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Pastor E.A Adeboye Biography - Early Life, Ministry, Church, Family, And Many Others » Naijasermons





BIBLE TEXT: PSALMS 24:3-5 AND 1 KINGS 19:8, 11-19


Magnify Him, Magnify Him,
Magnify Christ the Lord (Amen)!
Magnify Him, Magnify Him,
Magnify Christ the Lord.

Let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: You are welcome, God Bless You.

We want to take one (1) or two (2) Points quickly before we go on with our Session tonight;

Also read; rccg-2023-ministers-conference-day-3-morning-session-beyond-expectations-by-pastor-e-a-adeboye

1. Our Traditional Rulers:

It has Pleased the Almighty God to begin to use us in a Mighty way for the Salvation of the Souls of Traditional Rulers.

And we want to call on all of us, that on a daily basis we Pray for them: that the Almighty God Who put them on the throne will stand by them, support them and Glorify Himself in their Domains.

We also want to encourage that in all our Towns and Villages, we start what I would call “Palace Fellowship”.

We should start the Fellowship in all Palaces, Preferably once a week. But if the Traditional Rulers say they want something bigger than once a week; let’s do so.

Whether you believe it or not, the Almighty God Prefers to be addressed as the King of kings.

In the olden days, it is the Kings that appoint Presidents – Read Daniel 6; you will find it is the King who apoints Presidents.

Presidents come and go, Kings abide for Life. Please give the honour due to Kings. And start Palace Fellowship in your Domains.

… Do I hear an Amen to that? Amen.

2. Reports have reached me that some of our Auditors have become terrors. That when they come to visit a Province, they insist on staying in the best Hotels in town. Am I right or wrong?

You are right Sir! Oh! So it’s true?

They insist on being treated Specially – You won’t know if they are not higher than the General Overseer. And if you don’t comply, your Audit Report would be doctored.

Do me a favour: just let me have the name and details of such an Auditor. But make sure you have your facts and figures correct, and leave the rest to God and us.

I have assured you, we are going to have a New Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). After this Convention you will see Signs;

Even on our Dove Media – Any kind of Presentations that will not hundred Percent (100%) Glorify the God of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) will not be allowed.

3. Thank God for what our Mummy (GO) has shared with us – I want you to know that “our Youths are not going to be “For Show”, they are “For Gold”!”

If you study your Bible very well, it was a son of Levi that married a daughter of Levi and they both Produced Moses.

Boys, you can’t find a Girl to marry in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – Remain Single!

… If you agree with me let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!

The Elders have a saying; they say “If your daughters are beautiful, you can say so. Only that you can’t marry them.”

In the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), my daughters are Beautiful!

Someone asked me and said, Sir, is one of the conditions for being in the Mass Choir Physical Beauty? “What do you mean?” He said, everywhere I look among the Mass Choir, I can see that they are all Beautiful.”

So, any Brother who cannot find a Sister here in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to marry, should remain Single – Period!

It is because you go out from the House of God to go and pick a girl outside that we have all of these mess of having two (2) Receptions in one (1) Room. The group of the father-in-law are drinking alcohol, bringing occultic People to celebrate; Then the group of the couple (for the husband and wife) and their friends, all in the same room!

You want to start your Marriage on “Divided Foundation”? – No more!

Parents of wife, if they are of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), they won’t do that! And if any father-in-law wants to do such, you tell him: We won’t be part of it, you can have your own thing and leave us out of it. We won’t be there – We are going for our Honeymoon. Period!

In those days when we were Youths, we took Pleasure in telling People that we are a Chosen Generation, a Royal Priesthood, an Holy Nation, a Peculiar People; that we should shew forth the Praises of Him who hath called us out of Darkness into His Marvellous Light: (1 Peter 2:9).

If you are one of us, shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Can you believe it?

That in some of your Receptions, they Spray Money – Can that be true in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG)?

Do you know the meaning of “Spraying Money?” – You are telling the poor who may attend unfortunately, you are not welcome here!

If I hear of such again in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); you will not be suspended, you’ll just go – Leave us alone.

You say, “if we do that, some People will go.” Let them go!

The Bible clearly states that: Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. (John 15:2)

Occasionally,, God needs to shake some People off so those who Remain can move forward.

