Table of Contents
Winners Church Prophetic focus for June 2022 Word practice secures profitable living

2 Timothy 3:16 Hebrews 4:2
Midweek series title: Understanding the power of obedience
No believer has a future without the lifestyle of obedience Matthew 7:25 our future is in obedience on what he asks us to do.
It is doing his word that creates a future for the believers. James 1:24
The blessings come not by just hearing or preaching but by doing.
John 2:5 Marry told them whatsoever he ask you to so just do it. John 14:21 as well.
Mark 16:25-20 God went with them confirming the words with signs for them. Obedience with faith speaks louder than voice. 1Kings 21:29
Today’s Midweek Service Topic: Understanding the Power of Obedience part 1A
This force includes the force of prayer and fasting. 1Samuel 15:22 obedience is very important in our work with God, nothing is a substitute. Obedience with faith opens impossible doors. Exodus 14:15 impossible doors will always open when you work in obedience. Acts 12:11 God came down in their mists, why? Obedience. We have testimonies in the Winners church coming as a result of obedience.
- Winners Church Prophetic focus for June 2022 Word practice secures profitable living
- Financial Dominion is my Heritage in Christ David Oyedepo Message
- Financial Dominion Is my birthright in Christ Winners Church Sermon by David Oyedepo
We must pass the obedience test if we must ever get enthroned as God has ordained it Deuteronomy 28:1
Jesus said to them in Luke 22:30 that continuity in the lifestyle of obedience is important and its a matter of choice, what becomes of you tomorrow is a matter of your choice today Deuteronomy 30:19, Joshua 24:15 as for me and my household we shall serve the Lord. Raw Obedience, genuine obedience. All enthroned patriarchs in scripture got there by obedience, so grow and sustain your obedience.
Obedience that works must align with the following
1. REVELATION PROMPT OBEDIENCE Ezekiel 2:22, also when it is revelation triggered it keeps you going. It must also be prompted obedience Revelation 3:20 behold I stand at the door and knock…
2. Prompt obedience Isaiah 55:6, remember the story in Sons of Solomon 5:6
3. Willfully – Willing hearted 1 Corinthians 9:17, Psalms 24:8
Any light not responded to timely turn to darkness, slow-motion response is the reason for so many believers’ issues today. Genesis 49:2-4 Reuben lost his place because he is not decisive.
The first time I saw that the Holy Spirit Speaks and guide promptly, I responded and I heard him say ‘Go forward‘ prompt response.
When I heard though shall not borrow I responded promptly now am debt free forever. When I saw it I had no bank account – ‘Thou shall not borrow‘ October 4- 1981 zero connection. Who pays me? Luke 10:1 Now its over 41 years not once borrowed – prompt response
On September 4/1987 I saw the mystery of Tithing in ran with it, to see where Winners church is today. Winners Church is one of the most financially buoyant churches on earth. All these are direct and prompt obedience.
Genesis 22:18 Abraham responded promptly, go for it once.
My prayer is no one will be a victim of delayed response in Jesus’ name.
The good news is Somebody’s story is changing, tonight.
Jesus will never ask you to do what you will not be able to do or to torment you. Every one of his commandments is for our profiting. There is nothing you do that IMPAC on Gods personality, he is I AM
Life up your hands and give God thanks.
Do you want to be blessed? Find a place to serve, dedicate your time to services God rewards service. 1Corinthians 3:8 you can’t be promoted when you are out of service. Please endeavor to locate what God has ordained to change your story in the Word.
Thank you, Jesus !!
Winners Church Prophetic focus for June 2022 Word practice secures profitable living