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1. Lift up your voice and begin to appreciate the Name of the Most High God.

Wherever you are, can you celebrate the King of Glory, Celebrate the Almighty God – Give Him all Praise, give Him all the Glory, give Him all the Honour. Celebrate the God of Breakthrough Whom you have come to encounter tonight. Appreciate Him as He is Worthy to be Praised, He is Worthy to be Glorified.

Praise Him, give Him Glory for your family, appreciate Him for this Great Nation. Thank Him because He has not given up yet on us.

Exalt Him – The One who reigns on High, the One who sits upon the Throne and makes the Earth His Footstool.

Thank You Almighty God. In Jesus Name we have Prayed – Amen.

2. I want you to Specially appreciate the Almighty God this Night for eighty one (81) years of His Faithfulness and Fulfilment of His Words in the Life of my father – Pastor E.A Adeboye.

Celebrate Him because He is a Great God, He is a God who speaks things and brings it to Pass.

Just exalt Him, Praise Him, Magnify Him, bless Him for The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). Thank Him for where He is taking us to. Magnify Him as He is Worthy to receive our Praises.

Thank You Jesus. In Jesus Name we have Prayed – Amen.


Now unto the One upon the Throne
We Raise a Sound
We Raise a Sound
For He is God and God alone
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Now unto the One upon the Throne
We Raise a Sound
We Raise a Sound
From every Nation, Tribe and Tongue
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
For He is Worthy
To Receive Glory, Honour and Praise
Now unto the One upon the Throne
We Raise a Sound
We Raise a Sound


Father, we want to Thank You for tonight; we bless You for this Great Opportunity – Thank You for this Opportunity You have given me to bring Your Words unto Your People. I am not the Most Qualified but Your Mercy has qualified me. Thank You Almighty God.

Father, let Your Words come tonight – Let it come with Simplicity and Power, let the Souls of Men be Transformed, let there be Signs and Wonders, Miracles and Deliverances. Let the Souls of Men be saved Oh God and we vowed to return all the Glory to You.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Living Souls in the House, let your Amen roared like Thunder – AMEN!

I want to appreciate God for this Great and Awesome Privilege to Minister the Word of God on this “Exalted Altar”.

And I also want to use this Medium to appreciate my father and mother in the Lord all the way from Jalingo, Taraba State – Daddy, Mummy; Thank You for Parenting us in the way of the Lord. And by the Grace of God and your Prayers; tonight I will not disappoint God and I will not disappoint you.

I also want to appreciate all our daddies and mummies who has been raising the hands of our daddy and mummy – I Pray in the Name of Jesus Christ that you will end Well and Strong in the Name of Jesus Christ (Amen).

Is Somebody ready for God tonight?

I don’t know many things but one thing that I’m sure of is that the God of Breakthrough is here and you will not leave here without your Breakthrough in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

Tonight by Divine Selection, we will be looking at the Topic: “THE GOD OF BREAKTHROUGH”.

And I will be taking my Bible Text from the Book of Marks 16: 1-6:

1. And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet Spices, that they might come and anoint him.

2. And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the Sepulchre at the rising of the sun.

3. And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the Stone from the door of the Sepulchre?

4. And when they looked, they saw that the Stone was rolled away: for it was very great.

5. And entering into the Sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long White Garment; and they were affrighted.

6. And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was Crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid Him.

“JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN!” – That is one of the Greatest Breakthrough of all times!

“The God of Breakthrough” – What is Breakthrough?

1. Breakthrough is the forcing of a way through an Obstruction.

It means getting a Way out of a “No Way” situation mostly by a Supernatural Way.

We can see many cases in the Bible:

I. We can see the instance of the Isrealites at the Red Sea in the Book of Exodus 14:22.

II. We can see another instance at Jericho when the children of Israel by a shout, pull down the Wall of Jericho in the Book of Joshua 6: 20-21.

