Table of Contents






BIBLE TEXT: 1 SAMUEL 1: 17-20.

Thank You Jesus, Thank You Jesus.



1. Lift up your hands to the Almighty God and begin to express your appreciation to Him – We are in the Season of Beyond Expectations.

Lift that Holy hands to the Almighty God. Begin to express your Appreciations, your Worship because of Faith is the Substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things that you have not seen.

Just give Him Glory – That in the Season of Beyond Expectations, a Book of Remembrance will be open unto you – Just give Him Glory, Worship the Almighty God, appreciate Him because He will not leave you the way you are.

You have come to Him the way you are, but you will not go back the way you are – He will have turned things around for your Life. Give Him all the Glory, give Him all the Honour, give Him all the Praise.

Glory be to the Almighty God, give Him all the Glory.

Thank you Father, we Worship you and adore you for this Season – Season of Beyond Expectations. You’re going to surpass our Expectations.

Oh! We Worship you.

In Jesus Mighty Name we Worship – Amen.

Also see;rccg-2023-ministers-conference-day-3-afternoon-session

2. I would like you to Pray and say: My Father, open my doors of Testimony and let there will be Multiple Fruits in my Life in the Name of Jesus.

Thank You Everlasting Father. Blessed be Your Holy Name.

In Jesus Name we Pray – Amen.


3. I would like us to Pray and say: My Father, every Reports contrary to Good News; I reject, I renounce, I cancel it in the Name of Jesus.

Any Report that is Negative to Good News, the Word of God says: Who have believed our Report to whom is the Hand of the Lord reveal.

In Jesus Mighty Name we Pray – Amen.


4. You are going to Pray and say: My Father, I receive Anointing for Fruitfulness this is my Season of Beyond Expectations – I receive Anointing for Fruitfulness, I receive Anointing for Twins, for Triplets, for Quadruplets I receive it Jehovah God.

Thank You my Father, we Worship You.

In Jesus Mighty Name we Pray – Amen.

Two (2) more Prayers!

Also see; rccg-71st-annual-convention-2023-day-3-evening-session-healing-service-beyond-expectations-byy-pastor-e-a-adeboye

5. You are going to say: My Father, make this Season of Beyond Expectations my Season of Celebrations.

Where I have constantly wept before, let it be the Point of my Constant Celebrations – Make this Season of Beyond Expectations, my Season of Celebrations in the Name of Jesus.

Thank You Glorious Redeemer, we Worship You and we adore you Lord.

In Jesus Mighty Name we Pray – Amen.


6. You are going to Prophesy over yourself and say: In the Name of Jesus, I Prophesy over my womb, I Prophesy over my Life; Multiple Fruits of Glory will come out of me, Multiple Fruits of Joy will come out of me.

I Prophesy to my hands – My hands will carry bundles of Joy in another nine (9) Months.

I will carry bundles of Joy – Make sure that you are Prophesing: A Man belly will be satisfied by the walls of His mouth.

That’s what the Bible says. And the Power of Life and Death are in the Power of the Tongue.


I Prophesy over my Life, over my Womb; that I will carry bundle of Joy, Multiple fruits will come out of me,

Thank You Everlasting Father.

In Jesus Name we Pray – Amen.



I know my Redeemer liveth
I know my Redeemer liveth
I know my Redeemer liveth
He liveth for ever more.



King of Glory, Lord of Lords, the God who is Beyond Expectations of our Request or thoughts. The Mighty God, the Holy God, the Eternal God, the Unchangeable God, ever Loving God, ever Dependable God, ever Caring God, ever Giving and Forgiven; we say Thank You.

The Giver of Joy, we say Thank You; Redeemer we say Thank You; Great Physician we say Thank You; Good News that come to the world to nullify everything called Bad News we say Thank You.

Thank You Everlasting Father, that after the awesome, awesome week of Beyond Expectations because you are not tired of Blessing us, we are here again this early hour in this Shiloh.

