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Teaching Seris – Understanding the Demands of building noir faith.
Midweek Winners Church 3rd February 2022 – Bishop David OyedepoPraise the Lord I am more than a Conquerors

TOPIC: Understanding the Demands of building noir faith.
Winners Church Theme for March: Am redeemed for the top most top
Genesis 13:15 Deuteronomy 28:1 my son there is a place for you at the top if you are interested the top is open and free but everyone has to make his way there Joshuah 1:8
Fundamentals of Success
Bishop David Oyedepo – Understanding the Demands of Building our Faith.
Salvation is vital you have Christ you have life, you don’t have Christ you don’t have light Jesus said John 3:7 you must be born again. Then you become a member of the household of God then you have an inheritance in the house of God.
if it’s the extra that falls on the table others can have but is not as dignified as being on the table.
Inheritance in the Kingdom is only accessible through applied revelation James 1:22 be ye doers of the word, not hearer’s only. V. 25 he shall have proofs , you harken to my voice diligently? Then you are entitled to supernatural breakthroughs.
Peter cast down your net into the deep for a draw- Luke 5:5 when they had this done before they encountered a met breaking boat sinking order of breakthrough. How many of us have caught a million revelations, especially in this Church? But many won’t do what they say they want a short cut. The process may appear slow but is sure.
Habakkuk 2:3 if you harken it might be slow but it shall surely come to pass. Every statement in this sanctuary of winners is a covenants of prosperity.
When we apply the revelation of the truth, we triumph always and in every place 2 Corinthians 2:14.
Bishop David Oyedepo – Understanding the Demands of Building our Faith.
Fundamental of faith
1. The Force of Vision
We have a very clear picture of the place of Vision in the Book of Joel chapter 2:1-11 we saw a people a kind that has never been known, what’s behind the fest of these peoples?
Men an women of unbelievable exploit, they are in charge , unusual strength, visionary who have discovered their purpose and stood upon it.
Every child of God is a child of destiny Ephesians 1:5 Chosen, predestined to enter that place God has predestined for them. Romans 8:30
Ye are the light of the world a city set on a hip that cannot be hidden. The top most top is not enough we are seated far above and what ever is above is above all John 3:31 John 8:23
Your days in the valley are over in Jesus name
Bishop David Oyedepo – Understanding the Demands of Building our Faith.
But no one ever arrives at a future he cannot see Genesis 13:15 no ones destiny can outgrow its revelation. Revelation of the truth is what limit our light – I keep saying I am not surprised where winners Church is today because a saw it in scripture. You cannot make mW think poor why because Jesus show me that am so rich and no devil can make me believe otherwise.
If is too big for your mouth is too big for your hand.
No matter where God will turn every issues around you to a glory
No one arrives at a future he is not prepared for. God is waiting for you to develops faith stamina for your next Glory
Before we are born he knew us and predestined us for his purposes Galatians 1:15 even Paul acknowledged God knew him and brought him to his purposes. Vision is unveiling Gods plan as it relates to you.
Any race that is not definitive is a race in futility, Paul said I know 1 Corinthians 9:26, we must know Gods perfect will the Good , the acceptable the perfect will of God for us in Jesus name no guesswork.
Nothing can be more frustrating than not knowing where you are going
1979 RSV reading Jeremiah 29:11 it turned my life forever, it Gave me ( Bishop David Oyedepo) value for Gods plan and today am glad am walking in center of the will of Gods will.
Psalms 23:3 God said he is with me, when you are in the center of Gods will he makes your enemies helplessly helpless. They can’t come near you he turns your deserts to streams of water Isaiah 48:21 pleas Choose Gods plan
Closing – Bishop David Oyedepo – Understanding the Demands of Building our Faith.
There are 2 main channels to locate God’s plan
1. Through the words – Gods book of vision through the word Isaiah 29:12, Psalms 119:105 this is the book. Every revelation is a kind of conception when properly nurtured
2. Visionary encounters. You don’t need any spectacular visionary encounter but if you open up to the light of scriptures is a vision itself.
The bible is a bank of Vision, you don’t need any visionary encounter to enjoy prosperity, because its all packaged in the Bible. John the Baptist discovered who he was in the Bible from the book of Isaiah.
Jesus read in John 1:19 he read before all these scripture is fulfill before your eyes. Ask God for access
Every access to true vision confirms peace. If its not accomplished with peace it could be tour own ambition. Every access of true vision confers joy on the inside, it does not tense you up.
Access to divine plan allays all fears. The same grace that helped me Davis Oyedepo to walk in the center of the center of his will shall help you in Jesus name
Vision sets the pace, divine revelation gives you the step by step guide. You must locate your place in the is end times and stand on it. Locate your vision run with it.
Bishop David Oyedepo – Understanding the Demands of Building our Faith.