Seeds of Destiny 20 July 2020 Devotional: Public Identification With God – A Proof Of Dedication

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Topic: Public Identification With God – A Proof Of Dedication
Beloved, if your family members, your classmates or your office colleagues don’t know that you are a Christian, then you are not yet a Christian. If people around you don’t know who you are, then you are not who you say you are.

SCRIPTURE: Then said these men, We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God. Daniel 6:5

Dunamis Church Abuja Live
Dunamis Church Abuja Live

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Dedication is existence as a visible representative of the invisible God to your generation.

Dedication, as we have seen from our previous study, implies a deadly commitment to God. It is a commitment of no return.

Today, we shall see yet another implication of dedication to God. Dedication to God implies living as a representative of God and His Kingdom to your generation. Dedication is existence as a visible representative of the invisible God to your generation. It is an unashamed public identification with God and His cause in the earth.

You know, there are people who are ashamed of being known or identified as children of God. They hide their Bibles to go to work and would not talk to anyone about God. But a dedicated person is unashamed to publicly identify with God. In 1 Kings Chapter Seventeen and Verse One, Elijah stood publicly with God. Daniel also stood publicly with God. The people around him knew that they could not find any fault with him except in his devotion to, and unashamed identification with God (Daniel 6:4-10). This is dedication to God.

Beloved, if your family members, your classmates or your office colleagues don’t know that you are a Christian, then you are not yet a Christian. If people around you don’t know who you are, then you are not who you say you are. I remember when I was in 200 level in the university, we were in an Anatomy class one day and one of my classmates, a lady, was trying to say something, but she suddenly realized I was around; then she said, “Oh Sorry! I didn’t know you were here”. And she went away. She was speaking freely at first and later perceived that I was around. She knew that no one could talk carelessly around me.

Beloved, if the people around you don’t know who you are, then you are not who you say you are. My counsel is, make up your mind to stand with God unashamedly and publicly.

Remember this: Dedication is existence as a visible representative of the invisible God to your generation.



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Don’t be ashamed to stand for God publicly.
Let People know your stand with God.
Proclaim the words and works of God wherever you find yourself – be it your place of work, public transport system, marketplaces, schools, etc.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask for the grace to stand with You unashamedly. Give me the grace not to compromise my stand with You in public, in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: If you stand on the truth of the Gospel and preach the reality of the Gospel with authority, in a balanced manner, God is going to redirect people from all the places where they are wasting their time, to where they will be changed! He is the Lord of the harvest and therefore determines the direction of the harvest. Culled from “THOU ART MY BATTLE AXE” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Isaiah 16-18.

AMAZING FACT: Christianity is the world’s largest religion with over 2.4 billion adherents, about a third of the world’s population.

PROPHETIC WORD/DECLARATION: As you stand for God, you shall stand out in your generation in Jesus’ Name.

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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Dr. Paul Enenche



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