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Pastor Adeboye preaching



DATE: 16TH JUNE, 2023



For You are Glorious
And Worthy to be Praised!
The Lamb upon the Throne
And unto You
We lift our Voice in Praise
The Lamb upon the Throne!

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Father, we are saying Thank You.

Thank You for giving us the Opportunity to be here this Evening.

Thank You because many are Called but You allowed only few to get there.

Thank You because what You will do for us in the Next fifteen (15) Minutes will be more than You would have done for us in the last fifteen (15) Years.

Father, for wherever You find a “Proper Amen”; You will answer them first in Jesus Name.

Lord, I’m just a Messenger; I asked Oh God that You speak through me, think around me and Lord let there be Deliverance tonight in Jesus Name.

Thank You Almighty Father.

In Jesus Precious Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Firstly, I will like you to help me appreciate our father-in-the-Lord and mother-in-the-Lord and the Leadership of The RCCG “The Americas” – God Bless You for this Honour.

The Pastor Seed Family (PSF) will be fifteen (15) years this August (August 2023) – So, if you are a Seed in the House or reading now on the Label of DMC; jump and say: I receive my own Award for growing through the Concrete!

Matthew 1: 22-23

22. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet, saying,

23. Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

Grab your Neighbour like you want to shake their hands and ask them: Is God with you? Ask another Person and say: Are you with God?

So, our father-in-the-Lord had an Analogy while we are talking about what is it that will mean “You being with Emmanuel” and “Emmanuel being with you”?.

And in that Analogy, he was talking about Intimacy.

A Pregnant Woman cannot be separated from their child except when the child is born.

Of course, a Pregnant Woman can’t leave the baby and say that I want to quickly go and Shower and come back.

As a matter of fact, when my wife was Pregnant the last time; I asked if we could do an Experiment – And I tied Water Melon around my belly so that I can feel the Experience of what she is going through.

Of course, I did not last for thirty (30) Minutes with the Water Melon because it later fell and we just chew the rest of it.

So, when we are talking of Emmanuel and going deeper into that kind of Relationship; it is like you living with a Landlord as a Tenant!

And of course, Jesus is our Landlord in this case!

So, you have to stay with me as we run through this Experience!

The Landlord is Jesus Christ – Meaning that He is the Owner of the Land!

Which means that He owns the Land on which the Property was built on.

Psalms 24:1 says that the Earth is the Lord and the Fullness thereof.

And of course, if our Landlord is Emmanuel, He is the Builder of the House

And I’m sure that you guys are seeing some houses and the quality of the finish of the work that is done – You will know when that house wasn’t built well.

But in this case, if He is the One building the house; then the house will be a “Solid One”.

In Psalms 127:1; the Bible says that except the Lord builds the house; those who Labour are doing it in vain.

… The house will not be Solid.

In any case, we are the Building.

1 Corinthians 3:16; the Bible says know ye not that ye are the Temple of God?

And of course, we are the Treasures connected to the Treasure in Earthen Vessels.

In 2 Corinthians 4:7 – We are the ones carrying that Treasure; which is God Almighty Himself.

And if God is the Treasure and we all know as the Bible says in 1 John 4:4; that Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.


1. Anytime you have a Medical Emergency, there will not be a need for an Ambulance to be called in to come and pick you – Because our own Landlord, who is Emmanuel is the Greatest Physician.

Isaiah 65:24 says that it shall come to Past that before they call; I will answer.

So, before there is any Sickness that you may want to tell God about; He will answer you tonight in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

2. If He is inside of you and He created you and I; and of course being the Greatest Physician, He can do what you call “Internal Disgnosis”.

Psalms 94:9 says: He that created ear will He not hear? He that formed the eyes, will He not see?

If you have a Problem right now or as you read now on the Label of DMC with any Part of your body; just grab it as you jump up for 2 Seconds and say: God, if you created this Part, then give me a Spare Part before I leave tonight – Amen!

… And so shall it be unto you in Jesus Precious Mighty Name – Amen!

3. If you are living with the Landlord, then you will not have any Electrical issues.

As a matter of fact, you will be living with the Light itself – As He said in Genesis 1:3.

4. If you are living with the Landlord, then there will not be a hold of bondage of Darkness over you or any kind of issue

So, once God gets Light, we get Light.

5. If Emmanuel is your Landlord, you don’t have to Struggle with Home Insurance, Fire Insurance, Disease Issue, Natural Disaster, Tax Property or Property Tax; because He says in Psalms 91:1 – Those who dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High, shall abide under the Shadow of the Almighty.



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Isaiah 4:6 says: And there shall be a Tabernacle of Shade in the Daytime from the Heat and a Place of Refuge and of Cover from Storm.

