to trap our children in
Jesus name. Ps. 124:7
8. Father, we command every evil plantation upon the lives of our children to
be uprooted in Jesus name. Math.15:13
9. Arise Oh Lord; and do a new thing in the lives of our children, in Jesus
name. Isa. 43:19
10.Father, we terminate every form of parental evil transfer in the lives of our
children, in Jesus name. 1kings. 21:29
11.Father, we decree that; our children will not depart from the
commandment of the Lord in Jesus name. Jer. 35:6-7
12.Father, let our children possess the gates of their enemies, in Jesus name.
Psalm. 127:5
13.Father, we command the spirit of laziness to get out of the lives of our
children, in Jesus name. Prov. 6:9-10
14.Father, let the joy of salvation enter into the lives of our children, in Jesus
name. Ps. 51:12
15.Father, let your wind blow in my favour, my family, your church and my
nation in Jesus name.
DAY 5 – Mon, Jan 15th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Gen.1:26-28, Gen.2:18
Family is a social unit of two or more persons related by blood, marriage or
adoption. God is the originator of the family. The enemies are working tirelessly
to make sure our families are not at peace with God and fulfill divine purpose.
1. Father, thank You for the gift of families
2. Father, thank You that I belong to a family and am grateful for my family
3. Father, thank You for all the benefits bestowed upon me and my family in
Jesus name. Psa. 103:1-2
4. Father, let spirit of unity reign in our families in Jesus name. Psalm 133:1
5. Father, break every yoke of disunity and misunderstanding in our families
in Jesus name. Isa10:27
6. Father, let your presence be evident in all our families in Jesus name.
7. Father, we break every chain of afflictions in our families in Jesus name.
8. By the power of resurrection, I dismantle every satanic altar erected by my
past maternal and paternal generation in Jesus name. Jug 6:25
9. Father, take sorrow and bitterness far away from my family in Jesus name.
10. Father, visit my family foundation and destroy every spirit of hardship in
Jesus name. Psa. 11:3
11. Father, I come against every waster spirit warring against my family in
Jesus name. Ruth 1:21
12. Father, by the power in the blood of Jesus, I break any covenants made in
my blood line (lineage) with any other gods in Jesus name. Isa. 28:15
13. Father, I and my family will not lack good things by walking in obedience
to your word in Jesus name. Deut.28:1-13.
14. Father, expose and trouble every troublers of my family in Jesus name.
Jos 7:25
15. Father, let your wind blow in my favour, my family, your church and my
nation in Jesus name.
DAY 6 – Tue, Jan 16th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Hab 2:2-3
The Lord has revealed by the scriptures his plans for his children. Hence, the
need to arise and call upon the name of the Lord for what he had said He will do
upon the earth. (Jer 29:11-12).
1. Father we thank you for sending your son to save the world from sin and death
in Jesus name. Joh 3:16
2. Father we thank you for the lives of Daddy G O, Mummy G O, and their entire
3. LORD we thank you for that which you’re set to do in every RCCG parish,
province, region, continent, nation, and worldwide before 2032.
Gen. 22:17
4. LORD we thank you for the promises and good things you have for every RCCG
member and every member of the body of Christ before 2032.
Jer. 29:11
5. LORD according to thy word, we pray that in the coming years, this gospel of the
kingdom shall be preached in the whole world before 2032 in the name of Jesus.
Matt. 24:14
6. LORD, in your mercy raise men of valour in the body of Christ in the name of
Jesus before 2032. Judges 6:12
7. LORD we pray that an army of the Lord shall arise that will destroy the plans of
the kingdom of darkness on the surface of the earth before 2032 in Jesus name.
8. LORD pour out your spirit upon all flesh before 2032 as promised in the
scriptures in the name of Jesus. Joel 2:28
9. LORD by your mercy, let the body of Christ worldwide experience unity once
again like the early church in the scriptures before 2032 in Jesus name. Acts 2:1
10.LORD let your testimony be preserved among your disciples in Jesus
name. Isaiah 8:16
11.LORD raise men like Joseph of Arimathea who will advance the frontiers
of the kingdom and crave for the preservation of the body of Christ in the
political sector in Jesus name. Mark 15:43
12.LORD raise selfless financial giants alongside spiritual giants for your
kingdom before 2032 in Jesus name. Acts 4:36-37
13.LORD help the body of Christ to find her way back to their first love
before 2032 in Jesus name. Rev. 2:4
14.Father, let all nations of the world rush into your church massively that
this vision shall be exceeded before 2032 in Jesus name. Isa 2:2’
15.Father, let your wind blow in favour of vision 2032 in Jesus name.
DAY 7 – Wed, Jan 17th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): 1 Sam 2:8, Exo 33:21-23
God specialize in changing times and season in the life of His children, taking
them from the dung hill to the mountain top and no man can query Him. Divine
re-position is the supernatural move of God from one position, circumstance,
location, situation to another.
1. Father thank you for divinely reposition the Redeemed Christian Church of
God for massive soul winning to populate Gods kingdom in Jesus name. 1
Thes 5:18.
2. Father thank for divinely reposition Daddy G.O, by making him to respond
to your call upon his life in Jesus name. Col. 2:6-7.
3. Father thank you for your mercy upon the body of Christ for divine
reposition in this end time in Jesus name. Rom. 9:15-16, Heb. 12:28-29.
4. Father thank you for divinely reposition the church of this generation to
rescue kingdom citizens in Jesus name. Col. 3:17, 1 Chro. 29:13.
5. Father thank you for divinely repositioned the Esther of our time to deliver
the children of God from their enemies in Jesus name. 2 Cor.9:15.
6. Father please divinely reposition me for a major unending breakthrough in
Jesus name. Jer. 29:11, Ps. 1:1-3.
7. Father I need divine repositioning to be a blessing to my generation and
the unborn generation in Jesus name. Gen. 12:1-3.
8. Father make me a candidate for divine repositioning spiritually, physically,
materially, financially in Jesus name. 1 Chro. 4:9-10.
9. Father by divine reposition move me from the prison to the palace in Jesus
name. Gen. 39:20-23, Gen. 41:40-44, Gen. 50:20
10. Father by divine repositioning make room for me in the presence of those
striving with me in Jesus name. Gen. 26:22
11. Father divinely reposition me to shine in the power of your name by
saving my soul in Jesus name. Joh. 1:11-12.
12. Father I decree and declare that my family and I shall enjoy all round
divine repositioning in Jesus name. Ps. 75:6-7.
13. Father divine reposition is a new thing, please do a new thing in my life in
Jesus name. Isa. 43:19.
14. Father I decree that my divine repositioning will never hinder me from
making heaven in Jesus name. Jn. 14:1-3.
15. Father, as your wind is blowing, my divine reposition will open doors for
other to be repositioned for good in Jesus name. Rev. 3:8
DAY 8 – Thurs, Jan 18th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Deut. 28:12, Dan. 12:4, Job 5:12, Prov. 18:9, Eccl.5:18.
Many nations have high rate of unemployment because of harsh economic
condition. People want to work but no jobs. Out of those employed, some are
not gainfully engaged. Hardly can a case of unemployment be established in the
bible, everyone is expected to be engaged. We need to pray out these
anomalies in our nations
1. It is only the living that can work. Father, I thank you for the grace of life in
Jesus name. Psa. 105:37
2. It is only the healthy that can work. Father, I thank you for the grace of good
health in Jesus name. Psa. 105:37
3.Father, thank You for nations with good leaders and planning with low records of
unemployment, Gen 42:2
4.Father, help those nations with high unemployment rate in Jesus name.
Gen 47:13
5.Lord, arise deliver our people from every power wasting opportunity in their lives
in Jesus name. Pro 22:13
6.Father, deliver our youths that are und
DAY 9 – Fri, Jan 19th, 2024
BIBLE TEXT: Amos 9:14-16, Psalm 122:6, Isaiah 44:1, 1 Peter 2:9-10.
Israel is Gods offspring and first born that grew to become a nation. God use
Israel the grandson of Abraham to bring Jesus into the world to further his plan
of redemption for human race. God made Israel a kingdom of priest and a holy
nation. We are moving toward the second coming of Jesus Christ.
1. Father thank you for your peace and faithfulness over Jerusalem and Israel
now and forever in Jesus name. Ps. 122:6
2. Father thank you for your mercy that is sufficient for Israel and as they
seek you they will find you and live in Jesus name. Amos 5:4.
3. Father thank you for the gift of the messiah from the nation of Israel to
save the entire humanity in Jesus name. Lk. 2:11
4. Father rescue, release and restore the Israelite who are held captives in
any nation of the world safely in Jesus name. Jn. 8:36.
5. Father whosoever the enemy is using to shed the blood of the Israelite let
fire of God appear and arrest them permanently in Jesus name.
Heb. 12:29.
6. Father Israel is in the middle of enemies, arise and defend and fight for
them like you always do in Jesus name. 14:14.
7. Father disgrace enemies of Israel sponsoring battle from behind the scene
in Jesus name. Ps. 109:29
8. Father surround Jerusalem and Israel with your mountain of fire and pillar
of cloud day and night in Jesus name. Ps. 125:1-3, Zach. 2:5.
9. Father you are the one who watches over Israel, and neither slumber nor
sleep, please preserve Israel from all evil in Jesus name. Ps. 121:4&7.
10. Father enter into judgement with enemy nations on behalf of Israel your
heritage and restore the fortunes of Jerusalem in Jesus name. Joel 3:1-3.
11. Father any nation that conspire to wipe out the nation of Israel, let them
be consume as fire consume wood in Jesus name. Ps.83:4-14.
12. Father set ablaze the weapon of destruction prepared by the enemies of
Israel in Jesus name. Isa. 54:17.
13. Father destroy the arch enemy of Israel with tempest and storm. Fill their
faces with shame in Jesus name. Ps. 83:15.
14. Father let the enemy of Israel fall into the pit they dig in Jesus name.
Pro. 26:27
15. Father, let your wind blow in favour of Israel as a nation and for the
peace of Jerusalem.
DAY 10 – Sat, Jan 20th, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Rom. 13:1-7. 1 Tim 2:1-2
These are the people in authority, they are the decision makers of the land.
Their orders are being carried out by all or else one will be punished and as
believers God instructed us to obey all authorities.
1. Father, we thank you for our leaders because no one can lead except God
ordained it in Jesus name. Rom. 13:1.
2. Father, please put your fear and wisdom in the heart of our leaders in
Jesus name Matt. 15:14.
3. Father, uproot every plant that you have not planted in the government of
our Nation in Jesus name. matt.15:13.
4. Father, remove the wicked ones from government and leadership in our
nation in Jesus name Prov. 12:12-13.
