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Topic: Wisdom In The Fear Of The Lord
To avoid losses and regrets in life, wisdom is needed. It is not possible to experience a profitable life in this world without the engagement of wisdom.
SCRIPTURE: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Proverbs 9:10

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The fear of the Lord is the entry qualification for the school of wisdom.
Wisdom is a principal thing in life. To avoid losses and regrets in life, wisdom is needed. It is not possible to experience a profitable life in this world without the engagement of wisdom. So, the absence of wisdom is the abundance of losses. People lose where wisdom is lacking. People even lose their souls in eternity ending up in hell when they fail to apply their hearts to wisdom.
Throughout Scriptures, there were several men who walked with God, lived very outstanding lives and made impact in their generations by wisdom. People like Jacob, Joseph, David, Daniel and Solomon, etc. were men of wisdom.
Now, in Proverbs 9:10, the Bible says, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…
It is worthy of note that the fear of the Lord is the entry qualification for the school of wisdom. Where the fear of the Lord is lacking, access to wisdom is never guaranteed. It is never possible to be qualified as a wise man in this Kingdom without the fear of the Lord.
The reason why there are so many people on earth today with very unprofitable, regrettable behaviour and very regrettable eternity is the absence of the fear of the Lord.
Today, I welcome you to a life of wisdom. If wisdom is your desire, then the fear of the Lord is your entry requirement. The fear of God is also the guarantee that you will live peacefully in this world and enter eternity in heaven.
REMEMBER THIS: The fear of the Lord is the entry qualification for the school of wisdom.
Go to God in prayer and ask Him to impart you with supernatural wisdom.
Treasure the knowledge of God and His Word above every other thing in your life.
PRAYER: Lord, I ask for Your Wisdom in order to live a profitable life. Let Your fear be real in my life, Lord in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: You cannot arrive at wisdom until you have made the decision to be wise. Culled from WISDOM – LIFE’S GREATEST NECESSITY by Dr Paul Enenche
AMAZING FACT: The chicken is the most common species of bird found in the world.
PROPHETIC WORD/DECLARATION: I decree upon you today a fresh baptism of wisdom in the Name of Jesus Christ.