What Kind of obedience works? By David Oyedepo Winners Church Midweeks Service 15 June 2022

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What Kind of obedience works? By David Oyedepo

Obedience By David Oyedepo Winners Church Midweeks Service 15 June 2022

Winners Church Sunday Sunday Service Oyedepo
Winners Church Sunday Sunday Service Oyedepo

2 Timothy 1:12 doing what he said you should do and believing him to confirm it. God does not enforce obedience on any man it’s simply the choice of individuals.
Mark 10:13 Master what must I do to inherit the kingdom? Jesus gave him the answer and he left sorrowful. Jesus never harass him he left him to make his choice. Matthew 21:28 A certain man said to his son Go work on my vineyard he said no bit later went, and the other son said yes I will but never went. Mark 6:6 Jesus marveled at their unbelief
May your will full obedience to the word come alive today in Jesus’ name

Psalms 112:2 blessed is a man that greatly delights in the Lord, delight some obedience. John 6:37 Jesus said he by no way cast out he that comes to him.

Titus 2:11 God gives man an open opportunity for a life with him but then gives them a choice.

1 John 3:3 , 2 Timothy 2:19 The Lord knows they that are his…. If a man purges himself… A man can purge himself and he will be used unto honor, it’s only a matter of choice, if, If!! 1 Timothy 4:3 Paul admonishes them to choose to serve God. Everything about the kingdom is tied to choice, choose life that thou and thy sons may live.
Obedience speaks louder than voice Deuteronomy 28:1 If thou observe and do… We are not told Abraham prayed when God told Abraham to move. Genesis 22:5 Obedience speaks louder than voice. John 9:7 a man born blind was instructed and he went and came back healed. That’s how powerful obedience can be. John 21:6 Jesus again appeared to the disciples cast down your nets on the right side and they obeyed simple obedience and it triggered wonders.


What Kind of obedience works?

1. Fear-free obedience God who is asking me to do this cannot lie. Numbers 23:19 fear is an expression of doubt, what of? We are required fear-free obedience that is doubt-free obedience Romans 14:23 , Job a servant of God began to live in fear Job 3: V24-25 , nobody Lives and overcomes life wit fear. 1 Timothy 1:7 God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and sound mind. Fear is a destroyer, fear us a killer. There so many things God can tell you to do bit fear won’t just let you do it.



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As we partake of the Communion every fear in your life shall be consumed in Jesus name.

Peter was afraid in the ship Matthew 14:30 Jesus said peter come, as he began to fear he began to sink

2. Resolute and unwavering obedience: God sent mosses and proved everything he told him. Example Shadrach Meshach and Abednego. They stood there ground unwavering. They where resolute in there decision to obey God.

Daniels is another example, the kind say pray only to him, but because he had a resolute obedience to God he even open the windows and prayed. Daniel 6:24 unwavering obedience is the kind God Honor.

Obedience of faith does wonders. Abraham obeyed God and his blessing endured for generations to generation. Simple obedience of faith turns Abraham to a generation blessing. Ezekiel 36:37 we should rather pray for the spirit of obedience than blessing. Jesus said scriptures cannot be broken no apostle or prophet can prevail over the truth of scriptures. Sustainable obedience and tireless obedience is required.


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