What can we do to continuously hear from God? Bishop Oyedepo Sermons

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continuously hear from God? Bishop Oyedepo

What can we do to continuously hear from God? Bishop Oyedepo Sermons

Ephesians 4:13, our faith has the unlimited capacity for growth, positioning you and me for unlimited capacity for delivery of every word of scriptures. That’s where I found my faith by devouring books, read almost all Hagin’s books. Faith defies the weakness of the enemy, we have a measure of faith Romans 12: 3, some don’t service their faith it becomes no faith, some service their faith a little it becomes a little faith. Faith can be exhausted if you don’t grow. Everyone has a measure of faith, Matthew 8:6, ye of little faith. Continuously hear from God? Bishop Oyedepo

David O Oyedepo messages today

Some make a great investment in their faith, Jude 1:3 we are asked to contend for the faith, which
becomes the manifestation of supernatural faith. continuously hear from God? Bishop Oyedepo
Luke 1:17, putting you supernaturally in charge of what others are afraid of. So go grow your faith, stop wishing it grow, go build your faith, stop wishing of grows, go cultivate your faith because it comes from hearing, and hearing from God.

The deeper your insight of truth concerning anything the deeper your faith. You cannot enter your promise land if you don’t grow your faith. There are giants that must be diminished or else you will never, never enter into it.

How to Continuously hear from God? Bishop Oyedepo



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Numbers 13:30, they are giants but however there is nothing giant in them. Faith despises your giants.
Whatever you don’t despise you can never dominate. David said I will go fight this empty thing called
Goliath, David said I will go, meanwhile he had no training, but he was jealous for God. Despising the
features of the giant and went with a sling and brought te giant down.

Jesus himself took my sickness, He said he took, the truth took my infirmity how can a man tell me I had tuberculosis? I said No, If he says He took, am suppose to go free I snouted July 1979, Yeaaa!! I can never be sick. It is an insight that triggers violent faith in Deuteronomy 4:1, if your enemy is left alone, his words will come to pass in your life when Goliath coursed the people David told him I come to you in the name of the Lord 1 Samaul 17, every seed of Abraham coursed by Abraham is entitled to be coursed, some people are so daft in religion, Jesus said woe unto them, he coursed t fig tree the word woe do you think its a sweet thing! Acts 13:10 look at the violent faith. Be angry unto death, Psalms 7:11 Gods love is angry against the wicked.

PRAYER: Every agent bewitching your destiny shall be destroyed in Jesus name.

The ultimate access to Faith that works Romans 4:20, is access to the spoken word of God either by
teaching of preachers or the written Scripture. Isaiah 34:16, every statement of Scripture is the
spokennwork of God in print, you must now release yourself into the reality Exodus 14:22, every host of the wiked chasing your lif the lord will remove their wills in Jesus name.

What can we do to continuously hear from God?

To remain in persistent order of the word we must remain fervent in prayers Jeremiah 33:3
2. Continue to learn at the feet of our God ordained teachers – Jeremiah 3:15, God appoint teachers to
us whose language we comprehend. Ephesians 4:13, till we come to the unity of Faith Isaiah 30:20.
Understand that no one can dominate the devil He does not dispise, Daniel 3:18, they dispise the
decrees that was against God. He despised the Lions den and dominated it. What you don’t dispise you
cannot dominate, light is a no flight zone for darkness.

Operations 615, Luke 1:34. This looked like a raw impossibility, whatever the power in high can do do
not despised. Whatever he says he creates. Jesus fed 10,000 people John 6:12, everything came at the
Word. Everything God said God saw, we are going to see that this Operations 615, 1Kings 8:15, Isaiah
53:1, put your faith on the line, by strength shall no man prevailed. Continuously hear from God? Bishop Oyedepo

Just obey God and let you faith come alive, James 1:7 , Jeremiah 30:19 anytime the church grows the
enemy is angry, leave them, the Lord said He will punish them V21, so engage your heart in seeking unto God this hour, as you seek God He decorates your life in Jesus name. continuously hear from God? Bishop Oyedepo

confess your sins to Jesus and ask him to come into your life, ask Jesus to wash you with his blood, believe it and thank Him for forgiving you. Ask him to give you a new life, ask him to write your name in the book of life, In Jesus name Amen!!

Sermons by Bishop Oyedepo

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