From The Book Of Making Good habit – Get Excited About Conquering Projects By Joyce Meyer

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Topic: Get Excited About Conquering Projects

All those who have received Jesus as their Savior and Lord
have His Spirit in them, and His Spirit is one of a Conqueror.

joyce meyer ministries
joyce meyer ministries 

Jesus is a mighty warrior, and He has not called us to be
fainting saints. Don’t dread anything, but instead conquer it.
The longer we put something off and think about it, the more we turn what is actually a molehill into a mountain. When we are people of action, we don’t give the devil time to exaggerate the reality of what we are facing. Don’t dread making and breaking habits, but be excited about the  challenge in front of you.

I honestly don’t want to live without goals, and when Ia accomplishone, I look forward to the next one. I don’t always like the work involved, but I love, love, love the results and the feeling of conquering and accomplishment. I believe you will too. I have heard people say, “I am just a procrastinator,” as if that were their identity. We are children of God, joint heirs with Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit, anointed by God, gifted, talented, and able to do whatever we need to do in life through Christ (Philippians 4:13).

If you have the small opinion of yourself that you are
merely a procrastinator, you are pitiful indeed. I encourage you to get a new attitude, one of a warrior and a conqueror. Look forward to climbing mountains. Caleb asked for a mountain when he was eighty years old! (See Numbers 13.) Why not? He knew that as long as God was with him, he could do great things.



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Congratulations! You are still reading, and that means you
are on your way to making good habits and breaking bad ones.

Choose something and begin today. Stick with it until you have victory, and then choose another and repeat the  process. Don’t stop until you have developed the habits you want to have.

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