We have the Scriptures filled with several People who got their Breakthroughs.

2. Breakthrough can also be defined as the opening up of some New Ways of Achievements in Scientific and Artistic Techniques with large consequences.

What this means is that – Achieving some Extraordinary Things that defers Scientific and Artistic Methods; which gives rise to a Change in the course of Human Activities.

I. How do you describe a woman that does not have a Womb and she gives birth? – It makes no sense.

II. Another Example can be found in the Book of Acts 1:9 – Jesus Christ after His Resurrection; the Bible said that He ascended to God; which was against the Law of Gravity.

So, Jesus Christ was the one who paved the way for the Aircraft to be created.

How do I know? – The Wright Brothers who invented the Aircraft said that it was Possible for Man to fly and Jesus Christ was the first Man to do that.

DMC NOTES: The Wright Brothers – Wilbur and Orville Wright were American Inventors and Pioneers of Aviation. In 1903 the Wright Brothers achieved one of the first flights with a Powered, sustained and controlled Airplane. They surpassed their own milestone two years later when they built and flew the first fully Practical Airplane.

So, I decree upon Somebody listening to me tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC; that Breakthrough that will attract “World Researchers” to come and learn of your God, the Almighty God is giving you right now in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen!

So, who is this God that we are talking about? – Permit me in one Minute to boast and brag about the God of my father.

The God of Daddy Enoch Adejare Adeboye:

I. The God of Wonder Himself.

II. The I am that I am

III. The Almighty God

IV. The One who the barren meet with and become a “Joyful Mother” of children.

V. The Impossibility Specialist.

VI. The God beside Whom there is no Other.

VII. The One who can create an Expressway in the midst of an Ocean.

VIII. The One Who at the blast of His Nostrils, every Obstacles melt.

IX. He is the Mountain Movers, Obstacles Crusher, Ocean Divider and the Consuming Fire

X. The One Who was, Who is and Who is to come.

XI. He is the All-Sufficient One – The Poor met with Him and become the Wealthiest.

XII. The One that everywhere He turns to, sorrow disappears.

XIII. “Agaba Edu” shortened as “Agabaidu” – Meaning “The Great One” by the Igala People in Kogi State

XIV. Ogbenjuwa – The One who is Full of Love

XV. Isi Ikendu – The Living Water

XVI “Alagbada Ina” – Meaning the One that is Clothed with Fire or the One that wears Fire by the Yoruba Tribe or One who covers Himself with Fire-Branded Robe

XVII. Owo Kembe re bi Ija – “Kembe” is a kind of big nicker in Yorubaland and it is only People that commonize their Opponents that wears such to a Battle Ground..Meaning our God is so Strong that there is no Opponent that can intimidate Him.

XVIII. Awuwo ma se gbe – Meaning the God that cannot be Overthrown

XIX. Asaju Ogun – The One that leads in a War.

XX. Arogundade – Meaning a Warlord who at the sight of War happily fights with a Crown on his head.

XXI. Mai grima – The Almighty, Omnipotent and Magnificient in Hausa.

XXII. Mai Taimako – My Helper

XXIII. Ubangiji – Meaning The Supreme Being.

XXIV. Seriki Salama – Meaning Prince of Peace in Hausa

XXV. Almasi – The Origin

I can go on and on – Can you wave your hands and Celebrate God wherever you are.

That is why I’m so sure that because the God of my father is here tonight, whatever Breakthrough brought you here, that you are in Search of; receive it in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

So, let us take a quick review of our Bible Text and bring out all the Points that Pertains to the God of Breakthrough – Mark 16: 1-6:

1. The Scriptures began with the Story of three (3) women who has similar Problems, similar Challenges, similar Issues of Life confronting them.



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The Bible said that after the Sabath was Passed.

It was a moment of a Wonderful Service in Church – They just completed an awesome Worship Evening and they began to go home.

The Bible said that they gathered all manners of Sweet Spices, Ointments and Perfumes.