5. Father, help our leaders to be people that are seeking for peace and
prosperity in their land in Jesus name Jer. 29:7.
6. Father, we pray that our leaders will be humble and seek the face of the
Lord in Jesus name
7. Father, let the people they are leading walk in the fear God in Jesus
Name.2 Chron. 7:14
8. Father, we pray that our leaders will tremble before the Lord and serve Him
only in Jesus name Ps. 2:10-11.
9. Father, we pray that our leaders will have good advisers in Jesus name.
Prov. 11:14.
10. Father, please by your power, guide, and control and direct the heart of
our leaders to lead us well in Jesus name. Prov. 21:1
11. Father, help our leaders not to commit abomination in Jesus name.
12. Father, help our government to take decisions that will take our nation to
a positive new level in Jesus name.
13. Father, give our leaders wisdom, good knowledge and understanding they
need to lead their subjects aright in Jesus name.
14. Father, by your power give our leaders divine creative ideas to create job
opportunities for the poor masses in Jesus name.
15. Father, let your wind blow in my favour, my family, your church and my
nation in Jesus name.
DAY 11 – Sun, Jan 21st, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Rev. 14:8, 17:2, 18:3, Matt. 5:32.
Sexual immorality is a sin against one’s body and God. God detests this sin in all
its ramifications because our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
1. Father, I thank you from delivering me from sexual immorality.
2. Father, do not let me drive your spirit away by committing sexual sin and
polluting my body in Jesus name. 1Cor. 6:18
3. Father, deliver me from committing sexual sin with my eyes in Jesus name.
4. Father, purge my heart from every impurity that defiles a man in Jesus name
Mark 7:22-23
5. Father, help me to do your will at all time and to find pleasure in doing it in
Jesus name 1 Thess. 4:3-5
6. Father, let every spirit of sexual immoralities that refuses to let your people
go receive the judgment of God in the name of Jesus
7. Father, I command every evil covenant we have entered into through sexual
sin break now in Jesus name 1 Cor. 6:15-17.
8. Father, cause your children to be satisfied with their own spouse in Jesus
name Prov. 5:15-19.
9. Father, every power of sexual sin that is insisting that your children must see
shame when your word says we will never see shame, destroy it in your
anger in the name of Jesus
10.Father, let every projection of sexual sin to disgrace your children be
destroyed by the blood of Jesus.
11.Father, let every initiation of sexual sin on any of your children be broken in
the mighty name of Jesus.
12.Father, let every hunger and thirst of sexual sin die a natural death in the life
of your children in the name of Jesus.
13.I destroy by fire every spirit of sexual sin that refuses to leave your children
in the name of Jesus.
14.Father, since my body is parts of Christ please help me not to pollute it with
sexual immoralities in Jesus name 1 Cor. 6:15.
15.Father, your wind is blowing, arrest all who are promoting sexual immorality
and struggling to legalize it as a moral right in Jesus name. Isa.7:7.
DAY 12 – Mon, Jan 22nd, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Luke 5:17, Mat 4:23-24
RCCG is a church, the Lord had blessed with programs and services that has
brought the kingdom of God closer to mankind. Our programs are so much Holy
Spirit filled that testimonies, miracles, healings, salvations, etc., are inevitable.
To continue to enjoy this flow of mercies from God in our programs, we need to
pray more in thanksgiving and supplications to God the miracle worker.
1. Father, we thank you for the success of the past Special programs in Jesus
name. Psa 103:2
2. Father, we thank you for the unprecedented number of souls won during our
past programs in Jesus name. Psa 103:4
3. We thank you for the anointing upon Daddy G. O. and all officiating ministers
in the past programs and special services in Jesus name.
4. Father, during, before and after these special programs and gatherings,
please grant us journey mercies in Jesus name. Ps. 121:1-8
5. Father, your wind is blowing, please, turn the tears and pain of all
participants to Joy and laughter in Jesus name. Rev. 21:4, Ps. 30:5
6. Father, please supply all the needs of all participants to attend this year
special programs in Jesus name.
7. Father, please renew the strength of Daddy & Mummy G.O in Jesus name.
8. Father, let there be healing for terminal and special sicknesses and deceases
at these programs in Jesus name. Mat 10:1
9. Father, please release special children for the barren at this program in Jesus
name. 1Sam 1:17-19
10.Father, let there be release of special grace for ministry to all ministers that
will be part of these special programs in Jesus name.
11.Father, release your fresh fire upon all that will attend or connect with
all our special programs this year in Jesus name. 1Sam 19:20
12.Father, let there be supernatural breakthroughs for all that are stagnant in
any area of life as they attend this year special programs and gatherings in
Jesus Name. 1Chr 4:10
13.Father, let there be rain of special favour for RCCG all over the world through
these special programs and services in Jesus name.
14.Father, during this year special programs, let there be abundant salvation of
souls in Jesus name. Act 5:14
15.Father, as your wind is blowing, give all your ministers the grace to fulfil their
divine mandate in Jesus name. Num 11:25
DAY 13 – Tue, Jan 23rd, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Matt. 16:19, 18:18-20
Prayer is communication between man and divinity. When prayer is effective it
avails much. God want to do many things on the earth today, but it can only be
accomplished through active prayer ministry of the churches. Through prayers
we bring to pass the will of God on earth.
1. Father, we thank you for who you are, the Almighty, the one who speak of a
thing and they come into existence in Jesus name. Ps. 95:2-3.
2. Father, we thank you for instituting the ministry of prayers and teaching us
how to pray in RCCG, in Jesus name. Ps. 100:4.
3. Father, we thank you for answering our prayers whenever we call upon you in
Jesus name. Jer. 33:3.
4. Father, we thank you because there is none like unto Thee, glorious in
Holiness fearful in praises in Jesus name. Ex 15:11.
5. Father thank you for saving us and giving us your wisdom to know the truth.
Thank you for the revelation of knowing you in Jesus name.
6. Father, please remove the spirit of pride and stubbornness in our life in Jesus
name. Matt. 5:5.
7. Father, empower us to remove all idols and be clean always as we pray in the
name of Jesus Gen. 35:24
8. Father, let the gift of the spirit be made manifest in the body of Christ in the
name of Jesus. 1 Tim. 4:14.
9. Father, as heaven bound Christians in the ministry, teach us to hate all you
hate in Jesus name. Prov. 6:16-17
10.Father, in the prayer ministry please teach us the virtue of faith and
completely surrender to you in Jesus name. Heb. 11:6.
11.Father, plant in us the spirit of obedience like the Rechabites so as to be your
peculiar treasure in Jesus name Ex. 19:5, Jer. 35:1-8.
12.Father, enlighten our heart with understanding that we may know you and
grow everyday spiritually from glory to glory in Jesus name. 2 Pet. 3:18.
13.Father, empower our intercessors to know your word, so that they can pray
according to your will in Jesus name. 1Joh 5:14
14.Father, keep the intercessors blameless before you, raise them to truly be
men and women after your own heart in Jesus name. Tit. 1:7.
15. Father, as your wind is blowing, empower the prayer ministry with the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit and impartation for kingdom assignment.
Acts 2:1-4
DAY 14 – Wed, Jan 24th, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Ps. 107:21-24, Prov. 22:29
The power and influence of a nation depend on her business and economy. It is
an entire regime and networking of production, distributions to the end
consumers of goods and services at local, regional national and international
markets. God is interested that our economy and business activities are carried
out in a decent and godly environment.
1. Father, we thank you for the economy of our nation in Jesus name. Ps. 106:1.
2. Father, we thank you for the privilege of being a partaker of your kingdom
economy in Jesus name. 1 Tim. 4:4-5.
3. Father thank you, for being in control of the economy and businesses of our
nation in Jesus name. 1 Chro. 16:8.
4. Father we thank you God that the economy of your church is standing in
Jesus name. Ps. 95:2.
5. Father, deliver us from all forms of evil and unrighteousness in business life in
Jesus name. Lev. 19:35-37.
6. Father, help the economy and businesses in our nation to be done in
righteousness in Jesus name. Prov 14:34
7. Father, help me to put you first in my business life in Jesus name. 1 Kings
8. Father, give me the wisdom to trust you with all my heart never to lean on
my own understanding in my business pursuits Prov. 3:5-6.
9. Father, never allow me to be greedy in my business, help me to always pay
my first fruit, tithe and offering. Mal. 3:10
10.Father, give me faith that can banish fear of failure in my business in Jesus
name. Jaam.2:26.
11.Father, give me great attitude to move forward in the name of Jesus.
Jam. 2:26.
12.Father, it does not matter what the economy of my nation says, make a way
for me in Jesus name. Isa. 43:19.
13.Father, give me strength to pray every day for the success of my business in
the name of Jesus. 1 Thes. 5:17
14.Father, do not let my business becomes a distraction to my heavenly goal in
Jesus name. Gen. 45:3-5
15.Father, as your wind is blowing, please release unto me every idea l needed
to advance in my business in the name of Jesus. Det. 8:18.
DAY 15 – Thurs, Jan 25th, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa. 11:3, 1Chro. 3:11
How far a man will go in life depends on the foundation. Abraham was from a
family of unbelievers that is, idol worshippers but God called him out in Genesis
12:1 to walk before Him. The sure foundation of our life is Jesus Christ.
1.Father, I thank You for the family through which You brought me to this world
in Jesus name. Ps.103:1-3.
2.Father, I repent of every generational sin committed by my ancestors. Let the
blood of Jesus watch us clean in Jesus Name. Ps.106:6
3.Father, please show me Your mercy and touch the foundation of my life with
Your hand of power in Jesus Name. Rom. 9:15-16
4.Father, please visit my family with Your mercy in Jesus Name. Lam. 3:22
5.Father, please break the stronghold of sin in my family, lineage in Jesus Name.
6.Father, every curse upon my life as a result of my family background, let it
break in the name of Jesus. Jos. 6:26, 2kings.2:19-21.
7.Father, every tree of non-achievement in my family background let it be
uprooted by fire in Jesus name. Matthew 15:13.
8.Father, every foundational serpent that is operating against the glory of my
family, let it be destroyed in Jesus name. Isaiah 27:1-3
9.Father, every evil pattern of my father household that is about to manifest in
my life, break in the name of Jesus. John 4:18
10.Father, every idol claiming ownership over the foundation of my life be
destroyed in the name of Jesus. Psa 12:4-5.
11.Father, visit the foundation of my family and let our glory begin to shine in
the name of Jesus. 2Sam 22:16
12.Father, visit the foundation of all our parishes in RCCG worldwide in the name
of Jesus. Math. 16:18
13.Father, visit the foundations of our nations and let Your glory begin to
manifest in the name of Jesus. Ps. 96:3.
14.Lord Jesus, be the foundation of my life from now henceforth in Jesus name.
