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Ecwa daily devotional TUESDAY 16 APRIL 2024


TUESDAY: 16 APRIL, 2024 TEXT: JEREMIAH 6:1-19 TOPIC: IMPENDING JUDGEMENT OVER A REBELLIOUS NATION Even though Jerusalem was doomed for judgement, God warned the people of Benjamin to flee for safety because He is a God of justice. They fled and lived in the kinds of places we refer today …

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ECWA Devotional For The Day 10 FEBRUARY 2024


SATURDAY, 10 FEBRUARY 2024 TEXT: MATTHEW 6: 25-34 TOPIC: WORRYING ABOUT TOMORROW MATTHEW 6: 25-34 NIV 25:“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more …

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