Easter Rendezvous with Alph Lukau | Day 3 | Sunday 01/04/2018 | AMI LIVESTREAM

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Watch Live Easter Rendezvous with Alph Lukau

Easter Rendezvous with Alph Lukau |  | SUNDAY | AMI LIVESTREAM

Alleluia Ministries International has TENS OF THOUSANDS of members in Africa, Europe, and South America.

pastor alph lukau scandals

Live Stream Sermon with Pastor Alph Lukau

Easter Rendezvous with Alph Lukau | Day 3 | Sunday 01/04/2018 | AMI LIVESTREAM

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Watch Live Easter Rendezvous with Alph Lukau

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Alleluia Ministries International has TENS OF THOUSANDS of members in Africa, Europe, and South America.

Easter Rendezvous with Alph Lukau | Day 3 | Sunday 01/04/2018 | AMI LIVESTREAM

Watch Live Easter Rendezvous with Alph Lukau

In the past, the Pastor has come under fire for allegedly claiming to heal fake, dying patients. On his social media, he posted images of “dead” clients laying in hospital beds and then him bring them “back to lie.”

“There is NO sickness that Jehovah Rapha cannot heal. Is it HIV, is it cancer? Diabetes, arthritis, high/low blood, paralysis or back pains? There is nothing He cannot do. He lifted this woman from her bed of death as doctors had sent her home with no solution. Your solution is found in Jesus,” he boasted. Social media swarmed him and told him to cut it out.

Easter Rendezvous with Alph Lukau | Day 3 | Sunday 01/04/2018 | AMI LIVESTREAM

The scandal obviously didn’t hurt his career, and he has since become a billionaire, and he is not shy about flaunting his wealth. His works will come under immense scrutiny, and people will be looking to him to share the wealth with those less fortunate

Watch Live Easter Rendezvous with Alph Lukau

Pastor Alph Lukau , Biography , Prayer Request & Contact Details , Pastor Alph N Lukau is the founder and General Overseer of Alleluia Ministries International.

He is a Bible Scholar and a renowned International Speaker who ministers in different platforms around the world.

TODAY is a special day in AMI. I will be prophesying over sons and daughters who will be watching us LIVE from across the world (Facebook, Youtube, AMI TV). Do not miss our 3 special prophetic services for God has a word for you.

TODAY may God REVERSE the verdict of the enemy in your life. May God OPEN doors that the enemy has closed. May God INTERVENE in the story of your life. Somebody say Amen Watch Live Easter Rendezvous with Alph Lukau

Easter Rendezvous with Alph Lukau | Day 3 | Sunday 01/04/2018 | AMI LIVESTREAM

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