Please keep in Mimd that if you allow Emmanuel to be your Landlord; He will Protect you from all sorts of issues.

6. If you are living with the Landlord, it is the responsibility of the Landlord to Secure that which is Valuable to you.

And of course, including family and other things.

Psalms 121:4 says: Behold He that keepeth Israel shall neither Sleep nor Slumber.

Put your name there and repeat:

Behold He that keepeth “Discovery Media Crew (DMC)” shall neither Sleep nor Slumber.

7. Living with Emmanuel as Landlord gives you Someone to look out for you – Someone checking out on you; maybe you have come back Home on time, travelling or whatever is your usual routine.

Psalms 121:8 says: The Lord shall Preserve your going out and thy coming in.

This Landlord is “Very Unique” – If you choose to move anywhere, He will move with you to make sure that He buys the Property where you are going to stay so that you can continue to enjoy on the same Level, and the same Account you have been enjoying before.

He told Joshua in Joshua 1:9 that I will go with you anywhere you choose to go.

This is to ensure as we find in Philippians 4:19 – That I will Supply all your Needs.

In other for us as Tenant to enjoy this benefits of Emmanuel; we must Pay Rent:

– Pay Rent of Servicing Him through His People.

– Pay Rent for ensuring that the house (Our Body) is kept Pure and Holy. Our Compound, the Community we live in is United like the Body of Christ. And of course the world at large – Deuteronomy 8:1 and Joshua 1: 5-7.

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You are asking me – How do I Pay Emmanuel/God Rent?

1. By Praising Him.

2. By Worshipping Him.

3. By Marketing His House, Promoting His Kingdom and Pushing His Kingdom Agenda.

4. By ensuring that you take everything Personal when it comes to His Kingdom.

5. You have to make sure that the Space occupied is Clean and Pure.

6. And of course, any Tenant who will abuse the House/Property they find themselves will get “Eviction Notice”.

In some cases, this Eviction Notice will come as Warning and it will eventually lead to a Full Eviction either by Pressure or by Force!

In James 1:15, the Bible says: Then when the Lust has conceived, it brings forth sin and sin when it is finished; bringeth forth Death.

I Pray for Somebody today or reading now on the Label of DMC – You will not die in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ (Amen).

In Conclusion, you must do everything Possible to get into Emmanuel’s House as a Tenant or Somebody that is Wise.

And of course, if you are already in Emmanuel’s House, you must do everything Possible to remain in His House.

And in case you are already in but you have been getting Eviction Notice because you keep doing things that is causing you to get Eviction Notices; you keep breaking the Agreement of Contract that you Signed upon entering – Tonight, I Pray that you will not be Evicted in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ (Amen).

The Truth remains and the Fact is: If there is an issue between the Landlord and the Tenant, it is the Tenant that get “Kick Out”.

Please, jump on your feet and find a Prayer Partner:

1. Then you will Scream as loud as you can and will say: Emmanuel, Please let me in into Your House and let me become Your Tenant tonight in the Name of Jesus Christ.

I am tired of being Homeless, being the Devil’s Tenant and I want to become Your Own Tenant.

Go ahead and talk to the Lord.

In Jesus Precious Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

2. This Time you will say: Emmanuel, help this Soul that I’m holding through Your Mercies Oh Lord and let them remain in Your House.

Regardless of the Challenge, whatever the issues might be; give them Grace to remain in Your House. And let them make Right Decisions to remain in Your House.

Go ahead and cry to the Lord.

Thank You Lord. In Jesus Precious Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

3. “Self First” is not Selfishness.

Lay your hand on your own Head and Pray for yourself.

And say: Emmanuel, because of Your Mercies, if I have been receiving Eviction Notices – Both Physical and Spiritual; tonight just have Mercy upon me and don’t let me be “Kick Out”.

Cancel those Eviction Notices, let me start on a Clean Slate with You.

Help me Oh Lord, forgive any issues that have brought those Eviction Notices.

If it has been my sin or any Agreement entered into on my behalf or what I did by my own self.

Lord Please whatever it will take, dont let me be “Kick Out” of Your House or Presence.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus Precious Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, Thank You for this Evening.

Thank You for the Opportunity that You have given to us.

We know Almighty God that because You have given us this Opportunity that You will hear our Prayers in Jesus Name.

And Lord Please, wherever You find the “Loudest Amen”; let them receive what they have never experienced in the Last fifteen (15) Years within the last fifteen (15) Minutes in Jesus Name.

And where that Amen will even be louder, Father Please don’t kick them out of Your House in Jesus.

In Jesus Precious Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

About Devotional 2023

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