Table of Contents





Hallelujah somebody!

Everywhere I go people make this mistake; which I need to correct here.

“The Number One Youth in The Redeemed Christian Church of God: whether Nigeria or Europe, America, Asia is our Father in the Lord; our Coach, our Mentor, our Daddy. The General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God – Our beloved Daddy, DADDY E.A. ADEBOYE (Please celebrate him in the house).

It can be better!

Can we give the Lord an INDOMITABLE HALLELUJAH (to celebrate our Father in the Lord)?


We also have a Leader who was chosen, prayed for, anointed as the Assistant General Overseer in charge of Young People; not only in Nigeria but all over the world. He is the one who declared this Convention 2018 open on behalf of our Father in the Lord.

Can we celebrate our Father in the house; our own dear Pastor Peter Amenkhienan.


Shall we rise up as we pray.

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SONG: You are the Mighty God;
The great I AM
Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

OPENING PRAYER: Indomitable God, Indefatigable Creator, Dependable Father. The One that cannot be conquered. The God of The Redeemed Christian Church of God.

We celebrate your Awesomeness. We celebrate your Goodness. We celebrate your Greatness; in this Church, in the life of our father and mother and our Leaders in The Redeemed Christian Church of God.

Thank you for last year Convention. Thank you for the Miracles, the Blessings, the Great things you did in our lives. Be Thou exalted in the Name of Jesus.

Within the few minutes that we have, Lord I pray that your word will come forth like a ballistic missile. Let your word; let it spur us into action and generate in us great Power to continuously overcome in this world of darkness and make us Champions that we are; until we meet you in Glory. In the Name of Jesus.

Anoint this mouth of clay of mine with your Power. And let all the Glory be yours. Thank you faithful Father.

By the time this Opening Ceremony will be over, let it be ringing in our hearts that indeed: we are Indomitable!

For in Jesus Name, I pray! (Amen)

I don’t like that your Amen.

Also see; rccg-71st-annual-convention-2023-day-3-evening-session-healing-service-beyond-expectations-byy-pastor-e-a-adeboye

PREAMBLE: I have said it severally that: “Christianity without some form of Rascality is Criminality”. And that: “Rascality without being a Christian is Insanity”.

But “Christianity with some form of Rascality is Pentecostalism”.

Locate seven (7) people as quickly as possible; look at them in the face, point at them and declare: “You are INDOMITABLE”.


If you believe that you are Indomitable and that you will continually win the battles of life; Shout the loudest hallelujah!

If the Lord tarries, you will be here next year (2019). You will be here 2020; you will be here forever until Jesus Christ shall come to take us home. In Jesus Name.

Please take your seat like an INDOMITABLE young man and woman that you are.

I celebrate once again, our Daddy, our Coach, our Mentor, our Father; the General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian church of God. Our beloved Daddy Adeboye. And also celebrate our Mother in Israel – Mummy Folu Adeboye.

And also, I celebrate our father that is seated here; Daddy Amenkhienan.

My colleagues in the Ministry, I celebrate you.

May we remain Indomitably Relevant in the journey of life till we see Christ in Glory; in Jesus Name.

My assignment is simple.

Let’s quickly read from Exodus 7:10-12

10: And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent.

11: Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments.

12: For they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents: but Aaron’s rod swallowed up their rods.

Can we in chorus read that last aspect together..

… “but Aaron’s rod swallowed up their rods.”

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“It simply means to be impossible to subdue”.

In the foremost agenda of God for man; as encapsulated in Genesis 1:28. We see the word SUBDUE.

When God created man, He made him the head over all creation. And then blessed the man. He told man to be fruitful. To replenish the earth. And then number four (4) He said “man should subdue the earth”.

To subdue is also to take Charge; to be in control.


Your SOURCE in life determines your recourse in the race of life. Your source determines your recourse in the journey of life.

I am going to look at this Topic from that perspective.

According to Genesis 12:1-3; the second (2nd) Abrahamic Covenant..

Concerning Abraham, God said He was going to make him a great Nation.

Greatness must not be in the terms of numbers;

But when you are Big, you have a right number.

You are Great!

And look at the Jews. They are just fourteen million (14,000,000) people.