1Ki. 7:10
15.Father, as your wind is blowing, visit the foundation of my father’s household
and remove every curse by the blood of Jesus. 1Ki 16:34
DAY 16– Fri, Jan 26th, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Luk 18:1, Matt 13:25-30.
Prayer is communication between man and his God for the expression of thanks,
understanding, or request for assistance. Prayerlessness is a failure to
communicate with God and it’s robbing us of God’s blessings and God
commands us to pray without ceasing.
1. Father thank you for the ability to pray to you as the work of your hand in
Jesus name. Col. 4:2.
2. Father remove me from the company of fools that do not pray, in Jesus name.
3. Father I receive the grace not to be tired of prayer, in Jesus name. Luke.18:1
4. Father open the eyes of understanding of those that do not pray, in Jesus
name. Eph. 1:18, Lk.24:45.
5. Lord God have mercy on those that are proud because they do not pray, in
Jesus name. Jam.4:6. Rom. 9:15.
6. Father hide my life, destiny, and family inside your name which is the strong
tower in Jesus name. Pro. 18:10.
7. Father increase the fire of prayer in your Churches, in Jesus name. Lev. 6:13.
8. Father deliver us from any sin assigned to quench the spirit of prayer in all
our parishes and set us free from them in Jesus name. Jam.5:16, 1 The.5:19.
9. Father raise fervent and persistent Christians to pray for open heavens over
all nations, in Jesus name. Lk. 18:1, Mat.7:7-8.
10.Father, rescue the body of Christ from the dangers of not praying before it is
too late in Jesus name. Mat. 26:40-42.
11.Father, baptize me with the Holy spirit afresh and give me the grace to pray
more in the Holy spirit in Jesus name. Act.2:1-4, Act. 1:8.
12.Father please make me a prayer giant in my generation in Jesus name. 1
Cor.14:18, Jam 5:17-18.
13.Father, let your wind blows and demolish every structure of prayerlessness in
my life and family in Jesus name. Pro.14:34. Mat.13:25-30.
14.Father as your wind is blowing, from now and forever please make me a
watch man to stand in the gap in Jesus name. Isa. 21:6.
15.Father, as your wind is blowing, uproot the altar of prayerlessness planted in
the families of all our brethren in the nations of the world in Jesus name.
DAY 17 – Sat, Jan 27th, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Pro 20:29
Youth is the time of life when one is young. A time between childhood and
adulthood and the glory of young man is their strength. It is a time to take
many crucial decisions in life like career, marriage and settlement. It’s a time
that young fellow need to travail in prayers to be able to achieve his destiny and
live a fulfil life
1. Father, God, thank you for your unfailing love, blessings and goodness upon
our youth in Jesus name. Ps.103:1-5
2. Father, please increase the faith of all our youth in you, in Jesus name.
Luk 17:5
3. Father, please guide and protect our young people from the path of
destruction and deliver them from the spirit of worldliness, in Jesus name.
Psa. 32:8
4. Father, please every battle acquired from birth that is affecting our youth, be
destroyed, in Jesus name. Joh 9:1-9,
5. Father, please endow all our youth with power from on high in Jesus name.
6. Father, please as David defeated goliath in his days let all our youth defeat
every goliath assigned against them in Jesus name. 1sam 17:46-52.
7. Father, please satisfy the youth with every good things of life in Jesus name.
Psa. 103:5
8. Father, please destroy every spirit of weariness and tiredness in the life of our
youth in Jesus name. Isa 40:30-31
9. Father, please release your divine strength upon our youth, in Jesus
10.Father, please I retrieve back my glory from the hand of household and
territorial enemies, in Jesus name. Isa.22:22-24.
11.Father, please help our youth to obey and work for you at this young age, in
Jesus name. Lam. 3:27
12.Father, please make our youth relevant in their generation, in Jesus name.
13.Father, please deliver all our youth from the hand of the wicked, the
unrighteous and cruel men of this world, in Jesus name. Psa. 71:4
14.Father, please destroy every spirit of defilement among our youth, in Jesus
name. 2Sam.13:10-14
15.Father, as your wind blows this year, please cloth all our youth with the
garment of humility, in Jesus name. 1Pet. 5:5
DAY 18 – Sun, Jan 28th, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Math.28:18-20.
The redeemed Christian church of God is a Pentecostal church founded in Lagos,
Nigeria in 1952, with a covenant between the founder and God that the church
will expand to all countries of the world. To indeed achieve the kingdom
mandate of God for the church we need to pray more.
1. Father, thank you for your mercy that endure forever over RCCG in Jesus
name. Ps.136:1
2. Father, thank you for the divine presence of the Holy spirit in RCCG in
Jesus name. Act.2:4
3. Father, please let the spirit of unity reign in your church in Jesus name.
Psa. 133:1, Act.2:1
4. Father, i come against every spirit of stagnation and slumber working
against the growth of RCCG in Jesus name.
5. Father, every plantation you have not planted in your church let it be
uprooted by fire in Jesus name. Matt 15:13
6. Father, every spirit of Achan troubling your church silence them in Jesus
name. Jos. 7:25
7. Father, every spirit of Jezebel initiating women into secret cults, we uproot
it by fire and let dogs eat her corpse in Jesus name
8. Father, awake your Church from deep slumbering in Jesus name. Isa
9. Father, send down the fire of revival upon your Church as in the days of
old in Jesus name. Hab.3:2.
10. Father, renew and refresh your ministers so that they will run away from
carnality in the discharge of their duties and responsibilities in Jesus
name. Eze.36:26-27.
11. Father, help your ministers in RCCG to always seek after your kingdom
and its righteousness in Jesus name. Math.6:33
12. Father, by your mercy, uproot from your Church every agent of disunity
in Jesus name. Math.15:13.
13. Father, by the power of the cross of Calvary, unite your Church RCCG
globally back to you in one body in Jesus name. Eph.2:16.
14. Father, overwhelm your Church RCCG globally with the divine power of
oneness, togetherness and unity of purpose in Jesus name. John.17:20-23.
15. Father, let your wind blow in my favour, my family, your church and my
nation in Jesus name.
DAY 19 – Mon, Jan 29th, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa. 55:22, 1Pet. 5:7
Depression is a state of being downcast or in deep sorrow. Sometimes it leads to
suicide. Believers have the grace of His word that cheers us up whenever
depression is about to set in. That is why we must not stop meditating on His
1. Father, thank you for your promises to terminate every spirit of depression in
Jesus name. Isa.41:10
2. Father, thank you for making me righteous and hearing my cry and saving
me from every trouble in Jesus name Ps. 34:17.
3. Father, thank you for saving me from the spirit of depression you did not
allow me to die in it you heard my cry and came for my rescue in Jesus name
Ps. 4:1-3.
4. Father, please remove from us the spirit of depression in Jesus name Ps.
5. Father, help us to maintain the right spirit you have given us in Jesus name.
2Tim 1:7
6. Father, let every satanic chain of poverty and sickness be destroyed by fire in
our families in Jesus name. Isa.10:27.
7. Father, let every spirit of retardation that causes depression in our families be
destroyed by fire in Jesus name Gen 42:38, 44:29
8. Father, because You are the way go before me and be with me, do not fail
nor forsake me in Jesus name. John 14:6
9. Father, terminate fear and depression in my life and family in Jesus name.
Deut. 31:8.
10.Father, you are my shield and the lifter up of my head, I decree: depression
is not a god in my life in Jesus name Ps. 3:3.
11.Father, please never allow any spirit of depression to cast me down in Jesus
name. Ps. 42:11.
12.Father from now on deliver me from the spirit of anxieties and depression
that can cause suicide in the name of Jesus. 1 Peter 5:7.
13.Father, please remind me that the death and resurrection of Jesus has set
me free from depression and defeat in the name of Jesus.
14.Father, remind me that l am a champion over depression in the name of
15. Father, let your wind blow in favour of my divine lifting and repositioning in
Jesus name. Job.22:29.
DAY 20 – Tue, Jan 30th, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Gen. 1:28, John: 15:5
Productivity(fruitfulness) is one of the mandate God gave to His children. it is
not negotiable; it is a command. and if you are a true child of God all you need
to do in order to be productive is to abide in the Lord who gave the command,
1. Father, I thank you for all your mercies I have enjoyed over the labour of
my hands in Jesus name.
2. Father, please deliver me and my family from the spirit of unproductivity in
the name of Jesus Deut. 1:40-46.
3. Father, you are the source of productivity, i hide in you, help me to be
productive in my career in Jesus name.
4. Father, in my career help me to be faithful, for it is required of a steward
to be found faithful in Jesus name. 1 Cor. 4:2.
5. Father, help me to pursue my career according to your standard for the
glory of Your name in Jesus name Col. 3:17, 23.
6. Father, in all my career let me seek the kingdom of heaven first in the
name of Jesus. Matt. 6: 33.
7. Father, help me to abide in you at all-time never to allow anything to
disconnect me in Jesus name John. 15:5.
8. Father, in this evil day, please strengthen me to walk wisely making the
best use of my time in Jesus name Phil 4:13, Eph. 1:5.
9. Father, in my career grant me wisdom so that my light will shine brighter
than my mates to your glory in Jesus name. Dan 1:20, Matt. 5:16.
10. Father, as your hand was with Isaac let your hand be with me for favour
and all round fruitfulness in Jesus name. Gen 26:2-14
11. Father, in my career help me to always have a positive influence on the
people in Jesus name.
12. Father, help me to always think of being a blessing to others in the name
of Jesus. Ep. 2:10.
13. Father, give me a heart committed to serve like Jesus in Jesus name
Matt. 20:26-28.
14. Father, in my career help me to enjoy the fruit of my labour, may l not
disappear before my glory will appear in the name of Jesus Eccl. 3:13.
15. Father, as your wind blows, no matter how hard the situation, may I
never quit or give up in trusting in you in Jesus name Prov 24:10,
Heb 10:38
DAY 21 – Wed, Jan 31st, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Hab.3:2
For there to be revival in the church of God, the church must become very
prayerful. It is only prayer that can bring about the expected revival that will
make the church stand out in Jesus name.
1. Father, we thank you for the past revivals we have enjoyed in our
generation in Jesus name.
2. Father send down the fire of revival in your church again, like the days of
old, in Jesus name. Hab. 3:2
3. Father, awake your church from deep slumber in Jesus name. Eph.5:14.
Isa. 51:9
4. Father let there be fresh fire, fresh anointing, fresh unction upon your
church, in Jesus name. Acts. 1:8, 2:1-4.
5. Father give new strength, new live, new energy to your church at this end
time, in Jesus name. Ps. 84:7, Isa. 40:31
6. Holy Spirit, send down your fire to our revival programs, in Jesus name.
Acts 2:1-4.