How many of you are ready to go with me to the Mountain Top this evening? – The DMC FAMILY MEMBERS.

But the People who are outside, let them come as they are. But don’t remain there for too long.

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, Therefore if any man be in Christ (what happens?) he is a New Creature: Old things are passed away; behold, all things are become New.

… We are going to Mount Horeb tonight!

When I said I did not like beards, you said, show us where it is written “No beards.” Go ahead!

1 Peter 3:3 says, Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of Plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;

You cannot dress like the People of the world anymore in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – You could come dressed that way, but don’t remain like that for too long.

1 John 2:15-16 says, Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the Pride of Life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

I don’t want anybody who is not going to Heaven in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

You say Daddy, this is the New Generation, you are Old Fashioned – Please, go to the New Generation Churches; leave those of us who are Old alone.

If you are going to Heaven, come along with us; but no more nonsense!

Can I hear an Amen this time from the Youths and Young Adults (YAYA)? – Amen!

You can come as you are; after three (3) Months, if truly you are Born Again, it would show.

You don’t dress like harlots – Expose your body and come to the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) as a Temptation to those “Able Strong People”.

This is because my Youths and Young Adults (YAYA) are not only Soldiers for Christ, they are Commandos.

… Let me hear an Amen from you – Amen!

I’ve said it once, I wasn’t around when somebody was messing around with our Bible College. And the Principal was Pleading with the fellow. What!

Our Bible College does not just Produce Soldiers but Commandos. That’s why we don’t advertise our Bible College.

Our Bible College is not for every Tom, Dick and Harry.

Lord God Almighty!

… Our Bible College is for Soldiers of Christ who in turn are Commandos.

If you don’t like it, go! “Who said so?” The General Overseer! We don’t want Multitudes who just keep driving People away with their dressings and bad behaviours. We want members who are going to Heaven.

But as my Father in Heaven lives, that will end with this Convention – Amen.

I mean, not too long ago, one of my sons was going to Present a Drama. But in the Drama, there were Angels with Lipstick – Not just “Ordinary Lipstick”, but “Real Lipstick”!

I didn’t say a word, but my God saw to it that it was never Presented.

Somehow that Drama was never Presented, because I told my God to intervene.

Any Pastor, whatever Title or Office; who may want to disobey these Orders, my God will intervene – Amen.

… And you better say Amen very well – Amen!

And every Plant which my Father has not Planted in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) shall be Uprooted – Amen.

The Bible makes it clear that the Family comes before the Church.

My God! You should never put the Church before your family. If your children are overcome by the world, where is our future?

Oh Lord! Ask those People who did not do what we told them.

I still remembered a Brother who came to us saying that God wants Him to marry a Particular Sister.

I asked him, are you sure this is the Person God wants you to marry or you are just making it up? Have you Prayed very well about it? Yes Sir! I said to him, go and Pray about it again.

… And those of you who know me understand what that means – It means No!

He came back and said Daddy I have Prayed, she is the one for me. I Said okay. And then they got married.

The first Night of their Marriage the boy said: in the Mighty Name of Jesus! And the Girl did not answer – True Story!

The boy said, this is our first Prayer as married couple. And the girl said, what of all the Prayers that we have been Praying since today?

I Pray for any of my children who is married to a devil – The Lord will set you free – Amen!

You say Daddy, times have Changed!

There is only One True God who is the same yesterday and today and for ever (Hebrews 13:8).

You are a Chosen Generation and Children of Light – Our God is dressed in Light, so dress Properly as His Children.

I mean, when you see some Pastor’s wives, you cannot tell between the ‘So called’ Pastor’s wife and an harlot.

… Alright! Now this is a Solemn Assembly, by the way!

Back to our Conference Hymn – There is something Special about the Hymn.

Just go through it, every Verse is loaded. And like I said in the morning (Day 3 Morning Session – Which you can get to read All Sessions as at date on the Label of DMC), this is a Love Letter written to my Master.

Take for Example, Verse 4 – it says:

I have a friend
He loves me so
He’s all in all for me
He meets my Needs
To overflow
I never lack for Joy.

That is not an Ordinary statement – It is deep rooted (including all the other Verses).

