How do I know when my prayer is answered David Oyedepo

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Winners Day 9 & 10 winners 21 day fasting

SERMON TOPIC- How do I know when my prayer is answered David Oyedepo

Matthew 7:8 the purpose of prayer is securing answers. Fasting expeedize answer to prayer, this season is ordained for swift answers. It is important to know how to pray and how to know my prayers is answered like this

Winners Church Sunday Sunday Service Oyedepo
Winners Church Service Oyedepo
  1. When you pray according to the will of God 1 John 5:14, we know he hears us when we know the outcome of the prayers. The will of God in his word is what secured our answers. Psalms 119:87 everything in Gods word is his final decision concerning any matter. The decisions are settled in his word. The word of God is his covenant on any issues Hebrews 6:18

More – Bishop David Oyedepo Teachings

  1. Winners 21 Days Fasting 2019 Day 4 Message Pastor  David Oyedepo  Jnr

  2. Bishop David Oyedepo: Kingdom Advancement prayer is everyone’s responsibility
  3. David Oyedepo Overcoming Temptations: the Battle of our souls
  4. DOMI INC. One Night With The King(Special FeetWashing Service) Live Stream
  5. 2018 Winners Personalized Prophetic Declarations by David Oyedepo
  7. Bishop Oyedepo Sermon : Faith Triggers Fulfillment of Prophecy
  8. Understanding the demands of building your Faith: David Oyedepo Jnr.

Day 10

How do I know when my prayer is answered

John 11:42 Jesus knew God answers him always, we need to know that when we pray he answers. Every spiritual deafness is destroyed in your life tonight in Jesus name. Peter was released by an angel yet when he knocked they did not believe because they lacked spiritual sensitivity to know when they have received an answer.

We Need to get to a point we know our prayers have been answered. We know our prayers have been answered when we pray:

  1. In confidence to the throne Hebrews 4:16 pray boldly Psalms 34:2 I shall make a boast of the Lord, Hebrews 10:35-36 we engage our confidence in God and his word to obtain from what he has promised.
  2. When your confidence in God and his word become unshakable when you no longer staggered at his word because he never failed and he has answered you.
  3. When the Holy Ghost bears witness with our spirit that your prayer point has gone through. You have to maintain spiritual sensitivity that you have been answered. John 11:6 He got to a point he knew Lazarus was raised. In the name of Jesus no more wasted prayers in your life again in Jesus name
  4. When Thanksgiving is offered in everything Philippians 4:6 you get to a point where on every of your prayer points is only Thanksgiving is what you want to do, where anxiety is over, whereof is settled in your heart with Thanksgiving. Praying for praying sake is mere religion, but praying to get answers is what is required of every true child of God, 1 John 5:15 when you have the word backup it reinforces confidence to answered.

Hebrews 6:16 Gods word is what reinforces our confidence. There is nothing theoretical about the word, the Word is practicable to do all things. Joshua 1:8 reading the scriptures, it is a manual where everything is practicable.



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Thought By Bishop David Oyedepo

Engage with your Bible not as a religious book but as a manual for living. Deuteronomy 28:1 all these will overtake you if you do what the book ( Bible says) ever instruction in the Bible is as current as tomorrow. Matthew 7:25, Isaiah 34:16, approach the Bible, not as a religious text but a manual for living. It is as practical as anything. In 1982 I encountered Deuteronomy 8:18, Mathew 8:17 I received my dominion of prosperity. Approach the Bible as a manual of living, it will change your life forever.

Fix your eyes on Jesus Psalms 34:1 any time you look at men you cannot look on God! Ever distraction that takes your eyes off God shall be destroyed tonight in Jesus name.

Ephesians 2:8 seated far above since 1980 I have been living far above principalities and powers

  1. This is your year of Dominion, ask what am I to do to make it my year indeed. Dominion is exercised on the altar of service. His word should be your business, He that partners with God John 4:36 receiveth wages.

If this your Dominion season, mind your fathers business as never before! Luke 19:17 He conferred authority to them in response to their faithfulness and fruitfulness. This will be your most fruitful year since you knew Jesus as you work in this understanding.

Let Jesus have your boat for partnership, Peter gave his boat to Jesus his name is still speaking today, those fishermen have died but Peters impact remains. Let Jesus have your time, your resources. Let Jesus have your boat this year in truth and Dominion

  1. Give Jesus your back to ride on this year. As we sang today “Ride on my back” Give Jesus your back to ride on, and this year you will experience a great dimension of his blessing this year. There shall be an amazing explanation in every aspect of your life in Jesus name.

Mark 4:16 she is remembered today for the generations to come because she gave Jesus her most precious resources! Give Jesus your time and your most precious resources in service to the kingdom.


Starting from now. God will start decorating your life with Dominion in Jesus name.

Sermons by Bishop Oyedepo

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