We say Thank You to You – Thank you Everlasting Father for Strength over our Daddy and His dear wife, Thank You for Great Miracle.

We say Thank You and the Miracle is still in this Particular Place today because He is still there – We say Thank You to you.

Receive our Praise in the Name of Jesus.

Now we have come, Oh God of Heaven on this Shiloh Hour; just as you did in the Days of the Past because You are Repeater of Miracle, what is done before, you can do it again, you are constant God, ever reliable; we Pray that in the lives of People who are in this Program today inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, do it and do it much more in the Name of Jesus I Pray.
Lord as my fath,er-in-the- Lord (Pastor E.A.Adeboye) as put me on this Altar to represent him, I will not mis-represents You God and neither my father.

I Pray that the few Words the Holy Spirit has put in my mouth Lord Almighty and by the Prayers of my father, will be delivered to Letter.

Nobody will count it a waste for being in this Shiloh hour and all the Prayers we are Praying today, Lord put ears and answer, answer us by fire.

Also see; rccg-august-2023-thanksgiving-service-featuring-special-for-business-men-and-womenhousewives-artisans-and-their-families

Thank you Holy Spirit.

Take over and take all the Glory to Yourself.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Pray – Amen.

And let Somebody shout a “Big Amen” – Amen.


Shout Hallelujah!

Help me to tell your Neighbour – This Season, God of Heaven will remember you.

Tell another Neighbour – This Season of Beyond Expectations, God of Heaven will remember you.

Please take your seat – God of Heaven will be with you.

I want to appreciate God for who God is and I want to thank my father in the Lord for the Privilege to Minister – I Pray that the Strength of God in him will not be abated (Amen).

And I know that He is Praying for us now so and I believe God of Heaven will continue to answer and hear His Prayers in the Name of Jesus – Amen.


1 Samuel 1: 17-20

17. Then Eli answered and said, Go in Peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy Petition that thou hast asked of him.

18. And she said, Let thine handmaid find Grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad.

19. And they rose up in the morning early, and worshipped before the LORD, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the LORD remembered her.

20. Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived, that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel, saying, Because I have asked him of the LORD.

The Lord bless the reading and hearing of His Words in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

In the Season of Expectations, God will open a Book of Remembrance for you – Amen!

The Story we read here is a Story of the birth of Samuel – The Prophet of Israel whose words never dropped on the Ground.

It’s a Picture of the Mother while She was waiting, she went to Shiloh, as you are here today and she Prayed and God answered.

Let me see if I mention few things – I need to mention something in that Particular Story and we will be able to further Pray.

God is currently looking into our hearts – He wants to see what is in your heart, He wants to see whether there is Faith to connect with the Promise that God made.

He is looking for Faith to be able to Produce a Lasting Fruit in our Life.

And I’m Praying for anyone among us inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC who cares to say Amen, as the Almighty God remembered Hannah, God will remember you in the Name of Jesus Amen!

There were three (3) attacks that Mummy Hannah encountered before God answer Her:

1. The first attack was an attack of Provocation.

She was Provoked to depression, to anger and to sorrow.

In 1 Samuel 1:7; the Bible says: And as He did so year by year, when she went up to the house of the LORD, so she Provoked her; therefore she wept, and did not eat.

This is an attack of other People, others Opinion – She is going again, look at her Fruitless tree, she is going again, Opinions of other people.

Those Opinions are tools in the hands of the devil – She was constantly Provoked.

Maybe your situation is like that – God who answer Hannah will answer you today in the Name of Jesus – Amen.


Also see; rccg-71st-annual-convention-2023-day-5-evenng-session-talk-1-holy-ghost-service

2. The Second attack; is the attack of Misunderstanding

When you read 1 Samuel 1:8 – Then said Elkanah her husband to her, Hannah, why weepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and why is thy heart grieved? am not I better to thee than ten sons?