7. Father let there be life miracles that will make people believe you and you
alone, in Jesus name. John 4:48, 5:1-9
8. Father, release you anointing of healing into your church, let the blind see,
let the lame work, let the dumb speak, let the deaf hear and the dead rise
in Jesus name. Acts. 19:11-12.
9. Father, let our mind be genuinely renewed for your Holy Spirit, in Jesus
name. Eph. 4:22-23.
10. Father, every power working to make us what you have not created us to
be, Holy Ghost Fire consume them now, in Jesus name.
11. Father, every inherited strange behaviour and habits in our lives working
against our personal revival be destroyed by the fire of the Holy Ghost in
Jesus name. Jer. 31:29.
12. Father, every virtue, blessings, I have lost because I gave my life to you
be restored by fire in Jesus name. Joel.2:25.
13. Father, whatever the enemy has stolen from me become fire in their camp
and be returned to me in Jesus name. 1Sam.5:1-7.
14. Father, as your wind blows, restore to me every divine virtue, I and every
member of my family have lost for the past years, in Jesus name.
15. Father, as your wind is blowing, every powers of darkness in my country
(put your country) working against the revival of the church be destroyed
by fire in Jesus name. Judg. 6:25-27.
DAY 22 – Thurs, Feb 1st, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Dan. 12:4, Job 5:12, Prov. 18:9
Social media has lots of advantages, but there is a darker side of social media
that is gradually competing with the benefits. This includes; cyberbullying,
revenge porn, cyber-crime, addiction, and mental issues that appear to be
growing as a result of excessive and improper use of social media. Let us arise
to pray that our people will not be victims of these vices in Jesus name
1. Lord we thank you for the fulfillment of the increase of knowledge in this
generation in Jesus’ name. Dan 12:4
2. Lord we thank you for the release of knowledge to provide solutions to all our
challenges in Jesus’ name.
3. Lord will thank you for your excellent spirit Dan 5:12, that you have made
our portion in Jesus’ name.
4. Thank you, Father, for not just giving us wisdom but understanding and
helping us in the application of this wisdom in Jesus’ name. Dan 2:21
5. Lord we rely on you for a long-lasting solution to all the vices, and atrocities
that social media and technology have brought to us in Jesus’ name.
6. Father, we agree that knowledge is from you, every demon manipulating your
original intention of knowledge increases, be frustrated and disgraced in
Jesus’ name. Jas 1:17
7. Every power that has turned your good gift to mankind into a bad gift be
disgraced now in Jesus’ name. Jas 1:17
8. Lord arise and save our children from the spirit of worldliness in Jesus’ name.
9. Every demon in charge of social media manipulation we dethrone you in the
name of Jesus.
10.Every evil intention behind social media and technology be exposed and
disgraced in Jesus name, Job 5:12
11. My children (names of your children) will not be a victim of social media
destruction in Jesus’ name. Prov 18:9
12.Lord deliver our children and youths from the foolishness of social media in
Jesus’ name. Prov 18:2
13. Lord help our people to be more diligent, dedicated, and committed to their
jobs, careers, ministry, and family, than social media, in Jesus’ name.
Prov 18:9
14. Lord we pulled down and destroyed every evil altar that social media has
built in the hearts of our people in Jesus’ name.
15. Father, as you wind is blowing, help our people to devote more time and
energy to bible study, prayers, praises, and things of your kingdom than
social media, in Jesus’ name.
DAY 23 – Fri, Feb 2nd, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S) Gal. 3:13, Col. 2:14-15,
Curse is the invocation of all forces in heaven, all the forces on the earth, and all
the forces underneath the earth to work against someone. Invocation to cause
harm or injury. It is high time we prayed this evil virtue off our lives and let the
wind of the Holy Spirit blow it away.
1. Father, thank you for being made a curse for me. Gal. 3:13-15.
2. Father thank you for redeeming me from the curse of the law.
3. Father, let all hidden curses sponsoring sorrow into my life be destroyed in
Jesus name
4. Father, let all bloodline curses in my foundation be demolished in Jesus’
5. Father, by the blood of Jesus Christ, I receive redemption from any evil
curses walking against me in Jesus’ name
6. Father, let all curses that will not allow me to manifest my glory be
destroyed in Jesus’ name
7. Father, let any curse that buried my Glory be nullified by the blood of
Jesus Christ in Jesus name
8. Father, let all curses that turn my gain to pain catch fire in Jesus’ name
9. Generational curses that buried my father and want to bury me, you are a
liar scatter by fire in Jesus’ name
10. Curses that have vowed to reduce me to a slave be destroyed in Jesus’
11. Father convert all my curses to blessings in Jesus’ name
12. In the name of Jesus, I blot out every ordinance of curses written against
me in Jesus name.
13. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I break and cancel every curse I
inherited from generations before me from my family in Jesus’ name
14. By the blood of Jesus, I am exempted from curses placed upon my family
and ancestor in Jesus name.
15. Father, as your wind is blowing, stop and delete every curse placed
upon me from my mother’s womb in Jesus’ name
DAY 24 – Sat, Feb 3rd, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Gen. 1:3, Ps. 4:6, 27:1
Light is a source of spiritual or mental illumination. When light shines, darkness
disappears. Jesus is the light of the world. John 1:4-5
1. Father, we thank you for Jesus Christ; the Light of the world in Jesus’ name.
John 8:12
2. Father thank you for shining your light of glory into my life in Jesus’ name.
3. The light of my glory arises and shine in Jesus’ name
4. Light of God shine into my foundation in Jesus’ name
5. Father let there be light in our homes, families, and nation in Jesus’ name
6. Darkness in the church of God expires in the name of Jesus
7. Father let your light drive away every darkness in my life and home in Jesus’
8. Father show to the World that you are my light and salvation in Jesus’ name.
Ps. 27:1
9. Father lighten my life to shine for you in Jesus name Ps. 18:28
10.Oh Lord terminate darkness globally in Jesus name.
11.Father permanently disgrace the work of darkness against the gospel in
Jesus name.
12.Gates of darkness be lifted in my life in Jesus name.
13.Father send the light of the gospel to deliver the world in Jesus name.
14.Father make my life to shine your light until I see you in Glory in Jesus
15.Father, as your wind blows, let there be light in my favour, my family, your
church and my nation.
DAY 25 – Sun, Feb 4th, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Pro. 10:15, 20:13, 23:21, 28:19
Poverty is the state of being poor. Poverty exists when people lack the means to
satisfy their basic needs. Poverty is never for a child of God and you must stand
against it in prayers as the wind of is blowing.
1. Father, thank you for your provisions for my life in Jesus’ name. Psa 103:2
2. Father thank you for becoming poor that I may be rich in Jesus’ name
2Co 8:9
3. Father, thank you for supplying my needs according to your riches in glory in
Jesus’ name. Phi 4:19
4. Power sponsoring poverty in my life be rooted by fire in Jesus name.
Mat 15:13
5. Every garment of poverty in my life catch fire in Jesus name
6. Poverty in my foundation die in Jesus name
7. Father, silence every voice of poverty speaking against my life in Jesus name.
8. Father in the name of Jesus Christ I come against the spirit of poverty in my
life by fire
9. Oh Lord arise and deliver me and my family from poverty by fire in Jesus
10.Father as your wind is blowing, destroy poverty in my foundation in Jesus
11.Father, as you wind is blowing, restore to me my financial Glory in Jesus
12.Father, let -your wind blows and let the root of poverty in my foundation
be uprooted and wither by fire in Jesus name
13. In the name of Jesus Christ oh Lord destroy by fire every weapon of
poverty fired against my life in Jesus name. Isa 54:17
14. Every dark power sitting on my prosperity die in Jesus name
15. Father, as your wind blowing, take away poverty from my life, I possess my
abundance and wealth in Christ Jesus. 2Co 9:8
DAY 26 – Mon, Feb 5th, 2024 Full Version Of RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Ex. 21:22-23, Ps. 127:3, Ex. 20:13, Mt. 5:21,
Abortion can be termed as the deliberate termination. Expulsion – forcing
someone out of a place. In this context, it is the premature termination of
pregnancy from the womb. God, categorically commanded; “thou shall not kill”.
1. Father, thank you that our parents did not abort us in Jesus’ name.
2. Father have mercy on anyone who has committed abortion in Jesus’ name.
3. Father deliver the church from the spirit of murder in Jesus’ name.
4. By your mercy oh Lord rescue those under the bondage of abortion in Jesus’
5. Father, deliver this generation from the sin of abortion in Jesus’ name.
6. Father, intervene in the affairs of nations that legalize abortion and cause a
reversal in Jesus’ name.
7. Father, pull down the altar of sexual immorality in our nations and destroy
them in Jesus’ name.
8. The Spirit of Jezebel ruling in this generation be aborted & destroyed in
Jesus’ name.
9. Power programmed to abort our breakthrough catch fire in Jesus’ name.
10.Sodom and Gomora spirit behind this generation be destroyed by the fire of
the Holy Ghost in Jesus’ name.
11.Father restore all destinies that have been vandalized by sexual immorality
in Jesus’ name.
12.Power targeted to destroy our children right from their mothers’ wombs die
in Jesus’ name.
13.Evil enemy of our children’s future catch fire in Jesus’ name.
14.Father deliver your children from the spirit of abortion in Jesus’ name.
15.Father, as your wind is blowing, let your judgment come upon all the people
sponsoring abortion in Jesus’ name.
DAY 27 – Tue, Feb 6th, 2024 Of RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Deut. 32:51-52. John.5:7
Failure at the edge of success is a bad spirit that is assigned to truncate the
destinies of the children of God. A case study is that of Moses in Deut. 32:51-
52, when he smote the rock instead of speaking to it, he only saw the Promised
Land but did not enter.
1. Father, I thank you for the gift of life through the death of our Lord Jesus
2. Father, I repent of the sins of disobedience and anger, in Jesus’ name.
3. Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over my life and family, in Jesus’ name.
4. Father, please deliver me from the spirit of anger, in Jesus’ name.
5. Father, by the authority in the name of Jesus I command every evil force that
will cause me to fail at the edge of my breakthrough to be paralyzed in Jesus
6. Father, let every provocation that will cause me to fail at the edge of my
success be cut off in the name of Jesus.
7. Father, frustrate and disappoint every enemy of my success in Jesus name
8. Father give me the grace to be at the right place at the right time in the
name of Jesus.
9. Father, as your wind blows, let my enemies be caught by their own net that
they have set for me and fall into the pit of failure they have dug for me in
Jesus name. Eccl 10:8
10.Father, as your wind blows, I receive the anointing to finish well and finish
strong in Jesus name
11.Father, as your wind is blowing, I command every wall of Jericho before me
to be demolished in Jesus name.