So, I will want to suggest that this Particular Hymn be made Popular in our Parishes – Even if it is once a Month. Please, do something about it.

Let’s go ahead and sing our own Songs to the Lord. Worship Him. Make a Joyful noise to the Lord.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.


King of Glory we Thank You. You made us for Your Pleasure, and we just want to Please You.

So tonight in Obedience to Your Word, we will make a Joyful Noise to You.

Thank You Father. You are the All-Sufficient God; the Only One Who can do all things, to You we shout Hallelujah!

The God of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), the One Who is going to give us a Brand New Beginnings.

Lord, as we move to the Top of the Mountain with You, do something New in our lives.

Tonight Lord, deliver us from everything and everyone trying to stop us.

As we climb the Mount of Horeb, bring us out from the Miry clay and Plant our feet on the rock to Stand.

Make us to go higher in Life than all our enemies.

We lift our voices to You, Lord God Almighty and we shout Hallelujah!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.

… Please, be seated!

We have been looking at Psalms 24:25 – That’s the actual Passage.

But tonight (Day 3 Evening Session), we want to look at 1 Kings 19:8, 11-19 – You can read the whole Chapter.

Also read; rccg-2023-ministers-conference-day-2-morning-session-beyond-expectations-by-pastor-e-a-adeboye

1 Kings 19:8, 11-19:

8 And he arose, and did eat and drink, and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights unto Horeb the mount of God.

11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake:

12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?

14 And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: because the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.

15 And the LORD said unto him, Go, return on thy way to the wilderness of Damascus: and when thou comest, anoint Hazael to be king over Syria:

16 And Jehu the son of Nimshi shalt thou anoint to be king over Israel: and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abelmeholah shalt thou anoint to be prophet in thy room.

17 And it shall come to pass, that him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay.

18 Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.

19 So he departed thence, and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, who was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen before him, and he with the twelfth: and Elijah passed by him, and cast his mantle upon him.

I wish we have the whole week to look at this Part of our discussion. But we don’t have the whole week. And we still need to look at Mount Carmel tomorrow Evening (Day 4 Evening Session).


I want to get to Mount Horeb tonight; and I want some of you to come with me. Because if we can get to Mount Horeb, apart from several other things; certain Specific Things can happen:


And when the Wind Blows some things also happens:

I. When the Wind Blows on Mount Horeb tonight, a New Way can be Opened for me (us).

Because it was when the Wind blew in Exodus 14:21-28 for the children of Israel that God created a way where there was no way before.

God has opened I doors for the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in Nations of the world – Even in Nations that People cannot believe.

Believe it or not; we have a Pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in Iran – It will surprise you, he is a Pastor I have never met. But almost every week, he is texting me with Unbelievable Testimonies.

He would ask me to Pray concerning a Problem, and by the next week Testimonies would come!

Things are so rough over there, that when he wants to Pray instead of saying in Jesus’ Name, he says “BOJ” (Blood of Jesus). And God knows! God can operate in Codes too: and Mighty Prayers are being answered.

I got a Testimony from him this Last July – A couple of Months ago, he called requesting we Pray for a woman who had no womb and she wanted a child – Nothing is impossible with God!

I Prayed for her over the Phone. Last week the Testimony came – The woman is now Pregnant.

But we need New Ways to open where there was no way before – If we get to Mount Horeb and the wind blows, there will be New Ways.

We heard Testimony of how the Wind blew in one of our Continents and one of our Senior Pastors suddenly got Inspiration to Organize Evangelistic Program “Beautiful Feet for Ninety (90) Days” – For Ninety (90) Days, they went out daily on Evangelism and Thousands of Souls were won to the Lord.

After the Ninety (90) Days was over, Brethren said to the Senior Pastor: “Daddy the Ninety (90) Days are over, are we going to stop the Evangelism? How can! By next time we will be talking of hundred thousand of Souls.

It is not only his Continent that can organize such Programs; if God can do it in that Continent, He can do it in Africa because our God is no respect of Person.

II. When the Wind Blows on Mount Horeb tonight, then according to Ezekiel 37:1-10: Dry bones will live again.

The Wind will blow on us tonight and all the Opportunities we have lost will be restored – Amen.