Here is another attack – Why can’t you just be happy, that is the way God wants your own to be.

No! Nothing is final until God finalisec it and God has not say it is final about your Life.

In Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of Peace, and not of evil, to give you an Expected End.

Her husband Presummed that She should be satisfied, many People Presummed at least you are enjoying your husband, at least you have money, at least there is no crisis, at least the family of your husband, the family of your wife they are not putting you under Pressure.

It’s an attack of Understanding – Nobody knows how you are feeling, Nobody knows your Pain, Nobody knows how things are going.

Somebody says; I understand, they don’t know you are the one.

Whatsoever is the Misunderstanding about your situation; today the Season of Beyond Expectations; God will cancel it in the Name of Jesus Amen.


3. The Third attack; is the attack of Accusation.

When you read 1 Samuel 1: 13-14;

13. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

14. And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your Captivity, and I will gather you from all the Nations, and from all the Places whither I have driven you, saith the LORD; and I will bring you again into the Place whence I caused you to be carried away Captive.

Even the High Priest could not understand what She is going through – It like that Revelation 12:10, talked about the accuser of brethren.

I Pray whatever it is today is the attack of the enemy, God of Heaven that can do Exceedingly Abundantly with take over your affairs in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.

In this Season of Beyond Expectations, what do I do to have the Book of Remembrance open? What do I do when the Book of Remembrance is opened?

Number 1: God wants you to Surrender your Struggles.

In Hebrews 11:1, the Bible says, Now Faith is the Substance of things hoped for, the Evidence of things not seen.

God wants you to Surrender your Struggles.

In Luke 8:48; now somebody touched the hem of the Garment of Jesus.

And Jesus said to her when People criticize her, He said to her daughter be of Good Comfort and Faith, thy Faith has made thee Whole.

I Pray today, as you Surrender your Struggles unto God; God will take over in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen .

Hannah knows who to turn to – God.

She released her burden to the Lord,

God expects you to release your burden.

Why? Because your Father, God is a caring God – He cares about you, He loves you, He is interested in what you are going through.

In 1 Peter 5:7 – Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.

He is a caring God and God is a consistent God.

James 1:17 says: Every Good Gift and every Perfect Gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of Lights, with whom is no Variableness, neither shadow of turning.

In Malachi 3:6 – For I am the LORD, I Change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

Your God, the God we serve, your Father, my Father cares and He is very consistent – What He has done before, He can do it again.

Aot only that, He’s consistent – He is very close then you can ever imagine.

When you read Psalm145:18; the Bible says;.
The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in Truth.

I mean Hannah testing time was our Spiritual Lessons.

You also, you are in Shiloh, you are in this Particular Place where our father constantly Prays, where he constantly Minister.

And I Pray today that the God who have done it before He will do it for you – Amen.

You know why? Zechariah 4:6, it says this is the Word of the Lord to Zechariah, (To whom, you can alsi mention your name) – Not by Might, nor by Power, but by my Spirit, saith the LORD of Hosts.

In our Life today, we need to understand that God is building us in His Own way.

You look at the example we are reading now.

Also look at the example of Elizabeth – Read that example in Luke1:35-37:

35. And the Angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the Power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that Holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

36. And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth Month with her, who was called barren.

37. For with God Nothing shall be impossible.

How God visited the Particular family, God will visit your family too in this Season of Beyond Expectations – Amen.

When your Book of Remembrance is open, what do you do?

When you Surrender, you will reap Spiritual Harvest.

The Bible Text I read to us in 1 Samuel 1: 17-20, the woman, (Mummy Hannah) reap Reward.

The Lord remembered her – Meaning that God acted on her Request.

And there were three (3) things that happened to Hannah:


I. She reap the Harvest of Peace.

She went away with no suffering and she was no longer sad.

