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Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

I want to appreciate our father-in-the-Lord and our mother-in-the-Lord for this Great Privilege. And to the Leadership of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) for giving the Pastor Seed Family (PSF) a space and an opportunity to always be represented.

And I want to thank my brothers and sisters that has gone ahead of me (Zonal Youth Representatives).

And of course thank our IYP (NOTES: “IYP” means Intercontinental Youth Pastor) and NYP (DMC NOTES: “NYP” means National Youth Pastor).

In Deuteronomy 34:9; the Bible says: And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the Spirit of Wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands upon him and the children of Israel hearkened unto him and did as the Lord Commanded Moses.

My brothers and sisters ahead of me had already done an amazing job this Evening.

But I’m here not as a Prophet but the last time that I was given this Opportunity, I did mentioned that soon it will be balanced. At that time, it was all Males but now, we have two (2) Males and two (2) Females.

So, I’m learning to be a Prophet but not yet a Prophet.

Also see; rccg-international-youth-convention-iyc-2023-4


In one of our many trips, our father-in-the-Lord after doing a lot of Programs here at the Headquarters from Wednesday at a Leadership Conference here at the Redemption City, to Thursday when we were able to do some Meetings with Senior Pastors and then went on to do Meeting with the Administrators of the Church, the Evangelist, and the Regional Pastors. That same Thursday, was the Holy Communion Service.

Friday, Prayer Meeting and then Meetings upon Meetings before and after the Holy Ghost Service. And then ended up Praying for over one thousand People like He would do again tonight as you can see to my Right Hand Side.

After that, Thanksgiving Service on Sunday at the National Headquarters in Ebute Metta and with over forty People to Pray for again. And then Meetings again in the Morning and then in the Evening.

And then Divine Encounter and Shiloh Hour Services on the Monday.

Then we departed, heading West for their own Convention, Ordination and some Meetings in-between.

On our way, we found a little Nation where we stopped to buy fuel and he said let me rest before I go into the next itineraries; which is also back to back.

And of course, being his Personal Assistant and Messenger, by His Grace, we were able to find a Place for him to rest.

After resting for a Day, we decided to rent a car and drive around the wonderful Island Nation – Thinkimg at least we find one Place where Nobody knows him and he can be himself; with our mother-in-the-Lord of course on the trip.

While driving around, we discovered a Signboard – It looks a bit old but it says: The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

Of course, because it’s a “Growing Church” as The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) is; the bottom Part of the Church was Completed while the Top Part wasn’t Completed.

We went in, checked it and he said okay, we will come back here on a Sunday.

Now Sunday came, one of the Pilot that went together with us, who is also a Pastor Seed Family (PSF) Member; went ahead.

On arriving at this “Amazing Church”; we told him to tell the Pastor to Please come outside.

Now, we were in a very small car and I’m the one driving it with our father-in-the-Lord and our mother-in-the-Lord in the Vehicle.

The Pastor came out, thinking who is in the Vehicle, and what was going on.

And Daddy GO winds down at the back; the Pastor sees Daddy GO and almost Passes out. He doesn’t even know whether to greet him or not or what to do – Absolutely confused. Keeping in Mind that we are about 7,000km away from home and so the chances of Daddy GO showing up on a Sunday Morning is one in a Billion.

He ran into the Church and grabbed his wife. And his wife came as well and the same thing happened again.

At this Point, not known to us; the wife mentioned to the Pastor the Friday Night into Saturday Morning that I Dreamt that Daddy GO is going to visit us.

The Pastor of course being a Man of Faith and being an amazing Man said: Well done, “Joseph the Dreamer”. Thank God it is just the two of us, I would have put you in a Pit.

So, I just want to use that as a Point of Contact to whoever came to this Convention Single that is watching me here or reading now on the Label of DMC – God will give you a Partner that will be able to speak in Advance the Realities of what God will do for you in your Life – Amen!

And in case that you are the Parent and your Child is still walking around Single; shout that Amen for your Child in Jesus Name – Amen!

Now, we met this “Amazing Pastor” doing what he was meant to do – Doing Sunday School; over 7,000km away from home and in the exact order of what the Mission has said that they should do.

Do you know what strucked me my fathers and mothers?

Also see; rccg-international-youth-convention-iyc-2023-2

It is how much you have done for this Mission; how much you have achieved over time – We cannot even begin to quantify it.

It is one of you that sent that Missionary to that Country; it is one of you that Sponsored that Missionary to make it to that Place!

I just want to Point out very quickly so that you can have an Understanding of the little and how large the work you have done:

1. The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) is in over 190 Nations across the world.

2. We have Enlarged to the Point where The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Camps and Cities are in Places such as South Africa, Greenview Texas in USA (NOTES: Greenview TX is a farming Community, three miles North of Bonanza in Southern Western Hopkins Country and settled by Green Weaver in 1845); Ellel Pierrepont Estate at Famham in United Kingdom (NOTES: Ellel Pierrepont Estate at Famham Surrey GU10 3DL in United Kingdom is the Proposed Campground of RCCG in UK currently in Planning).

And across Nigeria, we have several Camps across.

And I’m sure that Places like Kenya coming up with their own Redemption Camps; Brazil is coming up with their own Redemption Camp and so on.

3. In Nigeria alone, we have over 30,000 Parishes across Nigeria.

4. You have Colleges, Universities and Schools across the whole world.

Also see; rccg-special-mothers-enlargement-blessings

5. There is no other Organisation that has the same Physical Presence – Neither Government or Country or Entities as RCCG has across the whole world.

