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Destiny Devotional by Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche “Dunamis International Gospel Centre” Date: Friday 3rd August 2018.
SCRIPTURE: Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesian 5:12
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: People of impact are people who have a very high sense of urgency. In my book, 10 Principal Secrets of Principal People, I made it clear that principles are the secrets of principal people. This means, there are principles principal people know and practice that make them great on earth. In the same way, to be one of the most important personalities on earth, one must do the most important things. Now, one of the most important things on earth is the maximization of life’s opportunities. One way to maximize your life’s opportunities is living with the sense of urgency. It is the refusal to be a time or opportunity waster. It is to recognize opportunities and take advantage of them. Urgency affects destiny. Time is the stuff of life. The wastage of time is the wastage of life. People of impact are people who have a very high sense of urgency. Destiny is time sensitive. A man at the age of 55 cannot join the military force to become a soldier or join a football club to play football; he may be interested but it is too late. Also, the regular education is easier than adult education. All time-wasters will end up being life wasters. When you spend three hours on the internet, not because you want to carry out a research but to chat with someone aimlessly, you are wasting your time. The same time people use to make inventions, receive songs and messages from heaven, generate fresh oil, sharpen mentality and upgrade their lives is the same time others are spending in wasting their lives. As a principle of life experience, every day of my life is scheduled. I have a book that contains the daily schedule of my life. I would not walk into the day without a scheduled list of what to do for that day and then allow anything to just happen to me. There are people things happen to and there are those that happen to things. Do not let life plan you; plan your life. My counsel is, schedule your life; have a daily and weekly schedule in order to avoid time wastage. Avoid the company of time wasters. Run away from procrastination. Yesterday was the best time to do what you want to do tomorrow. Remember this: People of impact are people who have a very high sense of urgency.ASSIGNMENTS: Seeds of Destiny 3 August 2018
- Refuse to waste your time and opportunity.
- Maximise every time and opportunity to impact people.
- Have a daily and weekly schedule for your life.