Half of that population lived in Israel; but they have neighbours that are over three hundred million (300,000,000). Yet, they can’t subdue them.

Between 1939 and 1945, five million (5,000,000) of these people were killed. Yet, they are still great today.

The last time I checked, in 2017; out of the 892 Award Winners of Nobel Prizes,; the Jews have won 201 out of the 892. Which is something like 25%. And the population of the Jews is 0.2% of the world population.

…That is greatness!

As few as they are; they are fruitful people. As few as they are, they are terrible to face in battle. As few as they are, they are very unique in nature.

Deuteronomy 2:25 says: “This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the nations that are under the whole heaven, who shall hear report of thee, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of thee”.

As few as they are, God is the source of their indomitability.

We are the Spiritual Jews; we are Indomitable.

Also see; rccg-71st-annual-convention-2023-day-3-evening-session-healing-service-beyond-expectations-byy-pastor-e-a-adeboye


Why, as Spiritual Jews (that we are); why are we Indomitable?

By Abrahamic Covenant.

Galatians 3:29 says: “And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise”.

For you to know the Indomitable nature of a man; of a group of people: “CHECK OUT FOR THE SOURCE “.

The difference in the quality of the sizes and the intimidating nature between a goat and an elephant is not in the amount of food eaten by the two (2) but in the genetic constituent of the parental source.

From the day one (1) a baby Elephant is given birth to and the day a Goat is being given birth to; “You discover that the Elephant has always been Bigger’.

It is because of the parental constituent source.


Our source is God. Anyone who has his source in God is UNCONQUERABLE!

Exodus 1:7; 1:9; and 1:12.

7: And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them.

9: And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we:

12: But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel.

This is the king speaking. Despite the fact that the Jews; Israelites were fewer in number than the Egyptians; God still made them to be Indomitable!

In fact, the Bible says in verse 12; “The more they were afflicted, the more they multiplied. The more they grew. The more they were Indomitable in a foreign land.

Before I begin to close, I want us to quickly look at:


THE NATURE OF THE SOURCE OF GOD; which has made us Indomitable.

When an individual surrenders his life to Christ; he is qualified: he has ACCESS to Abrahamic Covenants.

When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior; the natural, the ozone nuclear acid you came to this world with shift for Jesus’ Ozone nuclear to come in.


Which is the reason why Jesus said in John 14:12 – Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Jesus was INDOMITABLE! At a point; His Ministry, and life was going to be terminated.

In Luke 4:1 – “And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness”,

Something came upon Him. Something triggered in Him.

They took Him to the prow of the city. The intension of the people was to collapse His destiny. Their plan was to throw Him headlong so that He will die.

But Scriptures say: He just passed by through them.

You can never stop an engine that is powered.

Acts 10:38 says: “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him”.


WHAT ARE THESE NATURE OF GOD AND POWER OF GOD; through which a Christian in Christ can remain Indomitable?

1. The IRRESISTIBILITY of the Nature and the Power of God:

When you say something is irresistible, it means: “It is too convincing to be denied”.

From our Text, Moses and Aaron entered into the Palace of King Pharaoh as instructed by God – being their POWER SOURCE. They dropped their rod, the rod became a snake. Pharaoh looked at them and laughed. He said to Moses: “We thought you how to do magic”. So his magicians dropped their rods too. But lo and behold, the snake produced from the Rod of Aaron SWALLOWED the snakes produced from the rods of the magicians.

Have you not read in the Bible where David said: “I have more understanding; I have more wisdom; I have more power; I have more grace; I have more anointing than even my Teachers”.

They saw it, they were there!

In 1 Kings 18:38-39; Elijah – an INDOMITABLE Prophet; he prayed a sixty three (63) worded Prayer: Fire fell from heaven. The fire licked water. The fire consumed stones and dust. Everybody saw it.

When that happened, the Bible recorded in verse 39 that everybody BOWED down.

… They were too CONVINCED that this one is connected to God as his Source of Power.


2.The INDISPUTABILITY of the Nature and the Power of God:



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When you say something is indisputable; we mean: “There is no Argument”

You can’t deny the fact that; that thing is happening or has taken place.

When the snake produced from the Rod of Aaron swallowed the snakes produced from the rods of the magicians; NOBODY COULD DENY IT!

