Sunday Sermons David Oyedepo Jnr : Engaging the Supernatural power of Love

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Sunday Sermons David Oyedepo Jnr

Sunday Sermons David Oyedepo: Engaging the Supernatural power of Love ( 24th June 2018) Part 4

I John 3:18, until love is with proof that love is fake, the proof of love is our pursuit for the Lost, John 21:16, it’s not in the declaration alone it’s in the action. God can never validate a man’s love until he validates the action, and that action is in the pursuit of the lost.

Sunday Sermons David Oyedepo Jnr

Four Areas in demonstrating Love to the lost

1. Soul Winning: Proverbs 11: 30, 8:16, Daniel 12:3 , Acts 26:18 that is the first mandate every believer is called to

2. Soul bringing: There some that may never be saved until they are in church, some may be saved in the harvest field but some must come to the house of God. That is the soul winning demand. 1 Samuel 2:30

3. Kingdom Advancement prayer platform: This is another dimension of Kingdom Advancement platform. Matthew 6:18, as we engage on the altar of prayer we are investing in the lost.

4. Kingdom Advancement investment: Engaging out time, resources, skill 9( Haggai 1:5 ) therefore none is without a skill you can do one, do all, but do it wholeheartedly.

When we do these mandates, we open ourselves to the following benefits

1. Supernatural health and vitality: You become a priority of Gods healthcare list. Gives us access to health and vitality, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Proverbs 13:17, his health is maintained by God, He will take sickness away from thee! Its one thing to receive healing is another to live in health. God gives us the assurance of health, there is no place to get assurance, companies only give Insurance but God gives you Assurances. I see God giving you assurance in your health in Jesus name.

2. We position ourselves to supernatural decoration: Matthew 6:33, that will be your testimony in Jesus name.

Today is our business breakthrough banquet, this means you can pick anything you want, it is openly available, eat until you are satisfied, this morning you will take breakthroughs until you are filled.
It takes keys for doors to be opened when a door is locked it has no respect for grammar until you have to access the keys you can’t access it.

The keys of the kingdom are the keys to knowledge. The world today starts to copy how the kingdom operates. If a phone is locked you can not access it until you have gotten the code. Even if you are a government a locked phone won’t respect government it only respects keys. If a door is not open there is something lacking, my prayer for you is that the door is open for you in Jesus name.

Every supernatural breakthrough stories were rooted in scriptures. Built on instructions, do it, take out from the water pot and serve the governor of the feet ( story form the wedding in Cana by Jesus) no argument just obey. Peter got an instruction, launch the nets into the deep, the outcome of such obedience was a great catch. Sunday Sermons David Oyedepo Jnr

Sunday Sermons David Oyedepo Jnr

Covenant terms for a breakthrough in Business

1. Be born again: 1 John 5:3, you must be born of God, if not you will be limited NY the formulas of the world, Malachi 4:1&2 , the days were the earth will burn those who fear God they shall grow up and preserved, hallelujah! You must be born again to experience breakthrough you must be born again, God can only help those who are under his refuge. Until you are in Christ you be in crisis. The silence in a graveyard is not peace, its a sign of silence before a calamity, never envy unbelievers who think they enjoying the world no crisis, they are prepared for destruction Sunday Sermons David Oyedepo Jnr

2. You must be filled with the holy spirit: The Holy Spirit is the transmitter of God, 1 Corinthians 2:9&10, the Spirit searching all things, the Holy Spirit navigates the deep things and shows you what to do when faced with difficult situations. The Holy Ghost is not a loss maker but a prosperous maker! The Holy Ghost will open your understanding to enjoy the ministry of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name.



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3. You must Possess a breakthrough mentality, as a man thinketh so is he, refuse to adopt what the world thinks, Philippians 4: 8 , 2 Corinthians 10:5, stop allowing your mind think like a tick, broaden your thinking  If it cannot enter your thinking it cannot enter your living. We must align our thinking with Gods word, Isaiah 58:8, you need to be saying there is a lifting up! What is in your heart is what you say. If it is not what you mean then why are you saying it? We must watch our words and guard our hearts in Proverbs 4:23. Guard your hearts, think positive no matter the amount of rain that falls your cups size determine the amount you collect from the rain droplets, so enlarge your heart.

4. Be diligent in business: A man lazy in His business will end up among ordinary men. Diligence is a vital requirement for anyone that wants to prosper in business. You have to separate your business earnings from profit you make, you can’t use all your profit to be buying personal things! You need to know how much you have made first don’t spend the entire makings.

Sunday Sermons David Oyedepo Jnr

Prayer: You shall receive grace for diligence in Jesus name.

Look at our father in the Lord, Bishop Davi Oyedepo, always working hard, it’s not by luck, the Grace of God and taking a decision to work.

5. Engage in corporate Tithing: it is the water that falls from above that water your seed, a farmer that sows depends on the rain? Abraham gave a tithe to Melchizedek, Genesis 14:20

and he blessed Abram and said: “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, 20

and blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand.” Then Abram gave Melchizedek a tenth of everything.

21The king of Sodom said to Abram, “Give me the people, but take the goods for yourself.”…

follow the law of the lord

The first step towards you breakthrough is that you must be born again and in Christ. If you are here and you have not given your life to Jesus or you have missed it somewhere, you need to return to God and be restored. Pray t prayer of repentance! Sunday Sermons David Oyedepo Jnr

confess your sins to Jesus and ask him to come into your life, ask Jesus to wash you with his blood, believe it and thank Him for forgiving you. Ask him to give you a new life, ask him to write your name in the book of life, In Jesus name Amen!!

We invite you to winners Church Canaan land if you live around Lagos and Ota zone, join our service centers nationwide? God bless you Amen! Sunday Sermons David Oyedepo Jnr

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Sunday Sermons David Oyedepo Jnr

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Jesus is Lord.

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