In this Season of Beyond Expectations, especially the Shiloh Hour of Beyond Expectations; you will reap the Harvest of Peace because your Prayers God has connected with your Answer in the name of Jesus – Amen .

II. Not only that, she reap the Harvest of Promise.

What is that Promise? – Samuel the Prophet, the Priest, the Judge and Anointed Ruler of Israel.

III. She reap the Harvest of Peace, she reap the Harvest of Promise and not only that, She reap the Harvest of Grace,

Grace – Three (3) sons and two (2) daughters.

Five (5) is the Number of Grace Three (3) sons and two (2) daughters.

For as many People who are saying Amen, you will reap a Harvest – Amen

It shall be so for you in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen!!!

In the Season of Beyond Expectations, when God open the Book of Remembrance and you Surrender, not only you will reap the Harvest, He will give you Greater than your Expectations.

Hannah learnt to trust in God and look at what happened in 1 Samuel 1:24 – And when she had weaned him, she took him up with her, with three bullocks, and one ephah of flour, and a bottle of wine, and brought him unto the house of the LORD in Shiloh: and the Child was young.

When God remembered you, He will go beyond your Expectations and that’s what I know God will do in someone Life today – Amen.

Here are five (5) things that I want you to take Note and we will see to it, so that we can Pray in the Season of Beyond Expectations and God open the Book of Remembrance.


Number 1: Performance of His Promise.

Genesis 21:1-2, way back in Genesis 12: 1-32, God Promise Abraham in Genesis18:1-14. The Lord visited their home but in Genesis 21:1-2, the Bible says and God visited Sarah as He had Said and did unto Sarah as He has spoken.

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The Bible says at old age, forget about the report that is against you, they may say it’s menopause, I know that menopause in your Life will be unpause today, even if they say it is meno stop, God we play it again today – Amen.

If they says it is menopause, stop, auto stop!whatever it is, God will override it in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

The Bible says Sarah carry Laughter, you will also carry your Laughter – Amen*

There was a Performance of His Promise.


Number 2: Conception.

Sarah conceived and bear Isaac at old age.

God has never been out of Control – He is always in Control. He is the Creator of Heaven and Earth, He is the Only One that can do Exceedingly Abundantly.

He can do it in your Life, He has done it before and so you have a Reference Point because God is not Partial.

He can do it and He will do it, because He loves you Passionately.


Number 3:
A New Season start for Hannah.

A New Season will start for you – Amen.

Hannah that had been mocked, She give birth to Prophet that His words never drop on to the Ground.

The same thing God did to Mama Sarah – She carry Laughter.

A New Season commences – No wonder the Word of God says to us in Psalm126:1-3:

1. When the LORD turned again the Captivity of Zion, we were like them that Dream.

2. Then was our mouth filled with Laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathens, The LORD hath done Great things for them.

3 The LORD hath done Great things for us; whereof we are glad.

Your mouth will be filled with Laughter in the Name of Jesus – Amen.


Number 4:
There was Reward.

There will be Rewards for you – Amen.

In Psalm 127:3; the Bible says: Lo, children are an Heritage of the LORD: and the Fruit of the womb is his Reward.

You will have that Reward in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Revelation 22:12; it says: Behold I come quickly and my Reward is with me.

This Season of Beyond Expectations; God will Reward you with boy, with girl with twins, with triplets, quadruplets and your two (2) hands will carry bundles of Joy – Amen!


Number 5:
She has an Outstanding Miracle.

Your Miracle will be Outstanding – Amen

In 1 Samuel 1:20 – Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived, that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel, saying, Because I have asked him of the LORD.

Beloveth of God, you have come to the Hour of Shiloh of the Season of Beyond Expectations, there’s no way you can miss your Blessings, there is no way God can close His eyes to your tears, there is no way God can close His eyes to what is Paramount Needs in your Life.

Just as He did for Mummy Hannah, God will do your own in the Name of Jesus – Amen

In the book of Isaiah 66 :9; the Bible says – Shall I bring to the time of birth and not cause delivery says the Lord, shall I, who calls delivery shut up the womb says the Lord.

