Winners 21 Days Fasting 2019 Day 4 Message Pastor  David Oyedepo  Jnr

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Winners 21 Days Fasting 2019 Day 4 Message Pastor  David Oyedepo  Jnr

Topic: Praying a prayer that must be answered

Winners Focus of the month: Prayer and Fasting Facilitates the Fulfilment of Prophecy

It’s important to recognize the drive for prayer is a promise of an answer, what motivates us to pray? Its Gods promise of an answer Matthew 7: 8, James 4:2 you have not received because you ask not, any time something is missing it means prayer is lacking. Anytime there is something lacking either prayer is lacking or the prayer is missing its target.

Operating in the Supernatural Part 1:B

Prayer is not for religious satisfaction but prayer is for divine manifestation. We are calling on God to show up. Individuals in the bible who were effective in prayer where individual who were effective in prayers John 11:42 Jesus said He knew, that is even before he prayed He had an assurance.

Winners church 21 days of fast 2019 David Oyedepo: Praying the prayer that must be Answered

We must understand our approach to the altar of prayer is what secures answers to our prayers Psalms 66:19 God has heard me! Philippians 1:19 Paul was saying in this verse He knew of it. You can’t pray right and miss your target.



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More – Bishop David Oyedepo Teachings

  1. Bishop David Oyedepo: Kingdom Advancement prayer is everyone’s responsibility
  2. David Oyedepo Overcoming Temptations: the Battle of our souls
  3. DOMI INC. One Night With The King(Special FeetWashing Service) Live Stream
  4. 2018 Winners Personalized Prophetic Declarations by David Oyedepo
  6. Bishop Oyedepo Sermon : Faith Triggers Fulfillment of Prophecy
  7. Understanding the demands of building your Faith: David Oyedepo Jnr.

Many individuals are surprised when they get answered! But you must pray expecting something.

How to pray effectively 3 things

  1. We must engage spiritual fervency on the altar of prayer: Fervent means hot and burning. When a metal reaches a meting point it changes colors and glows, when you burn in prayer something changes. Is means no situation is too difficult to change when metals reach a melting point it can be changed to anything, so likewise when you pray fervently something happens James 5:17, called the effectual, fervent prayer availing much. On the altar of prayer anything can change, 1 Kings 18:44 Elijah prayed until the rain came! Fervency in prayer.

There is no hard situation anywhere, as all metals can be melted every situation can be changed on the altar of prayer. It takes engagement in fervency, you are the fire the situation is the metal, you must generate a fire intensity in prayer. Romans 12:11 there is an intensity required.

  1. We must expect to deliver the desired result from the labor room of prayer. Mark 9:23 all things are possible to him that believeth. Approach the altar of prayer expecting an outcome with results. Romans 8:26 and V28 there is a travailing process which requires expectancy. You must understand what the answer should look like. You can’t go to a shop not knowing what thing you want to buy look like, else you may get something else. Proverbs 23:18

Expect to come with a delivered result.

  1. Expect to be rewarded especially on every soul that is established Galatians 4:19. You can’t stay with God and not enjoy the pleasures of life.

You must be born again before you can pray the prayers that must be answered. Surrender to Jesus right now, let him come into your heart and be your Lord and savior. Pray this from the debt of your heart and Jesus will make you new right now! Remain blessed

Sermon by David Oyedepo Jnr 10th January 2019 – Winners 21 Days Prayer and Fasting 2019

Sermons by Bishop Oyedepo


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