… The thing happened in their presence.


3. The IRREVERSIBILITY of the Nature and the Power of God:

Whatever the Power of God does; no human power or demonic powers can reverse it.

Can I say to you that: when the snake produced from the Rod of Aaron swallowed the snakes produced from the rods of the magicians; “THAT WAS THE END OF THEIR POWER!”

…. Because they lost their power forever.

It has never been recorded in the Bible. We have not read in the Bible that the snakes produced from the rods of the magicians that was swallowed WERE VOMITED BACK.


They lost the source of their power.

Can I pray for somebody here (reading): Whatever power that is contending with the Power of God in your life (with your loudest Amen) God will disgrace them, in the Name of Jesus.


4. The INVINCIBILITY Nature and the Power of God:

When you say something is invincible; “It means that thing is too strong to be defeated”.

At a point when Moses entered into the palace of Pharaoh; Pharaoh attacked him and said: the next time I see you, I will kill you. And Moses said: so be it.

The next time both of them were seeing; Moses was triumphing while Pharaoh and his warlords were swept away by the Red Sea.

Whatever power is dancing Yahuzi before you; rhwybwill Kolo mental in the Name of Jesus.


(We will round up in the next few minutes)

In the Book of Esther 6:13; there was a cold war that became very known to everybody in Shushan between Mordecai the Jew and Haman the son of Hammedatha.

Mordecai was an ordinary Gateman. Haman was using his power to subdue everybody in the city. But because Mordecai knew his Source; he told his other Gatemen; he said: “I can never bow to God and also bow to this one (Haman)”.

Psalm 82:6 says: Ye are gods”.

The same God that made Moses a God over Pharaoh according to Exodus 7:1; also made Mordecai to be God over Haman.

They reported him (you know the story).

But in Esther 6:13 when Haman came to tell his wife and his friend how he was humiliated, the wife said: “If this Mordecai be of Jews. If his source is from God; you can never, never overcome him”.

And that was exactly what happened.

… The Last Three (3); let me talk about


5. The INCOMPREHENSIBILITY of the nature and the Power of God:

When we say something is incomprehensible: “It means it is impossible to understand “.

In 2 Chronicles 20:1-20 – small nation of Judah; they were going to fight three (3) nations of: Moab, Ammon and Seir.

They did not go with sword. They didn’t go to that battle with Point 47 Kalamazoo gun. They didn’t go with Bazooka.

They only went with their Instruments of praises.

And I have come to realise according to Psalm 22:3; that “When you Praise God, you create an atmosphere that God cannot ignore. When you Praise God you also create an atmosphere that Satan cannot withstand”.

… And that was exactly what happened.

As they were Praising God, the Bible says God set an ambushment among the enemies and they began to kill one another.

The incomprehensibility of the nature and the Power of God.

… You want to think about it; you want to use your brain to think about it? That person can go NUTS!

He is God!


6. The INCOMPARABILITY of the nature and the Power of God:

Whatever God does; the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 4:14 “No man can add to it, no man can remove from it; such that when men hear it fear will come upon them”.

Whatever God does cannot be compared to what man does. It can never be compared to what demonic people do.

Look at this sweet incomparable victory of Isaiah 37:36-38. King Sennacherib, the king of Assyria besieged Israel. And the Bible says in the midnight …

Somebody say: Midnight! (Midnight)

Isaiah 37:36 says in the midnight. Something is about to happen in your favour tonight (and you reading now); in the Name of Jesus.

An Angel of the Lord went to the camp of the enemy. One Angel smote and killed 185, 000 Assyrian Army.

That is what God can do!

The story did not end there. When Sennacherib was defeated; in verses 37and 38: he ran back to his palace. He went into the house of his god, Nisroch. As he was worshipping, thanking his Nisroch for not been killed by the Angel; his own two (2) children that came out of his loin by name Adrammelech and Sharezer; they killed him.

Let me close with the last one.


7. The INDISPENSABILITY of the nature and the Power of God:

When we say something is indispensable: “It means you cannot do without it”.

On this only altar ten (10) years ago, an Indomitable Pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church of God was preparing for his wedding. Somebody called him from Iyana Ipaja to go to Ketu to pick a cheque for his wedding (as a gift). Little did he know that he entered ONE CHANCE vehicle from Lagos.

