Sunday Sermon Today Title: “Walking in Faith: Trusting God’s Promises”

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Title: “Walking in Faith: Trusting God’s Promises”

April Month
April Month

Introduction: Good morning beloved congregation! Today, we gather together to worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and to delve into His Word. Our focus today is on walking in faith and trusting in God’s promises, even when the journey seems uncertain.

Bible Readings:

  1. Genesis 15:1-6 (NIV) – God’s Covenant with Abram
  2. Hebrews 11:1-3 (NIV) – Faith in Action
  3. Romans 4:18-21 (NIV) – Abraham’s Faith

Sermon Points:

  1. The Promise of God’s Presence: Just as God assured Abram of His presence and protection, He promises to be with us every step of our journey. We are never alone, for He is our faithful companion through every trial and triumph.
  2. The Challenge of Faith: Faith is not always easy, especially when circumstances seem bleak. However, like Abraham, we are called to believe in God’s promises even when they seem impossible. Our faith is strengthened as we trust in His unfailing love and sovereignty.
  3. The Assurance of God’s Faithfulness: Despite our doubts and fears, God remains faithful to His promises. He is the God who never fails, and His Word stands firm forever. As we anchor our faith in His character, we can confidently walk forward, knowing that He will fulfill His promises in His perfect timing.

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for an increase in faith and trust in God’s promises among the congregation.
  2. Pray for those who are facing trials and challenges, that they may find strength and comfort in God’s presence.
  3. Pray for the leaders of our church, that they may be guided by wisdom and discernment as they shepherd the flock.
  4. Pray for unity and harmony within the body of Christ, that we may be one in spirit and purpose.
  5. Pray for revival and spiritual awakening in our community, that many hearts may be turned to Jesus Christ.




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  1. “Great is Thy Faithfulness”
  2. “Trust and Obey”
  3. “My Faith Looks Up to Thee”
  4. “Standing on the Promises”

Order of Church Service:

  1. Welcome and Opening Prayer
  2. Hymn of Praise
  3. Scripture Readings
  4. Sermon: “Walking in Faith: Trusting God’s Promises”
  5. Intercessory Prayer
  6. Hymn of Response
  7. Benediction and Sending Forth

May our time together in worship be a source of encouragement and inspiration as we walk in faith and trust in the promises of our faithful God. Amen.

Here’s a suggested order of church service based on your outline:

Order of Church Service:

  1. Welcome and Opening Prayer:
    • The service begins with a warm welcome to all attendees.
    • An opening prayer is offered to invite God’s presence and guidance throughout the service.
  2. Hymn of Praise:
    • The congregation sings a hymn of praise to glorify God and set the tone for worship.
  3. Scripture Readings:
    • Selected passages from the Bible are read aloud, emphasizing the theme of walking in faith and trusting God’s promises.
    • The readings may include passages such as Genesis 15:1-6, Hebrews 11:1-3, and Romans 4:18-21.
  4. Sermon: “Walking in Faith: Trusting God’s Promises”:
    • The pastor or guest speaker delivers the sermon, exploring the theme of faith and trust in God’s promises.
    • The sermon may include practical insights, personal anecdotes, and biblical examples to illustrate the importance of walking in faith.
  5. Intercessory Prayer:
    • A time of intercessory prayer is led, where the congregation lifts up their prayers and petitions to God.
    • Prayers may include requests for individuals facing challenges, for the church community, for the nation, and for the world.
  6. Hymn of Response:
    • Following the prayer, the congregation sings a hymn or worship song that reflects the theme of the sermon and encourages response to God’s word.
  7. Benediction and Sending Forth:
    • The service concludes with a benediction, where the pastor or worship leader pronounces a blessing over the congregation.
    • Attendees are then dismissed with a sending forth, encouraging them to go forth in faith, trusting in God’s promises and sharing His love with others.

This order of service provides a structured and meaningful worship experience centered around the theme of walking in faith and trusting God’s promises. It allows for a balance of worship, teaching, prayer, and response, fostering spiritual growth and unity within the church community.

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