12.Father, I shall succeed, nothing shall pull me down in Jesus name.
13.Father, I refuse to be a fool in the hand of the devil in Jesus name.
14.Father, as you helped Peter to overcome failure at the edge of success, help
me to overcome in Jesus name. Luke.5:3-7.
15.Father, as your wind is blowing, break every curse of failure at the edge of
success in my life, in Jesus name.
DAY 28 – Wed, Feb 7th, 2024 Of RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): John. 17:17, Exodus. 19:10-20.
Sanctification is the process of deliberately studying the word of God and living
by His instructions, especially when faced with the temptation to do the wrong
thing. When you are sanctified, you will hate iniquity.
1. Father, thank you for the salvation of my soul in Jesus name.
2. Father, we repent of our ignorance and sins of compromise, in Jesus name.
3. Father, in any way we have made you too small in our eyes please have
mercy on us, in Jesus name.
4. Father, please sanctify us with your word in Jesus name
5. Father, take away stony hearts from us and give us hearts of flesh in Jesus
name. Eze. 36:26
6. Father, help me to live a Holy life unto you, please give me the grace to live
a consecrated life unto you in Jesus name.
7. Father, please Lord put a deep hunger for your word in me so that I can be
sanctified to win the marathon race to heaven, in Jesus name.
8. Father, I offer you my daily life’s activities, help me not to conform to the
standards of this world in the name of Jesus. Rom 12:2
9. Oh Lord let my daily focus be upon you, take away every distraction from me
so that my life can bring glory unto you in Jesus name.
10.Father, teach me to live each moment and day conscious of your presence in
my life in Jesus name.
11.Father, purify me like gold so that I can fulfill my purpose on earth in Jesus
12.Father, let your wind blowing, help me to refrain my feet from every evil way
so that I will keep your word in Jesus name. Ps.119:101.
13.Father, let only your counsel concerning my destiny stand in Jesus name.
Lam. 3:27
14.Father, I scatter the evil network of witchcraft manipulation over my destiny
in Jesus name.
15.Father, as your wind is blowing, paralyze every evil hand and leg confusing
my destiny in Jesus name
DAY 29 – Thurs, Feb 8th, 2024 Of RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Proverbs. 29:18, Joel 2:28, 2:28, 10:14
What is vision? Vision is the ability to see, it is sight or eyesight. It is something
that you imagine or a picture that you see or dream of. Vision can be truncated
or manipulated if concentrated prayers are not engaged by the carrier of the
1. Father thank you for the gift of vision in Jesus name.
2. Father, pour your spirit upon all people and cause our young men to see
vision of heaven in Jesus name. Joel.2:28
3. Oh Lord open and enlighten our eyes of understanding to see the invisible in
the name of Jesus.
4. Father, deliver us from spiritual blindness in the name of Jesus.
5. Father, give us visions concerning our nation and our families and cause us to
attend to every vision you give to us in the name of Jesus.
6. Father, sharpen our spiritual antenna to see the visions that will deliver us
from perishing in Jesus’ name.
7. Father, let all the good visions you have given to us concerning your church
and our nation no longer tarry in the name of Jesus. Hab.2:2-3.
8. Father, cause all the good vision you have given to your church to manifest
speedily in Jesus name
9. Father, we cancel all the negative visions, we have had concerning our lives
and families or nation in Jesus’ name.
10.Father, I call forth my breakthrough to come to manifestation now in the
name of Jesus.
11.Father, give us visions and revelations concerning the times and seasons we
are in now so that the church can wake up to her responsibilities in Jesus’
12.Father, as your wind is blowing, give us divine interpretation as you gave to
Daniel and Joseph so that we will know what to do at the appropriate time in
Jesus’ name
13.Father let every area of my life that is experiencing darkness receive your
divine light and new vision in Jesus’ name.
14.Father, every destiny destroyer assigned against me in the form of seducers,
the spirit of sexual immorality, alcoholism, smoking, cultism, and addiction
be disappointed, frustrated, and paralyzed now in Jesus’ name.
15.Father, as your wind is blowing, let your mercy open my spiritual eyes to see
into my future and give me the grace to run with new vision in Jesus’ name,
DAY 30 – Fri, Feb 9th, 2024 Of RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Jer 1:4-12, Eph. 2:10
You are here on earth for a special purpose, you are specially designed by God
to fulfill a purpose. You are not designed to live an ordinary life or to be a victim
of circumstances. Destiny is God’s purpose for your life which can be destroyed,
truncated, exchanged, stolen, diverted, or buried by evil forces, due to sin, but
the good news is that it can be restored through quality repentance and prayers.
1. Father I thank you for the salvation of my soul in Jesus’ name. Joh. 3:16.
2. Father, have mercy on me and forgive all my sins of disobedience and Luke
warmness in Jesus name
3. Father, arise and destroy every evil force assigned to waste and destroy my
destiny and the destinies of the members of my family in Jesus’ name.
4. Father, devour the devourers of my destiny and the destiny of your church in
the name of Jesus. Jer.30:16-17
5. Father, as your wind is blowing, empower me to overcome every temptation
that will hinder me from fulfilling my destiny in Jesus’ name. Gen. 35:22,
6. Father, let you wind blow and restore unto me the joy of my salvation in the
name of Jesus. Ps.51:12
7. By the power of the resurrection of Jesus, I command every buried destiny in
my family to rise up in Jesus’ name, Eze. 37:12-14.
8. Father, you enabled Esther, Joseph, and Levi to fulfill their destinies, please
help me to fulfill my destiny in you in the name of Jesus.
9. Father, thank you for making me your special masterpiece in Jesus’ name.
10.Father, as your wind is blowing let me live a life of destiny fulfilment in
Jesus name
11.Father, as your wind is blowing, let that your very purpose for my life be
accomplished in Jesus name
12.Father, let your wind blows and contend with every enemy of my destiny in
Jesus name. Ps.35:1
13.Father, let my star come out of obscurity and shine for the glory of the Lord
has risen upon me in Jesus name.
14.Father frustrate every evil plan of the enemy to abort your purpose for my
life, in Jesus name.
15.Father, as your wind blows over me, I refuse to be a failure in life in Jesus
DAY 31 – Sat, Feb 10th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Ezekiel 9:4-5, Gen, 4:15, Ps. 105:14-15, Gal 6:17
The first mark on man’s body was put by God on Cain. It was to enable him to
serve the punishment of being a fugitive successfully for killing his brother Abel.
Marks can be positive or negative, visible or invisible. We need to pray to
eradicate the effect of evil marks in our lives.
1. Father, we thank you for your mercy over our lives in Jesus name.
2. Father, get rid of every aspect of rebellion in my life, I surrender my life to
Christ in Jesus name
3. Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over my body, soul and spirit in Jesus
name. Rev. 12:11
4. Father, let the blood of Jesus blot out all evil marks from my life, in Jesus’
name. Col. 2:14-15
5. Father I plead the blood of Jesus into my foundation, in Jesus’ name.
6. Father, let the blood of Jesus uproot and wash away the source of every evil
mark in my life and family in the name of Jesus.
7. Father, every satanic mark in my body soul and spirit be erased now in the
name of Jesus.
8. Father, every circle of sorrow and tears in my life, be broken in the name of
9. Father, you answered Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, if my name is attracting
evil to me, oh God give me a new name, in Jesus’ name.
10.Father, every mark of “receiving and losing” working against my life be
erased now in Jesus’ name.
11.You power of incision or tribal marks working against my destiny be
destroyed now by the power in the blood of Jesus in Jesus’ name.
12.Father, let your wind blow away every power chasing away good thing from
me, be paralyzed by fire in Jesus’ name.
13.Father, from now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body
the marks of the Lord Jesus in Jesus’ name. Gal.6:17.
14.Father, let my glory reject every form of satanic manipulation, evil exchange,
or evil transfer in Jesus’ name.
15. Father, your wind is blowing, let the blood of Jesus that washes whiter than
snow, wash away every evil mark in my body in Jesus’ name.
DAY 32 – Sun, Feb 11th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Mathew 27:52-53, 28:1-7, 18-20.
Resurrection is the bringing back to live of what is dead. It is coming to life of
the dead. Jesus Christ promised resurrection and He resurrected on the third
day. We need to pray that we all will resurrect with Him at His second coming
and if anything is dead in our lives they should also resurrect.
1.Father thank you for the resurrection power of your son our Lord Jesus in our
lives and churches in Jesus name. 1 Thes. 5:18.
2.Father help us not to miss the resurrection at the last day, in Jesus name.
Matt. 25:13.
3.Father let your mercy remove any thing that can hinder our resurrection on
the last day in Jesus name. Rom. 9:15.
4.Father we overcome by the blood of Jesus any sin that can hinder our
resurrection on the last day, in Jesus name. Rev.12:11.
5.Father we pray for abundant grace to genuinely repent and forsake any sin
that can hinder our resurrection, in Jesus name. 2Cor.12:9.
6.Father let there be resurrection of glory in all our churches, in Jesus name.
2Chro.5:13-14, Eze. 44.4.
7.Father we claim the resurrection of the glory of our nation, in Jesus name.
Hab. 2:14.
8.Father let all dead glory in my life resurrect, in Jesus name. Jn.11:25-26.
9.Lord Jesus, let the power of the Holy ghost in the church be ignited, in Jesus
name. Act. 1:8.
10.Father, restore back the power for signs and wonders to us, in Jesus name.
11.Father, restore back the power to pray and pray through to your church, in
Jesus name. 1Thes. 5:17, Lk.18:1.
12.Oh Lord let good thing that is dead in our lives be resurrected by fire in Jesus
name. Jn.11:44.
13.Father, let every dying faith in the church resurrect, in Jesus name. Rom.
Isa.40:29, Jam.2:17.
14.Father, as your wind blows, let every grave assigned to prevent resurrection
of our glory and blessings break into pieces now, in Jesus name. Ps.2:9.
15.Father as your wind blows, open our graves to facilitate resurrection of any
good things dead in us, in Jesus name. Eze 37:12
DAY 33 – Mon, Feb 12th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Jos 6:1-5
Wall is a structure carefully put in place to restrict movement or to prevent
trespasses. It could serve either positive or negative purposes, as the wind is
blowing, every wall blocking your advancement will fall down.
1.Father we thank you for raising walls of impossibilities against our enemies in
Jesus name. Phi. 4:6.
2.Father every wall blocking my progress, I command them to fall now, in Jesus
name. Jos. 6:20
3.Father every wall preventing me from accessing my blessing collapse and fall
now, in Jesus name. LK.10:18.
4.Father every wall of protection and peace of my enemies, I command it to be
withdrawn now, in Jesus name. Pro. 11:21, Zeph. 1:15-18.