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Years ago, after one of our Conventions, I was extremely tired; so we wanted to go and rest for a while. So my wife and I with our smaller children went to Whispering Pines in Badagry, Lagos State Nigeria. It was new then (I don’t know if it is still in existence).

And as I sat down there very tired, one Young man tried to make me talk but I refused to talk.

It was later on I found out that he was the son of an extremely Popular Muslim man and God had brought him to me.

He wanted to talk and I was not ready to talk. After I discovered I had lost a Soul because I refused to talk, I cried in agony, “Oh God, what have I done?”

About two (2) years ago I got a Letter from him – “Daddy GO, can I come and see you?”

Ha! He came, and I said, do you remembered what happened that day? He said, that’s why I have come to you now because I know you have something that should be mine but you wouldn’t give me when I needed it.

Oh, in the Name that’s above every other name, every Opportunity you have lost shall be returned to you – Amen.

III. When the Wind Blows on Mount Horeb, something would happen to me that would make it Possible for me to “See”.

In Matthew 8:1, it is the Story of a Leper – The wind blew past him so he went to the feet of the Carrier of the Holy Spirit and said, will You be able to make me Clean? And the Lord Jesus said be Clean! But keep quiet, don’t tell anyone. He smiled, “how can I keep quiet with what has just happened to me?”

As the Lord lives, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, you will be delivered from every Spiritual Blindness – Amen!

There will be Testimony that will encourage you to serve the Lord for the rest of your Life – Amen.

The Wind Blew past Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52; and the man born blind suddenly began to see.

If I can get to Mount Horeb tonight and the Wind blows, I can begin to see Wonderous Things.

Psalms 119:18 says, Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy Law.

IV. I want the Wind to Blow on Mount Horeb so that I can become an Oracle of God.

Psalms 119:27 says, Make me to understand the way of thy Precepts: so shall I talk of thy wondrous works.

The Problem with some of you, Men of God is that you say, “when I Preach, the Congregation don’t pay attention to me”. Why? It is because you Preach the same way you have been Preaching for years.

Spend time with God and His Word, develop yourself, so that the Congregation will pay rapt attention when why listen to you, and they will keep coming.

Because the the Bible says His Word will not return back to Him void.

But it will take insight to see things that Ordinary eyes cannot seem.

If I can get to Mount Horeb, and the wind blows, my Ministry will Change.

2. Not only the wind, there was an EARTHQUAKE.

I believe I need a Special Earthquake to open Prison doors.

In Acts 16:25-34, Paul and Silas were Praising God: yokes were broken, Prison door opened, enemies became servants and begged them to leave.

I believe I need another Earthquake; I experienced one in Tulsa USA – When my father-in-the-Lord announced that I would be the one to take over when he is gone to be with the Lord. As he was Praying for me, the Hotel shook to its Foundation.

That made the Management shut down the Hotel for Thirty (30) years until was back in Tulsa USA.

I had compassion on the owners, went to the Hotel, laid my hands and decree it be re-opened.

I have seen the Earth quake here on this Campground when I was Praying and said: Lord take me away, I don’t want to be an “Ordinary Pastor” without the Power to Perform Miracles.

When the Earth quake, it was felt as far as Ijebu Ode ( This is a town still in Ogun State Nigeria and some Kilometers from Redemption Camp) – When Picture frames hung on walls fell down.

I have seen the Earth quake before; but I need a bigger one. Because if the Earth can shake during this Conference, no one will return with the Sickness they came with – Amen!

When the Earth quaked for Paul and Silas, it affected every Prisoner.

I would like to go home after this Conference and just ask my Congregation to shout Hallelujah and Healings will take Place – Amen.

3. And after the Earthquake, FIRE.

If only I can get to Mount Horeb and the Fire falls, it can only mean one (1) thing: that God shall arise for me.

Psalms 68:1-2 says:

Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked Perish at the Presence of God.

When the Fire of the Lord falls, my enemies will melt like wax – Amen.

… But why go to Horeb?

4. I want to Hear the “STILL SMALL VOICE“.

There are some deep Secrets that you can only hear when there is absolute Silence.

If you look at our Sound Systems, you have to raise the Volume. They are marked 1 – 100. And some times, you may have to tune it to level 60 before you can be able to hear.