Whatever has been shut against you, the time of your womb, whatever report Negative of you, I Pray unto God today – Not by Might not by Power because I have Commissioned, I have Commanded and Appointed to be here where my father-in-the Lord constantly stand and He is Still Standing, everything about you today will encounter Glory and Joy in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

But if you want to connect with this Book of Remembrance, let me mention two (2) things and we begin to Pray now in the Season of Beyond Expectations:

1. Number One (1) thing you should do to connect is to be sure that you are a Child of the Living God – Bonafide sons and daughters of the Living God.

That’s why I want to encourage those who are yet to give their Life to Jesus Christ because I will soon be making an Altar Call.

When it is time, you come. But remember that God created you and have Plans, so what do you do?

Believe what He said, believe His Words because in Hebrews 11 :6; the Bible says – For without Faith it is impossible to Please Him.

In the same Hebrews10:38; the Bible says that the Just will connect with Blessing and be Justified by His or Her Faith. Believe.

2. Number two (2) – Which is last one, now is the fact that you will rehearse to the Lord, His Promise.

You will rehearse to Him – There is nothing you are looking for that is not cover under His Word, there is nothing you’re looking for, that God has not made Provisions for.

God is a caring Father – Before you came into existence, there are Good Things that He has pen down, that He arranged for you.

That’s why I want to encourage us as we Pray this Particular Day that you will surrender to Him, you will let Him hear what you are going through – Not only that you believe, when you are rehearsing, how do you rehearse, you quote His Words and says you are the One who created me and you are the One who says none shall be barren.

You will rehearse His Words in Prayer!

Shall we rise up as we Pray.

And if you are there before we start Praying because we are going to Pray on three (3) Prayer Points and we will do the rest of the thing, if you are there as we Stand up to Pray.



I want you to come to the Altar – You are yet to Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ.

Please give Him a Chance – God wants you to be Fruitful, He has open a Book of Remembrance for you.

Please shall we rise as we begin to Pray?

The Bible says as the arrows are in the hand of the Mighty man, so children of the Youth, happy is the man that has his quiver full of them.

Those who want to Surrender their Life, Please I want you to come now wherever you are – Please come to the Altar.

This is the Altar where my father-in-the-Lord has constantly Prayed and constantly rehearse and released the Words of God.

Please if you are coming, come quickly let all of us rise Please and begin to tell the Lord – Lord I am here, in the Season of Beyond Expectations, just like You did for Mummy Hannah, open Your Book of Remembrance for me.

And as People are Praying,, you are there you want to come to the Altar, Please come quickly to Him – Let Him see you, let Him distinguish you.

The woman, Hannah also went to the Altar in Shiloh, that’s why the Priest was able to identify her,.

You are there, you want to say Pray with me, we are being willing to do that on behalf of my father.

So let the rest of us begin to Pray – Lord open the Book of Remembrance for me and as the Book is opened, Father may I be able to connect with all your Promises.

Every enemy of my Fruitfulness, your time has expired in my Life in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Every voice of Barrenness speaking against my Fruitfulness, I command you to shut up in the Name of Jesus – Amen .

Begin to ask the Lord – Enemy of my fruitfulness, you will no longer Proceed, your time has expire, every voice of Barrenness speaking against my Fruitfulness, I command you to shut up in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Let every Seeds of Unfruitfulness Planted in my womb – Whether in the Dream, whether Physically ,be destroyed in the Name of Jesus.

Every Power waiting to abort my Destiny; you can no longer Perform your Enterprise in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Begin to ask the Lord!

And if you are there, you want to say Pray with me as I want to Surrender my Life, I want to re-dedicate my Life anywhere you are in the crowd Please I want you to appear here – Come to the Altar Please.

Thank you Eternal Father.