5.Father I command any wall of corruption in my (insert your nation) nation to
fall, in Jesus name. Heb. 11:30.
6.Father every wall of barrenness in any of our churches, break into pieces now,
in Jesus name. Exo 23:26.
7.Father any wall of poverty in our society, we command you to collapse now, in
Jesus name. 2 Cor. 8:9.
8.Father surround us with your presence as a wall of fire in Jesus name. Zech.
9.Father build a wall of defense around your children in religious volatile
countries in Jesus name. Ps. 125:2
10.Father every wall of stagnation in my life expire now in Jesus name.
11.Father set watchmen over the wall of marriages of your people, in Jesus
name. Isa.62:6.
12. Father, set wall against devourers in the lives of faithful tithe payers, in
Jesus name. Mal 3:11.
13. Father, let every national wall against the spread of your light go down, in
Jesus name.
14. Father, your wind is blowing, fortify the wall protecting the heart of your
people against contamination, in Jesus name. Pro 4:23
15. Father, as your wind blows, break the yoke of immoralities in your churches
all over the world, in Jesus name. 1 Cor.6:18-19.
DAY 34 – Tue, Feb 13th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa. 24:7-10.
Gates are openings that provide or restrict access to a place or something.
Whoever keeps the gate determines what comes to a place and what goes out of
the place. It is a dangerous thing for one’s enemy to possess his gate. On the
opposite, it is a victory to possess the gate of one’s adversary. Gates are also a
place of decisions making. We need to pray against every evil gate.
1. Father, we thank you because gates will be lifted up for you our king of glory
to come into our lives, in Jesus name. Ps.24:7-10.
2. Father, I command every gate to opportunity and breakthrough be open now
in Jesus name. Ps. 118:19-20.
3. 3. Father, every gate of evangelism in all nations is commanded to open
now, in Jesus name. Pro.11:32, Matt. 28:19-20.
4. Father, we command the gate of fruitfulness to open to all barren women in
our nations, in Jesus name. Gen. 1:28.
5. Father, we command the gate of opportunities to open to our youths in their
carriers, in Jesus name. Dan.11:32.
6. Father let the gates of unrighteousness in all our nations be lifted for
righteousness to reign in Jesus name. Prov.14:34.
7. Father let the gate of disunity in the body of Christ here on earth be uprooted
in Jesus name. Ps. 133:1-3.
8. Father use the blood of Jesus to nullify every dark blood sacrifice offered at
the gates of our nations demanding ransom in Jesus name. Heb.12:24.
9. Father unseat the evil and invisible gate men closing the gates of our nation
against God blessings in Jesus name. Isa.60:11.
10.Father with the key of David we lock every gate of infirmity, and sudden
death in our families in Jesus name. Rev.3:7.
11.Father I command the gate of bloodshed and war in the nations of the world
to cease in Jesus name. Deut. 19:10, Prov.23:18.
12.Father every gate that is opened for the sales of human organs in the nations
| of the world be shut permanently in Jesus name. Rev:3:7, Lev. 19:28.
13.Father every multitude of evil that have entered our nations because the
gates were widely open, angels of God locate them and throw them out in
Jesus name. Matt.15:13.
14.Father please as your wind is blowing, place your flaming sword over all the
gates to our nation to cut down and root out all enemies in Jesus name.
15.Father, as your wind is blowing, let the gate of my nation be that of
thanksgiving, salvation and praise in Jesus name. Isa. 60:18
DAY 35– Wed, Feb 14th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Isa19:14
Drugs are meant to provide solution to problems if applied as recommended by
professionals. However, some people are deceived to abuse these drugs by
taking prescription from unlearned operators while other did it intentionally. The
effect of the abuse or addiction to drugs are very devastating
1. Father, we thank you for your mercy over us in Jesus name. Lam.3:22-23.
2. Father, we paralyze the spirit behind drugs abuse and addictions, in Jesus
name. Isa.54:17.
3. Father, every power oppressing our youths with addiction is judged, in Jesus
name. Isa. 49:26.
4. Father, deliver our youth from the stronghold of addiction, in Jesus name. 2
5. Holy spirit, restore the understanding of our youth to know what they should
do with their lives and health, in Jesus name. Isa. 11:3.
6. Father, expose all those exposing our children to drug abuse, in Jesus name.
7. Father, every agent using our children to traffic drugs be exposed and
disgraced in Jesus name. Col. 2:14-15, Lk.22:3.
8. Father, expose and disgrace all those giving wrong prescription to innocent
citizens, in Jesus name. Ps.44:15, Isa. 45:16.
9. Holy spirit, expose and disgrace all the producers of fake drugs in all nations,
in Jesus name. Ps. 6:10.
10.Father, restore sanity to all affected by these vices, in Jesus name. 3 Jn. 2,
11.Father, send help to all that needed help to come out of this menace in Jesus
name. Ps. 121:1-2.
12.Father break the yoke of drug and addiction from the neck of our children
and this generation in Jesus name. Nah.1:13, Isa.10:27.
13.Father disconnect and deliver our children from every evil association, peer
and social group where they are sold out to drug and addiction in Jesus
name. Joel 2:32.
14.Father the spirit behind drug and addiction assigned to waste this generation
I command you to be arrested and chained in the bottomless pit in Jesus
name. Rev. 20:1.
15.Father as your wind is blowing, let all agents and perpetrators of drug abuse
be blown away in Jesus name
DAY 36– Thurs, Feb 15th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Heb. 11:1& 6, Mar. 9:23.
Situations of life has drifted so many Christians away from God, they no long
trust the power of God and what He can do. Knowing that faith is the substance
of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Still, their hope has been
deferred and their heart is sick. But there is hope and healing if we can be
patient, read and believe the word of God joy awaits us.
1. Father, we thank you for the grace to have faith in you and your word, in
Jesus name. 1 Chro. 29:13.
2. Holy Ghost give me understanding to build my faith, in Jesus name. Jud.
3. Father, I resist every device of Satan to take the Word from me, in Jesus
name. Jam.4:7.
4. Holy Spirit, always prepare my heart to receive the word, in Jesus name.
Ps. 51:10.
5. Father, take every heart of stone away from me, and give me the heart of
flesh that is receptive to your word in Jesus name. Eze.36:26
6. Lord by your grace, the affairs of this world will not choke your word in my
heart in Jesus name. Matt.13:22.
7. Father please give me the gift of faith to move mountains and do exploit
for you in Jesus name. 1 Cor.12:9.
8. Father any power that attacks faith will not prosper in my life, in Jesus
name. 1 Pet.5:8.
9. Father let my faith grow from seed to great level, in Jesus name. Lk. 17:6,
Mat. 8:10.
10. Father my faith will not fail me on the day of adversity, in Jesus name.
11. Father as your wind is blowing, by faith I covenant my unborn and born
generation to the Almighty God in Jesus name. Rom. 4:17.
12. Father by faith I decree every sick person in any hospital bed receive your
healing and be made whole in Jesus name. Ps.34:19, 1 Pet.2:24.
13. Father please increase the faith of every believer for exploit in soul
winning and evangelism in Jesus name. Mk.16:20.
14. Father please as we study your word daily please increase our faith to
take the nations of the world for you in name of Jesus. 2Tim.2:15,
15. Father as your wind is blowing and as we draw faith from your word,
let signs and wonders accompany our faith every day in Jesus name.
DAY 37 – Fri, Feb 16th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Exo 14:19 & 22
At the peak of the heat for Israel in Egypt and in between forces of Pharaoh and
the red Sea, God used a joker. “The Wind” The wind blew in favour of God’s
children and in terror of His enemies. The question is: Are you on the Lord side?
1. Father, we acknowledge You as the Almighty, the “Unchangeable Changer”
2. We thank you Lord for the positive changes, salvation has brought upon our
lives and destinies in Jesus name. Isa 12:3
3. Father, we thank You for reigning in the affairs of our nation at all times.
Dan 4:32
4. Father, we thank You for being our help in ages past and our hope for the
years to come.
5. Father, the wind that is blowing, let it blow in my favour in Jesus name
6. Father, deliver me from error and sins that will set me against You in Jesus
name. Numbers 11:1
7. Father, deliver me from sins of unbelievers and murmuring in Jesus name.
Numbers 11:1
8. Father give me grace to be still in the face of storms in Jesus name.
Exo 14:13
9. Father, as your wind blows, let your pillar blindfold my enemies from seeing
and gaining g access into my domain in Jesus name. Exo 14:19
10. Father, we ask for pillars of protection for all our members against the
onslaught of terrorists and kidnappers in our nation. Exo 14:20
11. Father, because the wind is blowing, make ways for us where there had been
no ways. Exo 14:22
12. Father, as the wind is blowing, connect us to opportunities in Jesus name.
13. Father, give us hearth of gratitude, to always remember your past miracles
in the face of current difficulties in Jesus name. Exo 15:24
14. Father, as the wind is blowing, ground to halt all the chariots of the wicked
pursuers of our destinies in Jesus name. Exo 14:25
15. Father, as Your wind blowing in my favour, I shall sing for joy throughout
this year in Jesus name. Exo 15:1
DAY 38– Sat, Feb 17th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Gen 37:8, 41:1-8, Mat 13:25
Dream is one of the ways through which God communicates with us. However, it
is important to note that Satan also manipulate dreams and can also afflict
through it. Therefore, everyone should pray against evil dreams and cancel
them using Gods word and declare that it shall not stand neither shall it come to
1. Father we thank you for exposing the kingdom of darkness to us through
dreams in Jesus name. Ps.75:1.
2. Father we thank you for directing us through dreams to frustrate the plan of
enemy in Jesus name. Ps. 105:1.
3. Father show me in dream the secret of continuous success in my life, in Jesus
name. Dan.2:22, Deut.29:29.
4. Father frustrate any form of dream manipulation in my life, in Jesus name.
5. Father any evil dream in my life will never manifest, in Jesus name. Isa.7:7.
6. Father I frustrate any attack in the dream by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus
name. Rev.12:11.
7. Father help me to bring my godly dreams to reality, in Jesus name. Jn.
8. Father any power that feed me in the dream to poison me shall be destroyed,
in Jesus name. Mk.16:18.
9. Father, any arrow of affliction and forgetting dreams fired into my life in the
dream is paralyzed and set ablaze in Jesus name. Heb.12:29.
10.Father, any dream of death or backwardness is destroyed in Jesus name.
11.Father deliver me from negative dream that cause me pain and weeping in
Jesus name. Joel. 2:32.
12.Holy spirit empowers us with the gift of interpretation of dream in Jesus
name. Gen. 40:8,12.
13.Lord I decree that I will not die before the fulfillment and enthrone of my
dream in Jesus name. Gen. 41:41-44.