Yet it is Possible to hear at level one (1).

Oh! The first Mechanic I had – He was a great Mechanic. Whenever he wanted to set the engine of my car he would just drive to a secluded spot – “I want “Absolute Silence” so that I can tune correctly.”

I want to begin to hear the “Still Small Voice”; because

– I want God to begin to tell me things He would not tell others.

– I want to be able to hear Him whisper to me. And I don’t want to stuggle before I hear Him.

It is when you get to that Level that you begin to give “Fresh Instructions”; because God is taking you somewhere – Amen!

The first time I heard something about how my future will be, It was in a bush where I went to ease myself.

My father-in-the-Lord had travelled to Israel on Holy Pilgrimage and I was to take Charge of the Service.

I was in the bush at the Outskirts of my Village when suddenly I heard a Voice: “What if your father-in-the-Lord does not return, who do you think would succeed him?”

… And I was discussing as if someone was Physically with me until it was becoming embarrassing.

Won’t it be Good if God tells you what He has in Stock for your Future?

But then wonderful things will happen when we get to Mount Horeb;

– When the Wind Blows, ways will open for us;

– When the Earth quakes, yokes will be destroyed;

– I want the Fire to fall so that my enemies will melt like wax;

And then the “Still Small Voice”, what did He say? That is Crucial:

He said to Elijah who was running away from Jezebel (who was far, far below) who wanted to kill him.

Just as there are Jezebels in Church. But He wants His Anointing to Flow through you so you can be His Battle Axe and weapons of war.

Jeremiah 51:20 says: Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms;

… I wish I have all the time tonight;

First, Anointing will Flow to all of you; not only to become weapons of war because God did not call you to become a Civilian or a Businessman.

He called you to be Soldiers, and we must Please Him.

Don’t just be a battle axe, but begin to Produce more battle axes for God.

Several years ago when I was a very Young Christian, God laid it in my Heart to gather a Group of Young People as Battle Axes, and Pray for them to go into town – I called them “Fishers of Men”.

When I see some of them now, they have all grown grey hairs.

I told them, enter into “any” house and Preach Christ to them. Don’t argue with them, if there is any challenge, bring the Problem, we will Pray in the Name of Jesus, and there will be Testimonies.

I sent them out! Two (2) of them went to Otta (A town in Ogun State Nigeria).

They went to Preach to the Chief Herbalist of the town – That one looked at them and said, “I will excuse you because you are kids. Can’t you see charms all over this Place?”

He said listen, I control all the Witches here. In this Land i am the Power here.

And the children asked him, have you any Problem?

His wife was in Labour and was bleeding. He was representing the occult that gave him Power. And they were the ones dealing with him. Because apparently they came for their Salary once in a while – “His Pregnant Wives”!

Whenever his wives were Pregnant, the occult will kill them.

He had been married Seventeen (17) times and all of them died during childbirth. Funny enough he didn’t want this one to die and was trying to save her.

So he brought her out and these little children Prayed and left! Just as they were about going out from the Compound they heard, “my children come back!”

What has happened? The bleeding had stopped!

These are what we want to see and not the ones wearing wigs an India hair – A set of hair from Buddha. Battle Axe that will tell Demons to ‘shut up’ and they would obey.

We don’t want Children who are “For Show” – We want Children who are “For Gold”.

Some of us are old and tired; but by the Grace of God, we are Old Timers, and God has been helping us to keep Standing.

In the Name that’s above every other name, my God will keep you Strong to the end – Amen.

But the Almighty God wants you to go out from here and be His Commando.

I Plead with you – Allow your children join the Pastor’s Seed Family (PSF). The hand of the Lord will grab them and very soon, they will become Battle Axes and Commandos for Christ – Amen!

The one who is going to ascend the Hills of the Lord cannot be like the world – What you wear shows who you are serving!

Years ago, it was in vogue for Ministers of God to wear “Flowing Agbada” and be Preaching on the Altar.

I couldn’t care less! I wore my “French Suit” and occasionally “Regular Suit”.

And one Minister of God said I dressed like a Hunter.

But that Man of God is not like now, things have changed.

While God is still helping us (by His Grace); they have seen that “this man is not ‘For Show’ but for Gold.”