To me, this looks like Symbol of Life radiating Beauty, Elegance, Joy and Fulfilment. They looked Joyful on the Outside but within, there is Fire.

Like some of us came from “Troubled Homes”, we came from “Chaotic Homes”; you are already in serious thoughts that after this Service what will you meet at home? You are already thinking about the shame and sorrow waiting for you at home.

For Example:

I. Maybe you are barren looking for the Fruit of the Womb and you are saying that your Neighbour will still come and laugh at you like in the case of Hannah and Peninnah.

II. Or maybe you are a Student faced with serious Educational Issues.

III. Or you are the one with one Infirmity or the Other and you are asking God: Will He not answer my Question? Will you not Solve my Problems?

2. Verse 2 also shows us a very Ironic Scenerio – The Bible said that very early in the Morning and according to the Book of Psalms 30: 5(b).

The Bible says that sorrow may Last for the Night but Joy cometh in the Morning.

So, the Morning Time represents the Breakthrough of the Morning.

The Bible also says that at the first Day of the Week – It reflected the breaking of the Week.

The Third Part says that at the rising of the Sun – I thought that if Sun is rising, it supposed to bring Joy.

3. But the Bible says in the Life of these three (3) women, nothing represented Breakthrough.

Instead of them rejoicing, the Bible says that they came to the Sepulchre.

Sepulchre represents a Place of Deadness, a Place of Shame and a Place of Sorrow.

So they brought Ointment in order to come and Patch Up, to Cover Up what they are going through inside.

Can I decree under this thick atmosphere of the Holy Ghost, upon fifty thousand (50,000) People connected tonight – That the Problem you left at home before coming for this Service; you will not meet it at home in Jesus Name – Amen! The Egyptians you have seen thus far, you will see them no more in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

4. So Verse 4, they were asking among themselves – Who shall roll away for us this Stone? Who shall help us to Solve this Problem? Who will help us and deliver us from this Oppression? Who will heal us of this Infirmity? Who will bring me out of this Poverty?

Thank God that they identified that they couldn’t solve their Problems by themselves.

I don’t know how many of us came here tonight and have identified our Limitation, you have identified your Incapabilities and inabilities and you want to say to the God of Breakthrough tonight like Jacob did in the Book of Genesus 32:26 – That Oh God, I have come to my Last Bus Stop. If you don’t step into my situation, there is Nothing that I can do. If you don’t help me, there is no where that I can go.

I have Good News for such a Person tonight according to the Verse 4 of our Bible Text – Mark 16: 4: And when they looked, they saw that the Stone was rolled away: for it was very great.

John 11:39 – Jesus at the tomb of Lazarus said: Roll away the Stone.

Look critically and see – What Jesus Christ has already rolled away is no longer there. The Stone is no longer there.

That your Challenge is no longer there, that your Problem is no longer there.

The Bible says that He has taken away your Infirmities, He has borne your Weakness.

Let the Weak begin to say that I am Strong, let the Poor begin to say that I am Flourishing.

And by His Stripes, you have been healed over 2,000 years ago.

Can you look tonight and see – Because it is what you see that you receive! If you can see it, you can receive it.

Maybe Somebody is saying: It is Double Portion that I want. If you can see it, then you can receive it.

Can I decree upon Someone who can shout the Loudest Amen tonight – That the Stone that is rolled against your door of Breakthrough and Destiny is rolled away in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

That Stone that is rolled against your access to “Better Life”, that Stone is rolled away in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

Daddy, by the Authority of the Word of God, I have come to announce to you as you have often does sir – That the Stones rolled against the doors of Nations where The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) has not been; those Stones are rolled away tonight in the Name of Jesus – Amen. The doors to those Nations are opened tonight in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Daddy, your Vision to see a Member of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in every families of the world is coming to Pass in your Lifetime in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

As I begin to round up – There are three (3) Possibilities and Encounters with the God of Breakthrough!