14.Father, as your wind blows, reveal to me the dream of my greatness and give
me the grace to be standing in you until the manifestation in Jesus name.
Gen.37:5-11, Gen. 41:41-44, Gen. 50:18-20.
15.Father, as your wind is blowing, please give me the grace to understand all
visions and dreams in Jesus name. Dan.1:17.
DAY 39– Sun, Feb 18th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Job 37:10-13, Lev 26:19, Psa 147:15-20
Why do we need to pray for climate change? Rising global temperatures are
caused by climate change and bringing big changes across the world. Changes
to weather patterns disrupt harvests and put seasons out of balance, more
unpredictable weather including frequent and intense rain, heat of the sun,
massive floods and droughts and snow quakes put pressure on life, food
supplies, and force people out of their homes and even loss of life.
1. Father we thank you for creating the world, the sun, moon, and other climate
elements. Gen. 1:1-3.
2. Father, we thank you for your help in ages past over turbulent climate change in
Jesus name. 1Thes. 5:18.
3. Father, let your wind blows and help our governments to make laws and
regulations that would make the climate favourable in Jesus name.
4. Lord, as your wind is blowing, forgive our sins that have led to unfavourable
climate and weather conditions, in Jesus name. 1 Jn. 1:9.
5. Oh Lord arise in your mercy and restore every damaged done to this world, in
Jesus name. Joel 2:25.
6. Father, as your wind is blowing, raise for us generation of leaders that will put in
place protective measures against harsh climate change, in Jesus name. Jn.
17:12, Ps. 91:1.
7. Oh Lord arise and take total control of our climate in Jesus name. Ps. 19:1-4.
8. Lord, in your mercy, lead our scientists and engineers to new discovery for a
healthy human presence on the earth, in Jesus name. Lam.3:22.
9. Lord motivate our Leaders in government to take immediate action that will
bring relief from adverse climate change, in Jesus name. Prov. 21:1.
10. Father Lord send divine assistance and help to those affected by adverse
climate change, in Jesus name. Ps. 121:1-2.
11. Lord we bind every demon assigned to scatter the works of creation on
climate and weather with the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. Rev.12:11.
12. Lord Jesus, teach us how to make our world worthy of living before your
return, in Jesus name. Matt.5:1-2, Jn. 14:26.
13. Father grant wisdom to world leaders on climate and weather management,
by providing assistance and relief materials to individuals, families and cities
adversely affected in Jesus name. Jam. 1:5.
14. Father let every spirit of fear of climate change shifting our focus from your
kingdom be terminated by fire in Jesus name. 2 Tim. 1:7.
15.Father, as your wind is blowing, put an end to all forms of natural disaster
against our wellbeing, in Jesus name. Isa.14:15.
DAY 40– Mon, Feb 19th, 2024 RCCG 50 Days Fast PDF 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S) : Lev.10: 9, Num. 6:3
Alcoholism can be referred to as the act of addiction to alcoholic consumption.
Taking alcohol is against the counsel of God. It is sin against God for anyone to
take strong drink or wine.
1. Father we thank You for Your love over my life and my family in the name of
Jesus. Psa. 48:1-2
2. Father, please show me your mercy and rescue me from alcoholism in the name
of Jesus. Psa. 18:50
3. Father, I break and loose myself from every stronghold of alcoholism in my life
in the mighty name of Jesus. Matt.18:18
4. Father, I repent of every sin of alcoholism that is recurring in my life in name of
5. Father, cause a divine separation between me and the spirit of alcoholism in
Jesus name
6. Father, let every arrow of alcoholism fired into my life go back to sender in the
name of Jesus.
7. Father, I cast out every spirit of alcoholism that is still in operation in the life of
any member of my family. In the name of Jesus.
8. Father, as many that secretly take in alcoholism in your church, arrest and save
their souls in the name of Jesus.
9. Father, every spirit of shame and disgrace programmed against my life be
destroyed in the name of Jesus.
10.Father, by your mercy terminate shame in my life in the name of
Jesus Christ.
11.Father, as your wind blows, blow away every spirit assigned to empty my life be
bound and casted out in the name of Jesus. Nah .2:.10.
12.Father, every curse attracted into my life as a result of alcoholism be broken by
the blood of Jesus Rev.12:11, Exo 12:13.
13.Father, as your wind is blowing, in your mercy rescue and restore glories that
have been shattered by alcohol consumption in Jesus name Col.1:27.
14.Father, every spirit of alcohol assigned to waste my life be blown away in the
name of Jesus.
15.Father, as your wind is blowing, let every spirit assigned to waste my resources
be arrested by the fire of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus.
DAY 41– Tues, Feb 20th, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Gen.18:18-19. Prov. 22:6, Eph.6:4
God expect us as parents to train our children in the fear of God. in Psa.127:3 –
the word of God says children are the heritage of the Lord. They are special to
the Almighty God.
1. Father, whatever sin in my life and family lineage that will want to affect
my children’s destiny, I repent of it today and let the blood of Jesus wash
us clean in the name of Jesus.
2. Father, please show your mercy upon all the children you have given me in
Jesus Name.
3. Father, the wisdom I need for me to train up my children in the fear of
God, I receive it in the name of Jesus Prov 22:6
4. Father, plant your fear in the heart of all our children in the mission all
over the world in Jesus name Psa.128:6.
5. Father, liberate all our children that are still under satanic influence that
will work against their destiny in Jesus name. Obad. 1:17, John.8:.32
6. Father, restore to your church, the spirit of excellence in the life of all our
children in RCCG. in Jesus name Joel.2:25
7. Father, every power assigned to destroy the destiny of our children be
bound in the name of Jesus Matt.18:18
8. Father, bestow upon all our parents the grace to be a good example to our
children in the mirror of the word of God in Jesus Name.
9. Father, let all our children in the mission grow in the word of God in the
name of Jesus.
10. Father, let there be agreement and love in all our homes in RCCG
worldwide in Jesus name. Amos 3:3.
11. Father, let every arrow of disagreement fired into marriages in RCCG go
back to sender in the name of Jesus
12. Father, every satanic power that have joined hands together that our
children will never succeed in life be disappointed in the name of Jesus
13. Father, let there be divine separation from every lot that will not allow our
children to fulfil destiny in the name of Jesus
14. Father, establish the heart of all our children in your precepts in the name
of Jesus.
15. Lord Jesus, let your wind blow in favour of godly parenting in your church
and our nation in Jesus name.
DAY 42– Wed, Feb 21st, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): 2 Ki.5:20-27
Deceit can be defined as the act of deceiving. The spirit of deceit is rampant in
the church today and it is high time we prayed against it.
Gehazi, the servant of Prophet Elisha was an example of a man full of deceit.
Gehazi ended up as a leper because of deceit.
1. Father, thank you for exposing the spirit of deceit in the church today in
Jesus name.
2. Father, I repent from every spirit of deceit that is secretly operating in my
life in Jesus name.
3. Father, have mercy on me in any way I have been deceitful to my fellow
brethren in the church and immediate family in Jesus name.
4. Father, every stronghold of deceit in my family background, let it be
destroyed in Jesus name.
5. Father, every curse that has been manifesting in my life as a result of
every act of deceit, be broken in the name of Jesus. Gal 3:13
6. Father, you are the truth and the life, please plant in me the spirit of
righteousness in Jesus name. John 8:32, 36.
7. Father, every covenant I have entered into as a result of the spirit of deceit
in operation in my life, let it be broken in the name of Jesus. Isa, 28:18
8. Father, deliver your church from the spirit of deceit in the name of Jesus.
Col 2:15
9. Father, whatever I have lost as a result of the spirit of deceit in operation
in my life, let it be restored in the name of Jesus. Joel 2:25
10. Father, plant the spirit of holiness in your church in Jesus name.
Lev 11:45
11. Father, sanctify all our ministers and workers in RCCG worldwide in the
name of Jesus. 1 Thess. 5:23
12. Father, arrest the heart of all our brethren in RCCG that are not truly born
again in the name of Jesus. John 3:3-7
13. Father, plant your fear in the heart of all our brethren in RCCG worldwide
in Jesus name. Prov.1:7.
14. Father, let every member of RCCG worldwide grow in faith in the name of
15. Father, let your wind blow away all ungodly friends that will bring
distractions in my walk with you in Jesus name.
DAY 43– Thurs, Feb 22nd, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): John.3:16, 2Cor5:17.
Salvation is the first work of grace. Salvation is the act of complete surrender of
one’s life to our Lord Jesus Christ. To turn away from the old life of sin to a
righteous life of Holiness.
1. Father, I thank you for the salvation of my soul in the name of Jesus (John
3:16, 1 Samuel 2:1).
2. Father, I surrender my life to you in the name of Jesus (Romans 10:13).
3. Father, please visit the foundation of my life and family with your power of
salvation (Psalm 11:3).
4. Father, please visit my family and let all those who are not born again receive
Christ into their lives in the name of Jesus (John 3:3-5).
5. Father, please release the grace to walk with you to me and my family in the
name of Jesus (Ephesians 2:3).
6. Father, please restore the joy of my salvation to me in the name of Jesus
(Nehemiah 8:10).
7. Father, please release the grace to live holy to me and my family in the name
of Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:23).
8. Father, please release the grace to obey your commandments to me in the
name of Jesus (Isaiah 1:19).
9. Father, please restore all backsliders in all our RCCG parishes worldwide by
your saving grace in the name of Jesus (Acts 2:40-41).
10.Father, please release the spirit of the fear of God into all your churches
worldwide (Psalm 2:11).
11.Father, please release the spirit of holiness into all your churches worldwide
in the name of Jesus.
12.Father, please release the spirit of obedience to the word of God into all our
churches worldwide in the name of Jesus.
13.Father, please release the spirit of truth into all our churches worldwide in
the name of Jesus (John 14:6).
14.Father, let your wind of wisdom blow and endow your churches worldwide
with the wisdom of Christ in the name of Jesus.
15.Father, as your wind is blowing, let all backsliders be reconciled to you in
Jesus name. Isa 6:1-5
DAY 44– Fri, Feb 23rd, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Eph. 6:10, Num.23:23, 2Cor.10:4
There is need as Brethren in the church to put on the whole armor of God- we
must not be ignorant of the devices of the devil,
1. Father, I thank you for the power bestowed upon my life as a child of God in
Christ Jesus in Jesus name.
2. Father, I thank you for not allowing the weapons of warfare of the enemy
fashioned against me and my family to prosper in Jesus name’ Isa. 54:17
3. Father, please forgive me of all my sins that have opened the door to the
enemy of my soul in the name of Jesus.