Begin to Pray that Prayer – Every voice of Barrenness speaking against my Fruitfulness; Command it to shut up, Seed of Barrenness Planted in my womb, be rooted out in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

My Father, let every Seeds of Dryness, every Seeds that is Transplanted into my Life whether in the Day or in the Night, let that Seed dry up in the Name of Jesus.

God bless those who are coming, as you come to the Altar, just begin to say your own.

The reason why I asked you to come to the Altar is that your Prayer might be answered first, that you might receive first hand Miracle.

Let the rest of us begin to Pray.

And after that Prayer, I will call two (2) other Prayer Points and we will do what we need to do.



1. Every enemy of Fruitfulness in my Life, your time expire has come, every voice of Barrenness speaking against my Fruitfulness shut up. Seeds of Barrenness Planted into my womb – Whether in the Dream or in the Day, go away in the Name of Jesus Amen.

Thank you Eternal Father, Blessed be your Holy Name.

In Jesus mighty Name we Pray – Amen .

2: We are going to Pray and say: My Father, let every Seeds of Fruitfulness bury in the Valley of my enemy, arise and manifest.

My Seed of Fruitfulness bury in the Valley of the enemy arise and manifest in my Life – Let your Divine Fertilizer, fertilise every barren situation in my Life.

Father let your Divine Fertilizer, fertilise my womb, fertilise all the water that Produce issues, fertilise my body in the Name of Jesus.

Let your Seeds of Greatness speak to my body. And my
y body, hear the Word of the God – You will bear fruits and it will come up this Month (August).

Speak to your body – My body hear the Word of God, bear Good Fruits and start from this Month in the Name of Jesus Amen.

Thank you Father!

In Jesus Name – Amen.

3: You are going to say: Father every Program hindering my Harvest – Harvest of Fruitfulness! I Paralysed you in the Name of Jesus. You tree of Barrenness occupying space of my Fruitfulness, the axe of God is upon you, you are cut down,

Thank you Jesus, we Worship and adore you. Blessed be your Holy Name.

Thank you Gracious Father – Please you can do this.

The Bible says in the book of Proverbs 18 when you pick it up from Verses 19, 20 and 21. It says a man belly will be satisfy by the fruit of His mouth, Power of Life and Death it says in Verse 21.

You are going to Prophesy over your Life again,you are going to Pray and say: My Life hear the word of the Lord, Produce Good Fruits that will last in the Name of Jesus.

You can mention your name, mention the name of your wife or your husband – Produce Good Fruits that will last in the Name of Jesus.

Thank you Gracious Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we Pray Amen!!!

Shall we Pray!


Eternal Father we want to give You Thanks.

The Lord of Glory, you are Worthy to be Praised, You are Worthy to be Honoured.

What a Privilege to come to Shiloh hour after Beyond Expectations, and also week of Multiples Blessings.

And because you are not tired of Blessing us, You want to give us some “Bottom Pot” Blessing.

*I Pray today, Jehovah God, from the People that are by this Altar inclusive those reading now on the Label DMC; who is saying to you, I do, I asked that you give them Divine Eyes, your Divine Hands, your Divine Grace, your Divine Reconciliation, your Divine Restoration for the People by the Altar Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, let It visit them in them in the Name of Jesus.

I Pray that today, for as many People who e saying I do to God; God will receive you back to His House, receive you back to His Home.

Whatever you have lost as a result of being outside His House, God will restore to you multiples in the Name of Jesus.

And I asked that your Name will go back into the Book of Document of the bonafide sons and daughters and you will continually receive the Promise in the Name of Jesus.

Great God will give you Power to live for Him for the rest of your Life.

And whosoever say Amen with you, iniquity will not be found in your Tent.

Father all the Prayers we have raised, the Lord will hear and answer.

I Pray that today, a New Thing, a New Chapter of a New Beginning, a New Chapter of a New Glory.