1. It can get you a Breakthrough.

According to Blind Bartimaeus in the Book of Mark 10:46.

2. But the Other Part of it is that it can make you to become a Breakthrough.

3. Then it can go ahead to make you a Breakthrough Dispenser.

It is not enough to get a Breakthrough but you must also become a Breakthrough and then begin to dispense Breakthrough to your Generation.

So, I will give you four (4) Points on what you must do to get a Breakthrough and become a Breakthrough Dispenser:

1. You must surrender your Life to Jesus Christ.

Salvation is the Key that will open you up to getting a Breakthrough.

A Relationship with God of Breakthrough is what guarantees access to your Breakthrough.

So, when my father-in-the-Lord comes up tonight and makes Altar Call, Please make sure that you are the first to run out here to surrender your Life to Him so that you can begin a Fresh Interraction with the God of Breakthrough.

2. Don’t come Empty Handed.

The Bible says that they came with their Spices, they came with their Ointments.

Bring your Spices and Ointments to offer Worship and Sacrifice unto Him. You cannot come Empty Handed and expect to receive Gift.

Bring your Sacrifice of Praise like Solomon did in the Book of 1 Kings 3: 3-4 – Solomon offered to God a thousand Burnt Offerings and he got a Breakthrough that Nobody has ever gotten in his own time.

3. Seek Help from, the God of Breakthrough.

They asked themselves – Who shall roll us away the Stone? How shall we roll away the Stone?

In order words they knew that they couldn’t handle it by themselves:

I. They didn’t trust in their own Strength because the Bible said in 1 Samuel 2:9 – By Strength shall no Man Prevail.

II. They didn’t trust in Men to help them.

Why? A Man can give you Breakthrough and still break you!

Jeremiah 17:5 – The Bible says: Woe unto him that makes Man his trust.

They only looked up to the God of Breakthrough and they got the Breakthrough that they so much desired,

4. They had an Encounter with the God of Breakthrough.

And it was that Encounter that they had through His Messenger.

And the Angel of God was right there and He had an encounter with them – He gave them an Instruction.

Hear me this Evening or as you are reading now on the Label of DMC – The Secret to your Breakthrough tonight or as you read now on the Label of DMC; that will make you a Breakthrough and a Dispenser of Breakthrough is hidden inside the Instructions that will come from God through His son tonight!

Please I beg you – Listen with wrap attention and determine to follow everything that he will be saying.

Remember that those women came to the Sepulchre and they got more that what they bargained for because from that day, they don’t have cause to visit the Sepulchre again.

Like the Widow of Zarephath, who had an Encounter with the God of Elijah; like the woman with the Issue of Blood who had an Encounter with Jesus Christ Himself – My Father is coming up very soon.

Hear me – Today is his Birthday; I beg you in the Nane of God, tonight is not a usual Night that you should joke with.

2 Chronicles 20:20 – The Bible says that when you believed the Lord your God, you shall be established. But when you believed His Prophet, you shall Prosper.

Everything that my father will be saying tonight, Please decide to obey, to act on it and to follow through and that is when you can become a Breakthrough and a Breakthrough Dispenser in your Time.

How many of you has been blessed tonight?

Come on, jump on your feet so that we can Pray!

The Bible says in the Book of Romans 8:19 – For the earnest expectation of the Creature waiteth for the Manifestation of the sons of God.

Your Generation is waiting for you – Not just to get a Breakthrough but to become a Dispenser of Breakthrough!

So, you are going to cry to God and say: Father, my Generation is waiting. Please make me a Breakthrough that my Generation is waiting for.

Go ahead and Pray that Prayer!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


May the Almighty God give you a Breakthrough you desired in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

May the Almighty God make you a Breakthrough that your Generation awaits in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

May the God of my father make you a Dispenser of Breakthrough to your world in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Come on, Celebrate Jesus Christ!!!

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