If only you can see the God in me – Not the GO (General Overseer) talking about your Future.

But I tell you, it is not how beautiful you are to the world that matters; it is the ability to Preach, Fast, Pray, and get People captivated about the Glory of God.

They don’t want to know about you or what you are wearing.

If I come to your Church, and you ask 10-20 People what I was putting on, they will tell you, “what is my concern about what he was wearing, my thought was on how his hand will be touch my head.”

I want Him to reveal to me things about my Future.

Let me conclude:

I want Him to bring me in contact with Elisha.

I know some of you would jump into conclusion, “Daddy is talking about who would succeed him.”

No! You got it wrong! When God is ready, He will show me.

Elijah didn’t go to Mount Horeb to shout that he needed a Successor – They were together for years, focused on what God has already settled.

God is going to reveal your future to you when you ready – Speculations stop when you are no longer in Control.

I. But God brought him (Elijah) in contact with someone who would lift his hand.

The Bible in 2 Kings 3:11 described Elisha as someone who can become a Destiny Helper;

– Someone who would make the work easier for you to do.

– Someone who would add Value to you and make you Value what God has Planned for your Life.

God knows all your friends who have the resources you Need; He knows the ones who will be there to help, and the ones who will cause you agony.

Many of you have friends who have what you Need but are not Supporting you!

But if you pass through Mount Horeb, God has the ability to Command Help to come to the one who needed to be helped.

I have said it before, I was in London to Print our RCCG Sunday Manuals, and I needed Fifty Pounds (£50) to buy Books.

I said to God, I am Fasting, but I need Fifty Pounds (£50) to buy Books.

And my Phone rang! I said, God bless you!

The man said is that Biyi? I said I am not Biyi, I am Adeboye.

He said, which Adeboye? I said Pastor Adeboye. And he screamed! He called his brother, come and see who I am talking to (Probably they were discussing about me).

They came to visit me and when they were going they gave me Fifty Pounds (£50).

I was glad! I was going to sleep, but said, God if I had known, I would have asked for a hundred Pounds (£100).

And as I was about to lay down, the door bell rang. I’m coming! I got to the door, the fellow slipped an envelope through the hole.

I recognized the handwriting on the envelope – The man is a “World Champion Miser”; he has never given me anything.

And again I said, if I had known, I would have asked for a Hundred and Fifty Pound (£150).

In a Miraculous way, another Fifty Pounds (£50) came!

And I said, God I am joking!

There is somebody somewhere who has your money in his Pocket – All the money you need to make your job easy.

II. If I go to Mount Horeb, God can show me People who know something Deeper than I know.

At Mount Horeb you’ll come in contact with Elijah and your Labour will not be in vain.

You see, Elijah got so tired. He knew, “this witch (Jezebel) is coming to take off my head.” God said, don’t worry yourself, somebody is going to continue even from where you stopped.

I think I need to hear God say to me that my Labour is not in vain – God will encourage you!

I’ve told you before, I was on this Campground after a vigil, I put my head on the table to rest.

As I sat on the table, it occurred to me that People are always, saying “Pray for us!” but they don’t care. I was down and discouraged “God they don’t care.”

A little girl stood before me and said, “I have never heard from God. But this Morning, I believed I heard God say I should bring this cake for you.”

I took the cake, I ate everything – I am not a cake man.

I heard God say, I thought you said Nobody cares?

So many of you are discouraged, but you have a Father Who cares!

… Come with me to Mount Horeb and you will hear the “Still Small Voice” of God.

He will Reward you in ways you can never explain.

His Reward is not in Titles – I will rather be a Deacon with the ability to heal than to be a General Overseer (GO) who can’t heal a rat.

He linked Elisha to Elijah, to tell you that you have not laboured in vain.

He made Elijah meet Elisha, to say to you: My son, you will end well.

So how many of you want to go to Mount Horeb with me tonight? –

Say to God: Let the Wind blow, let the Earth quake, let the fire Fall; turn me to a Producer or Battle Axes. Link me up Lord God Almighty to my Destiny Helpers. Let me hear You say to me tonight, my son you will end well. Give me a glimpse of the Manifestation of Your Glory.

See you tomorrow (Day 4 Evening) by 7pm.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.


About Devotional 2023

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