It’s a New week, Monday following Beyond Expectations, God who remembers Hannah, He remember Sarah, He remember Elizabeth, He remember Rachael, the same God Yesterday, Today and forever will remember you in the Name of Jesus.

Not by Might nor by Power, God will make it happen to you in the Name of Jesus.

In nine (9) Months time, with dancing and singing with loud noise of Praise, you will come back to give Glory to God.

In the Jesus Mighty Name we Pray Amen – Amen!!!

Shout a “Big Amen’ – Amen!!!

Help me to say to your Neighbours both, the People by the Altar, just say congratulation it’s your turn .

Now for those People who are by the Altar, can you see a Pastor there holding a stick – Just go there, my Father in the Lord will want to have your details.

And all your Prayer Requests without exception.


Please it’s time to communicate with God with our Offering.

I want you to carry your offering now and the Choir will sing, you will drop your offering (online) and I will do the next Assignment that my father-in-the-Lord asked me to do.

Because after that offering, we will Pray on it and those who have written Letter to our father-in-the-Lord and they asked you to come on occasion like this, we will be able to Pray for you.

You know I didn’t stand here on my own; he is already Praying – I’m just connecting my own Prayer with his and the Lord will hear him.

So, Please Package your offering and the Choir will lead us – Choir Please.

The Testimony of my Life, People will see and come and rejoice with me – Amen.

I Pray the Testimony of your Life, People will see and come and rejoice with you.

So if you are part of the People who have written to our father-in-the-Lord, on an occasion like this – You want Him to Pray.

He is Praying for us in His Prayer Room now, so you are there Please approach the Altar – Altar is where Life is being altered.

And I will connect my own Short Prayer with his own brief Prayer and God of Heaven will put upon you Mighty Miracle to the Glory of His Name – Amen!

It might be a Good Idea to put your hands on your head.


Eternal Father, we want to thank you, we Worship Your Name because you are God that hear and answer Prayers.

These People of God has come to God in Faith, and if our Daddy in the Lord, the one you favoured and the one the Hands of God is on, if He Prays, You will answer.

And He appointed me to be here today and I’m Standing in that Appointment.

And I declared that, that’s which you are trusting God for – Big, Small, Major or Minor; receive it today in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Whatsoever has been causing delay, whatsoever has been causing blockage, all Spiritual and Physical Bureaucracy and I command by the Power in the Name above every other name, let’s such be cleared today in the Name of Jesus.

Everyone of you before the Altar inclusive those reading now – Altar is a Place where Life is being altered, we Pray that you will carry your Testimony, People will hear, People will Testify, People will Rejoice with you in the Name of Jesus.

Mockery end in your Life – Your Mockers will be put to shame.

Those who are Expectant of evil from you and for you, we restore their Expectations back to Sender in the Name of Jesus.

You will carry Beyond Expectations Fruitfulness, Beyond Expectations Blessings, Beyond Expectations Answers in the Name of Jesus Amen.

Whatever may be your various Requests, the God who have done it before and He is still doing, will do it your Life.

Carry your Blessings, carry your Testimonirs, as it’s your turn.

Bless our Offerings, use it for your Glory.

In the Kingdom of the Righteous, we will not miss our Rewards.

And for everyone who is in this Program – Whether Virtual or Actual or reading now on the Label of DMC; whatever maybe your other Prayer Requests of yours, wherever you are, across the Globe, may God answer you instantaneously.

May you have your Testimony.

When the Kingdom of God come, you and I will not be find wanting or missing there in the Name of Jesus.

Thiank you Eternal Father.

From now and for the rest of our Life, Beyond Expectations Blessings will be Constant, Unending, Unstoppable ocurrence in our Life in the Name of Jesus.

Thank You because it is done!

In Jesus Mighty Name we Pray Amen!!!

And let somebody shout an echo Amen, Amen!!!

If you receive it, shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!!!

God bless you just give Thanks to God!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.


About Devotional 2023

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