Table of Contents
BIBLE TEXT: Ruth 1: 1-22; Luke 16:13; 2 Timothy 2:3-9; 3:10-15;4:6-8; 1 Peter 3:15
Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 2:3, NIV).
To help the child realise that loyalty is important in life and that God expects him/her to be loyal to Him and to others for being loyal is still another way of witnessing with his/her life.
During and after the lesson, each child will show that he/she understands the lesson by:
1. Identifying how he/she can show loyalty to God and others.
2. Answering questions during and after the lesson.
1. Being Loyal – Luke 16:13; 1 Pet 3:15
2. Ruth Is Loyal to Naomi – Ruth 1:2-22
3. Paul Urges Timothy to Be Loyal – 2 Timothy 2:3-9; 3:10-15
4. The Reward for Being Loyal – 2 Timothy 4:6-8
Are there people, things, or ideas you are attached to? Why are you attached to them?
Is your attachment strong or weak? What makes attachment strong or weak is how important the attachment is to you. You need to know why you have chosen something and then you decide whether the choice is good or bad. Your loyalty may not be the same as another’s.
One of the reasons why people forget things so easily is because they lack a sense of loyalty and commitment. Loyalty is like invisible glue that holds us to special people or things. This week we will look at somebody whose loyalty serves as a good example of loyalty. She made a good choice and remained loyal to her choice. Loyalty is commitment to God, to parents, and to goals.
1. Being Loyal and Defending Our Loyalties – Luke 16:13; 1 Peter 3:15
Luke brings out the fact that God should be the first in the life of every believer. In other words, the believer’s loyalty is first and foremost to God. No one can serve two masters. He would, either love one and hate the other, or he would be loyal to one and despise the other. There is no way a person can give equal attention to two masters at the same time. In the same way, no man can serve God and any other master, whether money, or sin, or Satan.
Peter, on his own part encourages believers to have the courage to defend those people or things they are loyal to. Just as a soldier defends his country, so must a believer defend his salvation and what he believes, but he must have good reasons for his stand.
2. Ruth Is Loyal to Naomi – Ruth 1:1-22
Ruth, a woman from the country of Moab, married a man from Israel. The man’s family had settled in Moab because of famine. There, her father-in-law, brother-in-law, and husband all died. Ruth’s mother-in-law, Naomi later decided to go back to Israel. She asked her two daughters-in-law to go back to their people. One of them, Orpah, agreed and went home. But Ruth passionately refused to go back to her people. She loved Naomi and was determined to follow her back to her own country and continue to live with her. When Naomi saw that she could not persuade her to go back she allowed her to go back, to Israel with her. That was loyalty. Ruth is a very good example of loyalty. She was loyal to her mother-in-law to the end.
3. Paul Urges Timothy to Be Loyal – 2 Timothy. 3:10-15
In urging Timothy to be loyal, Paul compared Him as a believer to three things. First he compared him to a soldier that is loyal to his country, to his own calling, and to his fellow soldiers. Paul used the word hardship to tell Timothy he must remain loyal as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. He should not get involved in things of the world if he is to please the person that called him to be a soldier.
Next, Paul compared Timothy to an athlete who is not given a crown unless he remains loyal to the rules of the game. And thirdly, he compared him to a hard working farmer who is always the first to enjoy his crops because of being loyal to his task. Finally, Paul told Timothy to remember Jesus who is his greatest example of loyalty.
Then in chapter 3:10-15, Paul
commended Timothy for being loyal to his (Paul) doctrine, way of life, purpose, faith, patience, love, perseverance, persecutions and afflictions that he endured. He then encouraged him to remain loyal in the things that he had learned from him and is convinced of.
4. The Reward for Being Loyal – 2 Timothy 4:6-8
Paul says here that the time for him to leave the scene had come. He had been loyal to God and had gone through a lot because of it. Like a soldier he had fought the good fight and like an athlete he had finished the race, The reward for his loyalty is a crown of righteousness from the Lord, which is waiting for him. This crown will also be given to all who remain faithful to the cause of Christ.
We learn the following from this week’s lesson:
1. In our efforts to be loyal, we may meet hardships but that should not stop us from being loyal.
2. We should be careful not to cast people aside when they no longer serve our purpose as we cast aside things we see as outdated and useless.
3. If we are loyal to God and His Word, our loyalty toward others will improve. And we will remain loyal to things that are worthwhile no matter what people around us do.
4. Someone has said that friendships must be serviced just as cars are serviced. It needs attention to grow stronger. Thus we must pay attention to loyalties as we pay attention to plants or else they die.
5. Like Paul we must keep our eyes on eternal life, which is our goal. Our loyalty to Jesus must be so strong that nothing can change us.
6. People may be disloyal to us at times but God will never fail us. He promises to be loyal and faithful to the end and that He will always be with us. Our part is also to be faithful and loyal to Him.
1. What truth does Luke bring out in today’s lesson?
(A) That God should be the first in the life of every believer.
(B) That God should not be allowed to interfere in the life of every believer.
(C) That education should be the first in the life of every believer.
(D) None of the above.
2. What did Peter encourage believers to do?
(A) Never to be loyal to people or things.
(B) Discourage people from being loyal to people or things.
(C) To only be loyal to Jesus Christ and no other person
(D) To have the courage to defend those people or things they are loyal to.
3. Who is a good example of loyalty in this week’s lesson and who is the greatest example?
(A) Ruth and Paul
(B) Timothy and Paul
(C) Paul and Jesus Christ
(D) Ruth and Jesus Christ.
4. What three things did Paul compare Timothy and all believers to?
(A) Doctor, Pilot and Engineer
(B) Soldier, Pilot and Farmer
(C) Athlete, Soldier and Doctor
(D) Soldier, Athlete and Farmer.
Mon: Be Known for Your Loyalty – 1 Sam 22 14-15
Tues: Family Loyalty – 1 Kings 12:20-23
Weds: Have a Loyal Heart – 1 Chro 29:18-20
Thurs: Continue in Loyalty – Ps 78:32-37
Fri: Reward for Loyalty – Luke 22:28-30
Sat: Be Loyal to Authority – Rom 13:1-7