4. Father, I put on the whole armor of God in Jesus name. Eph. 6:12
5. Father, I pull down every stronghold of the devil against my life and family in
Jesus name 2Cor. 10:4
6. Father, I cast down every imagination and every high thing that want to exalt
itself against the knowledge of Christ in my life and family in Jesus name 2
Cor. 10:5
7. Father, every enchantment and divination against my life, let it be brought to
naught in Jesus name. Num 23:23
8. Father, i receive authority and power in Christ Jesus into my life in Jesus
9. Father, every activity of the rulers of darkness against the progress of our
nation, let it be frustrated in Jesus name. Eph. 6:12.
10.Father, I break every curse, covenant and associated problems in operation
in my life in the name of Jesus.
11.Father, I terminate every evil assignment of the enemy against my life,
business, ministry in the name of Jesus.
12.Father, let every tree of non-achievement in my life, receive the axe of God
in the name of Jesus.
13.Father, let every tree you have not planted in your church worldwide be
uprooted in the name of Jesus
14.Father, let every evil spiritual equipment assigned to wage war against my
life be destroyed by the thunder of God in the name of Jesus
15.Father, as your wind is blowing, send your fire upon my foundation and
uproot everything that is working against my destiny in Jesus name.
Psa 11:3
DAY 45– Sat, Feb 24th, 2024
BIBLE TEXT: Heb 5:13, Gal 4:1-3, Eph 5:1.
A spiritually matured Christian is one whose whole character, dispositions,
words, and actions emulate the character of Christ Himself. Ephesians 5:1. God
wants us to be spiritually matured so that we can be diligent in His kingdom
1. Father, thank you for making provision for us to grow spiritually in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, give us the grace to always pant after your word so that we can grow
spiritually in Jesus’ name. Palms 42:1.
3. Father, release into our lives the grace to always thirst and hunger after
righteousness in Jesus’ name. Matthew 5:6.
4. Father, please deliver us from childish ways, of thinking, speaking and doing
things in Jesus’ name. 1 Corinthians 13:11, 1 Corinthians 14:20.
5. Father, please give us the grace to advance onto maturity, perfection and
completeness in Jesus name. Hebrews 6:1.
6. Oh Lord, increase my faith in You so that I will be able to move spiritual
mountains of childish behavior in Jesus’ name. Mark 11:22-23, Luke 17:5.
7. Father, please raise spiritually matured pastors for Your Church so that the flocks
can be properly fed in Jesus’ name. 1 Timothy 3:1-7.
8. Father, as your wind is blowing, please give your Church matured leaders that
can disciple and transform believers to attain the full stature of Christ in Jesus’
name. Ephesians 4:13.
9. Father, lift us up from the level of children so that we will not be carried away by
waves and blown about by every false doctrine and false prophets in Jesus’
name. Ephesians 4:14.
10. Father, give me the grace to be an imitator of God so that I can live out Christ’s
love in the mighty name of Jesus. Ephesians 5:1-2.
11. Father, give me the wisdom and knowledge that will enable me to be
rooted and grounded in Christ’s love in Jesus’ name. Ephesians 3:14-19.
12. Father, help the fivefold ministries you have given to the church to work
cooperatively in unity, to build up the body of Christ so that all can become
spiritually matured in Jesus’ name. Ephesians 4:1-16.
13. Father, give your Church the grace to be clothed with your whole armor so that
we can always stand against the wiles of the devil in Jesus’ name. Eph 6:10.
14. Father, as your wind is blowing, please feed me with your solid food so that I
can be matured enough to discern good and evil in the mighty name of Jesus.
Hebrew 5:12-14.
15. Father, as your wind is blowing, help our faith to be established in You alone in
Jesus name. Col 3:9-10.
DAY 46– Sun, Feb 25th, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Eccl 7:9, Pro 16:32, Gen 49:5-7
The book of Ecclesiastes 7:9 tells that we should not be hasty in the Spirit to get
angry for anger rested in the bosom of fools (KJV). In other words, anger labels
one a fool and makes him act foolishly. (NLT)
1. Father, I thank you for your mercy that endures forever in Jesus’ name.
Palms 136:1.
2. Father, please forgive me for all the foolish ways I have acted and the sin I
have committed due to uncontrolled anger in Jesus’ name.
3. Thank you, father, for being slow to anger and rich in mercy and love in
Jesus’ name. Prov 15:18.
4. Father, give me the grace to always refrain from anger and forsake wrath in
Jesus’ name. Psa 37:8.
5. Father, give me the understanding that will enable me to be slow to anger at
all times in Jesus’ name. Proverbs 14:29
6. Father, please release into me the grace to be quick to hear, slow to speak
and slow to anger in Jesus’ name. Jas 1:19.
7. Father, help me not to sin at any time I am angry in Jesus’ name. Eph 4:26
8. Father, give me the wisdom to always give soft answers that can turn away
wrath and cause peace to prevail in Jesus’ name. Proverbs 15:1.
9. Father, by your grace and mercy, deliver me from all bitterness, wrath,
anger, clamor and slander in Jesus’ name. Eph 4:31.
10.Father, please create in me a clean heart and renew the right spirit within me
in Jesus’ name. Psa 51:10.
11.I bind and cast out every inherited spirit of anger operating in my life and
family in Jesus’ name. Mar 18:18.
12.Father, I pray for grace to forgive and forbear with people at all times in the
mighty name of Jesus. Eph 4:2-3.
13.Father, please restore unto me everything that anger has destroyed in my
life in Jesus’ name. Joel 24-26
14.Father, as your wind is blowing, please restore unto me every broken
relationship as a result of my being angry in Jesus’ name. Prov 22:24
15.Father, let your wind blow in favour of godly parenting in Jesus name.
Eph 6:4.
DAY 47– Mon, Feb 26th, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Isa 1:19, 1Sam 15:22-23, Deut 28:1-14.
God commands us to obey all His commandments Isaiah 1:19-20 Say, “if you be
willing and obedient, ye shall eat the food of the land: but if you refuse and
rebel, ye shall be devoured with sword; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken
it.” To obey is better than sacrifice. 1 Samuel 15-22-23.
1. Father, we thank you for the willingness of our Lord Jesus Christ to die on the
cross for our sins.
2. Father, we thank you the finished work of redemption that you perfected for
us at the cross of Calvary.
3. Father, please forgive us all our sins of disobedience and rebellion in Jesus’
4. Father, we repent of all our sins of partial obedience, please forgive us in
Jesus’ name.
5. Lord Jesus, because of the love you have for me, you died to save me. Please help
me to reciprocate by obeying all your commandments in Jesus’ name. Joh 14:14.
6. Father, I want to remain your friend, please give me the grace to do what
you command in Jesus’ name. John 15:14.
7. Father, give me grace to love you rather than the things of the world in Jesus’
name. 1John 2:15-7.
8. Father, as I commit my work unto you, please establish all my thoughts in
Jesus’ name. Proverbs 16:3.
9. Father, help us not to be only hearers of the word but doers of your word
always in Jesus’ name. Luke 11:28.
10.Father, deliver us from every form of ignorance so that we will not conform
to the evil desires of this world in Jesus’ name. 1 Peter 1:14.
11.Father, please help us to continue to look intently into the perfect law that
gives freedom in Jesus’ name. James 1:25.
12.Father, cause our hearts to be fully committed to you Lord so that we can
live by your degrees and obey your commands always in Jesus’ name.
13.The grace to be committed to You Lord at all cost, please Father release unto
me in Jesus’ name. Mat 10:37.
14.Father, whatever I do, in words or in deed, help me to do it in the name of
the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to You through Him in Jesus’ name. Col 3:17
15.Father, as your wind is blowing, help me to be committed to soul winning in
Jesus name. Isa 6:8.
DAY 48– Tue, Feb 27th, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): Gen 30:22-24, Zech 3:1-5.
Reproach is shame and disgrace that one experiences because of sinful act. It
can also result from persecution for doing what is right. We need to pray it out
of our lives and efforts.
1. Father, thank you for rolling away our reproach in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, in this season, take away the reproach of barrenness from your
Church in Jesus’ name. Exodus 23:26.
3. Father, remember all families trusting you for fruit of the womb this year in
Jesus’ name. Exodus 23:26, Genesis 30:23, Luke 1:24-25.
4. Father, please roll away all reproaches that the sin of my youth has brought
upon my life in Jesus’ name. Joshua 5:9.
5. Father, rule over the heart of leaders in our country that our nation can be
exalted in righteousness in Jesus’ name. Proverbs 14:34.
6. Father, help our young generation to honour their parents in order for them
to live above reproach in Jesus’ name. Proverbs 19:26.
7. Father, help us to be Christ centered and focused in the face of provocation
as we commit ourselves to advancing God’s kingdom in Jesus’ name.
Luke 6:22.
8. Father, let every garment of reproach in my life catch fire and be burnt to
ashes in Jesus’ name.
9. Father, let your wind blow away my reproach and destroy any power
sponsoring reproach in my life in Jesus’ name. Zechariah 3:1-4
10.Oh God arise and frustrate every power attacking my ministry, marriage and
spiritual life in Jesus’ name. Isaiah 49:25.
11.Father, please roll away every reproach and shame that our past sins,
mistakes, wrong choices and failures have brought upon us in Jesus’ name.
Josh 5:9, Rom 3:23.
12.Father, let your wind and blow away every filthy garment bringing reproach
and satanic accusations to my life and that of my family in Jesus’ name.
Zech 3:3-7.
13.Father, as your wind is blowing, please plead the cause of my reproach and
deliver me from every evil plan of my enemies in Jesus’ name. 1Sam 25:39.
14. Father, let your wind blow and let all reproaches be a thing of the past in my
life. Jos 5:9
15. Father, let your wind blow in my favour and reposition me to the mountain
top above me above reproaches In Jesus name.
DAY 49– Wed, Feb 28th, 2024
And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the
Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I
know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or
hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue
thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with
goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and
miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold
tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest
be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint
thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke
and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and
knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and
will sup with him, and he with me.
– Rev 3: 14-20
Let’s set aside some QUALITY time to have a personal prayer and meditation
retreat with God, the source of all revelations, as stated in Deut 29:29.
Take with you a writing pad and pen, and jot down all that you received during
your study of the scriptures, prayers and meditations.
DAY 50 – Thurs, Feb 29th, 2024
BIBLE TEXT(S): 2Ch 20:18-22
Our father in the Lord has stated that one of the requirements for the church to
thrive this year is to engage in aggressive praises and adoration of God
Almighty. This will enable Him to bless us abundantly.
Let us take this last day to organize in all our homes, fellowships, churches,
quality praise and worship sessions/concerts to thank God for the blessings He
has released to us, over these 50 days fasting and prayers, thank God for the
82nd birthday of our noble father in the Lord (Pastor E.A Adeboye) and all the
past, present and future ground breaking testimonies in RCCG.