…as He is, so are we in this world.
1 John 4:17
If Christ’s warfare in the heavenlies is waged by using and exalting the
Word, the name and the blood, then our warfare here on the earth must be. conducted the same way. I believe it is vital to victorious Christianity in these end times that believers know the value of — and use as never before — the Word, the name and the blood. We must not only use them, but depend on them and place our faith in them.
Placing our faith in God’s Word honors Him. Jesus is the Mighty Warrior, the Captain of the Host. He is our Leader, and He is leading His people into victory. I do not believe that we have to live in fear in these last days. No matter how difficult life may seem, God has promised to provide for His own. He has assured us that we can live in victory if we keep our eyes on
Part of keeping our eyes on Him is keeping His ways and walking in His instructions. All through the Bible we are told to exalt the Word, the name and the blood, to put confidence in the power that is invested in them.
We will walk in victory if we do what the Lord says.