Winners church 21 days of fast 2019 David Oyedepo: Praying the prayer that must be Answered

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Winners church 21 days of fast 2019 David Oyedepo

Praying the prayer that must be Answered – Day one winners fasting David OyedepoOyedepo

Winners church 21 days of fast 2019

Hosea 4:6 They know not how to pay because they prayed amiss, asking Amiss, one is not getting an answer because he is not even praying, his prayers are amiss. Have a revelation of truth on what makes God answer our prayers.

David Oyedepo Live

Prayer is not just a platform for asking, its a platform of stewardship that entitles us for reward. Prayer is an open platform for stewardship to all believers. Making prayer investment towards his interest on the earth. The bible said WHEN thou prayest, not IF thou prayest as prayer is a requirement you need. Matthew 6:6, Jesus thought them how
to pray, let His kingdom come, praying the will of Gid down on earth. John 3:6 that non perish but all come to repentance that’s why His will must be done on earth.

Matthew 6:33, expect an amazing encounter this Winners church 21 days of fast 2019.

 How to pray, expecting from God

1. Your prayers must come from the hearth Isaiah 29:13, Isaiah 26:9 God answers and reward in this Winners Church 21 Days fast will humble your enemies in Jesus name, but you have to pray from the heart. God is closer to you than the clothes you are wearing.



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2. We must pray in the Spirit. We need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit it will give you an advantage. Romans 8:26 the Spirit maketh intercession for us. The groaning means praying in the Holy Ghost. V27 that’s where the advantage of praying in the Holy Ghost, pressing your points on by the Holy Ghost and by this you are praying according to the will of the Holy Ghost. In the name of Jesus, you won’t miss this
opportunity in Jesus name. Every issue you press on the throne of grace will be answered in Jesus name. 1 Corinthians 14:14 It is your Spirit that is engaging with the Spirit of God, the Spirit speakers mysteries.

3. We must expect delivered result when we pray, Mark 11:24 believe and expect you have received.

4. Expect to be rewarded for World Impact. Ephesians 6:19

5. Posses a Business mentality in your walk with God, expecting profits Deuteronomy 28:1 expects to be rewarded on every bit of investment you are making, expect that something is coming back to you for obeying God. Winners church 21 days of fast 2019 David Oyedepo

Prayer: Father in the Name of Jesus, baptize me with the spirit of prayer, to pray the prayer that must be answered this season of Winners Church 21 Days of fasting 2019 in Jesus name.

Finally, if you are not Born again, go to God in prayer now, repent of your sins and ask him to forgive you, and make you a new man in Jesus name Men!!

Sermons by Bishop Oyedepo

Winners church 21 days of fast 2019 David Oyedepo

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