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Winners’ 2020 Prophetic and Personalized Declarations
2020 Winners’ Personalized Prophetic Declarations By Bishop David Oyedepo
Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Bishop David Oyedepo
- Every prophetic word is a guide of the Holy Ghost to the future that awaits us as the redeemed of the Lord – John 16:12-14
- Every prophetic word speaks to the future of God’s people, corporately or individually – Deuteronomy 18:21-22, Genesis 12:1-3, 2 Kings 19:20-35.
- Every prophetic word is ordained to come to pass in our days – Ezekiel 12:21-25, 1 Samuel 30:6-9/17-18
- Every word of prophecy we receive and believe, we are empowered to experience – John 1:12/Luke 1:45
- When we believe any prophetic word, the Holy Ghost takes over to work out its fulfillment – Luke 1:30-35/41
- The Holy Ghost is the principal executor of every vision – Zechariah 4:1-6
We saw how the Holy Ghost took over the execution of the following prophecies in this Commission.
- The Holy Ghost signaled the construction and dedication of Faith Tabernacle within one year. Speaking on September 17, 1998, the Holy Ghost said, “the Tabernacle shall be dedicated September 18, 1999” and he did through diverse inspirations and divine speed.
- The Holy Ghost signaled the acquisition of the first mission aircraft in March 1996 and delivered the aircraft in September 1996 without a budget in place.
- The Holy Ghost signaled our mission to Africa saying, “the harvest of Africa is now over ripe, rush in and preserve it from decadence.” and within 7 months we were on the field to the nations of Africa.
- The Holy Ghost signaled the planting of 5,000 Churches in 2019 and within 5 months it was done.
Every prophetic word just require that we believe, and the Holy Ghost will take over for the execution – Luke 1:30-35 Winners Church personalized declaration for 2020
I believe the prophetic word concerning me in 2020
- First, the year 2020, being the end of another 7th Shiloh, shall be my year of release from all forms of slavery and servitude – Deuteronomy 15:1-7
- That is, it shall be my year of release from spiritual struggles – Romans 8:1-4
- My year of release from business struggles – Psalms 112:1-2
- My year of release from career struggles – Deuteronomy 2:3
- My year of release from the siege of unemployment
- My year of release from the siege of sickness and disease – Psalms 105:37
- My year of release from all satanic oppressions – Isaiah 54:14
- My year of release from the siege of marital challenges – Psalms 68:6
- My year of release from the siege of barrenness – Psalms 127:1-2
- My year of release from financial struggles – Genesis 47:15-27
- I shall be released from everything limiting my destiny after the order of Joseph in the year 2020 – Psalms 105:17-22
Secondly, being the 5th year of the prophetic wonder double visitation.
- The year 2020 shall be my year of scaling strange heights in my endeavours after the order of the Chinese bamboo tree that grows to be only four feet tall in the first four years, but shoots up to be ninety feet tall in the fifth year – Leviticus 19:23-25
- Every shame and reproach around my life shall be turned to fame and praise – Zephaniah 3:19/Isaiah 61:4-7
- The Lord shall give me a new name in the year 2020 – Zephaniah 3:20/Isaiah 62:2-4
- The year 2020 shall be my year of enthronement, as i shall be breaking limits in all spheres of life – Ecclesiastes 8:4/Revelation 5:9-10/John 14:12
So shall it be in the name of Jesus Christ, amen and amen.
Jesus is Lord!
David O. Oyedepo