6. We have one of the Greatest Establishment and Systems and Organisation that you can ever imagined – From your levels, from Workers in Training to becoming a Deacon and Assistant Pastor and the list goes on to the New Titles of Intercontinental or Continental Overseers.

7. Just look at this in the last Convention – You Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) by the help that God has given our beloved Parents, you are able to hold at the same time in two (2) Auditoriums – One 2km by over 1km full; and the second one 3km by 3km.

At the same time you are holding a Program simultaneously – The Manpower, the Feeding, the Ushering, the Security, the Logistics, the Water System



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I can keep going on – There is no other RCCG anywhere else on Planet Earth.

This is to show you how much you have Enlarged!

8. I went somewhere and they were bragging that they feed 6,000 People everyday for a week.

I just smiled – I said come and see what we do through the help of our fathers and mothers: We do a Million everyday for one to two weeks during the RCCG Holy Ghost Congress in December, RCCG Annual Convention in August, RCCG Special Holy Ghost Service in March and now the RCCG International Youth Convention in October.

9. My daddies and mummies, when you call a Fast; the Economy across the world feels it because less People buy food from the Markets.

I think, sometimes we underestimate ourselves.

My daddies and mummies, I will like to Plead with you – For my Personal Self, there is a fear.

And the fear is – What is going to happen when you are no longer here?

I know some things:

1. You see the Foolishness in us and you keep Silent about it.

2. You see some of the decays in us and you don’t say anything about it.

3. Our Generation is Self-Promoting enough – We don’t like Sacrifices like you do.

4. We sometimes lack Honor and Respect.

5. We don’t want any Hardship but we just want Rewards.

6. We are not Loyal as we jump from Church to Church; Organizations to Organizations. Some even jump to Mosque and other Places.

7. We are doing “Eyije and Eyioje” – DMC NOTES: Meaning Gambling up and down.

8. Some of us have Multiple fathers – At any given opportunity we have, we kneel down saying bless me, impact me.

9. We don’t even Pray for ourselves – We now jump on Early Morning Prayers and we turn God to “Take-Away God”, a “Fast-Answer God”, a “Drive-Through God”.

10. If you correct us, we Shut Up, Close Up and Shut Down – Like one of my brother (Preacher) said: We claimed that you are affecting our Mental Health.

11. Some of us don’t even like each other in this same System because we are striving for Positions, Recognition and Relevance.

Again my fear – What is going to happen when you are no longer here?

12. You won’t believed that some of us that started a “Baby Parish” – Because of the rate it was growing, some are Praying that we will not succeed.

We are not meant to fight against ourselves – For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against Principalities, against Powers, against the Rulers of the Darkness of this world, against Spiritual Wickedness in High Places (NOTES: Ephesians 6:12)

There is a list of People that we are meant to be fighting and not ourselves

But sir’s and ma’s; I know for a fact that you have Fire – I have been here since I’m 6 Months old and even Younger.

But to keep that Fire burning, you need fuel – We your children can only keep on burning only if you fuel us and if you help us.

We need your help and we need your Prayers – We need you in other to Enlarge the Coast and even maintained what you have done.

It was because Moses laid hands on Joshua and Prayed for him that he was able to Function and Enlarge.

I want to beg you my Colleagues – From wherever you, if you don’t mind even coming forward that we kneel for Prayers.

And I want to Plead that if our fathers and mothers will forgive us of all our trespasses and whatever we have done wrong. And just Please rise this Evening and just Pray for us because everything that you have done, it cannot fail or die in our hands.

Please Pray for us so that we can receive your Fire, your Help, your Anointing – To be able to do that which you have done and that the work will not fail in our hands. Because the Enemy is waiting for when you will go and then see what will happen to them.

But we are going to say: No Satan, not in our own Time, not in our own Space.


Father, we Thank You for this Great Hour.

We Thank Lord for our Parents in the Lord – Our Father and our mother who has brought us up.

We Thank You Jehovah El-Shaddai for that which has been Passed to us.

Father, I’m representing the fathers and the mothers this hour – Your Children are before You Oh God; they have seen the lapses and they are asking for Mercy.

Lord, on behalf of all the fathers and mothers here, who has been carrying this Mantle for years – Because these Your Children has asked for Prayers this Evening; we ask Daddy that You have Mercy on all of us in the Name of Jesus.

Now, I Pray my Lord and my Father for all these Your Children; I ask Daddy that You will have Mercy in the Name of Jesus.

If there has been areas that they have not been doing it well, Father be Merciful in the Name of Jesus.

Representing the Parents – The father and mother in the Lord this Evening, we say that you are forgiven in Jesus Name.

And I ask that Heaven be now opened in the Name of Jesus.

These are the Generation- The Second Generation are going, Father this is our Third Generation; Please Lord, open the Heavens tonight. Let the Fire fall.

That the Fire that You transferred from the First Generation to the Second Generation, let there be a Greater Fire for this Third Generation in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Because I’m ordered by my father and mother in the Lord, I Pray that from this hour; take over, let the Fire keep burning higher than you met it, higher than what you have seen in the Name of Jesus.

Our father-in-the-Lord has Prophesised into our lives, that we shall be Greater than all of us in the Name of Jesus.

The Covenant over this Church shall be fulfilled until we see Jesus Christ in Glory.

So shall it be!

In Jesus Mighty Name we Pray – Amen!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.


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