Winners Chapel 7 Day Fast for the Rescue of The Soul Of Nigeria

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Winners Chapel 7 Day Fast for the Rescue of The Soul Of Nigeria

Proclaiming a 7 Day Fast for the Rescue of The Soul of Nigeria 23 – 29 July 2018

Subject: Proclaiming a 7-Day Fast for the Rescue of The Soul of Nigeria

“Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealed his secret unto his servants the prophets” Amo. 3:7/ Gen. 18:17/ Gen. 14:20/ Gen. 20:7.

7-Day Fast for the Rescue of The Soul of Nigeria

For all of us who have eyes that can see, Nigeria requires divine intervention urgently to avert the looming catastrophe hanging over this nation.

A flood of evil is determined against this nation by the powers of darkness, but God forbid that we be found sleeping lest sudden mischief come upon us as a unaware.

Remember, in the days of Noah while people went about eating and drinking, getting married, and giving in marriage, building houses, planting vineyards and so forth, they did not know when suddenly the flood CAME and flushed them all away. May such days not repeat itself in our nation – Mat. 24:37-38.

From scriptures, we understand that every time we are besieged by the forces of evil and mapped out for destruction, we are required to turn to the Lord in prayer and fasting to secure our desired victory. 7-Day Fast for the Rescue of The Soul of Nigeria

There is a place for congregational prayer and fasting in winning the war against our nation – Ezr. 8:21-23/ 2 Chr. 7:12-14

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For example, Judah in the days of Jehoshaphat was besieged by the armies of Moab, Ammon and Mount Seir, each of which was stronger than Judah. But King Jehoshaphat proclaimed a fast and God took over their battle, while the armies of those three nations that stood against Judah helped to destroy one another to the point that not ONE of them escaped – 2Chr. 20:2-7/22-24

You will recall that the disciples of Christ once asked Him why they could not cast out a particular demon and Jesus answering said, “This kind goes not out but by prayer and fasting”– Mat. 17:19-21 7-Day Fast for the Rescue of The Soul of Nigeria

Obviously, there are certain situations we are confronted with as the body of Christ that may never give way except by prayer and fasting – Jer. 6:16-17/ Heb. 6:12

Therefore, from Monday July 23rd to Sunday July 29, 2018, every of our congregations shall be engaging in a 7-day of prayer and fasting, for the rescue of the soul of Nigeria. 7-Day Fast for the Rescue of The Soul of Nigeria

We shall have Two hours intercessory prayer in the morning and one hour in the evening. Senior citizens, retirees and those who run their private businesses, including all those on the line for gainful employment can take advantage of the morning session to intercede for our great nation. Time: 8-10am and 5-6pm respectively. (Timing can be as applicable in every local assembly, but the 2 hours and 1-hour prayer sessions must be maintained. Also attached is the intercessory prayer guidelines to be used) read sermon – What can we do to continuously hear from God? Bishop Oyedepo Sermons

But we must also understand that in most cases, until vengeance is executed upon the wicked, the wicked may never give up, hence we shall be praying vengeance prayers upon the enemies of this nation and the church of Christ among others – Psa. 94:1/ Isa. 61:2-3/ Isa. 63:4

We must expect answers to all our prayers all through these 7 days of prayer and fasting, because we serve a prayer answering God – Isa. 58:6/ Mat. 7:7-8/ Jam. 1:6-7

In conclusion, we should all expect our open rewards in return for our faithful engagement all through the course of this prayer and fasting season, both as individuals and as congregations 7-Day Fast for the Rescue of The Soul of Nigeria

Jesus is Lord!

Bishop David O. Oyedepo
Winners Chapel Proclaiming a 7-Day Fast for the Rescue of The Soul of Nigeria

Sermons by Bishop Oyedepo

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