(The man, Pastor Blessing shared his testimony ten (10) years ago at the altar of the Redemption Camp)

He was in the same Province with me. After that incident he was transferred to Kaduna.

They took him far into one bush in Osun State. They locked them up in one place. And then one after the other they will bring them out before the shrine where they were slaughtered.

There was a pregnant woman before him. When it was her turn, they ripped opened her tommy. Brought out the foetus, put it in a mortal and pound it.

Something happened; something was triggered in the body of Pastor Blessing (he saw what he had not seen before) and the Power of the Holy Ghost; the Indispensability of the Nature and the Power of God was triggered in him and he began to Kabash (praying in the Holy Ghost) The whole forest turned upside down.

After a while, the Chief Priest looked at him and said “Who are you”?

… He was wearing RCCG Hand Band.

The Chief Priest looked at him and said: “Never in life will any evil power overcome you”.

Take him away from here.

This is the beautiful part of this story: he said while they were entering into the vehicle, he sat at the back. There was a young man sitting by his side whose mouth was smelling of alcohol.

So when Pastor Blessing was speaking in tongues (after he saw them ripped the pregnant woman open); out of fear the young man was saying: Amen, Amen, Amen!

So when Pastor Blessing was released, he told them the Alcoholic Addicted young man was his brother.

The chief Priest said both of them should get out of the place.

When you carry the seed of the Indomitable Nature of God in you, you are not only blessed; everyone around you is blessed.

One man, our father in the Lord, who is carrying the Indomitability Nature of God; left Lagos and came to this bush (the Redemption Camp).

Look at the number of people in the Camp today. Look at everywhere. We not only have Camp in Lagos, we have Camps everywhere.

As a Mathematician, like our father in the Lord; I know whatever it has taken you to get to a particular level of victory of Indomitability is a fractional part of what you need to sustain it.

God told the Israelites; the Jews according to Deuteronomy 7:1 – “When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou”;

In the order of Jeremiah 31:11 – “For the LORD hath redeemed Jacob, and ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger than he”.

But God told them,; the day you break the relationship between us, I will leave you to be on your own.

Such was what happened in 1 Samuel Chapter four (4). Israelites were going to fight against the Philistines; their archenemy. And on this occasion, Israelites encamped in Mount Ebenezer. The first battle the Philistines had upper hand. They killed four (4) thousand Israelites.

And the Elders had a meeting: after all God has told us anywhere we go we shall dominate. Let us go and bring the Ark of God. (The Ark of God signifies the Presence and the Power of God). As they brought the Ark of God into the battle field. The Bible says that they shouted such that the earth rang.

The Philistines, because of the noise: they said to one another, “we are done for”; that is how God that delivered Egyptians into the hand’s of Israel. He had come into their midst.

In fear, another elder who happened to be in the camp of the Philistines said: No, I know the custodians of the Ark of the Covenant of Isreal. I know their names; they are Hoppni and Phinehas. They have broken the edge. They sleep with Choiresters in the church. They Puffer from the tithe in the church. Their God can never back them up.

… Encourage yourself. Let us go to the battle.

With that confidence they went to the battle. And by the time the second battle was over; three (3,000) thousand Israelites were killed.

Somebody ran from the camp of the enemy; he ran back home. As he appeared, Priest Eli: a 98 year olds man trembling already for the Ark of God that was taken to the battle field.

The young man told him: sir, the Ark of God has been taken away. Your children, Hoppnni and Phinehas, they have been killed.

And the Bible says: and the man went backward and broke his neck and died.

When you break from the Power source, your Indomitability in Nature will become an INDOMIE.

You will become from the Theme: “an Indomie that is on the Table”.

I am not an Indomie; I am INDOMITABLE!

Rise up let’s pray.

The beginning of everything is very, very important (I stand to be corrected).

May be by tomorrow, by the time we have the attendance empirically; we can say what we are about to say is correct.

… This is about the first day we are going to have this number in the last couple of years.

Power is here!

Some of us have been battered by life. God brought you here to empower you, such that when you leave; after this Convention: “You will begin to take your proper position in life such that the one who came here defeated will go home home victorious”.

You need to take a decision (I have been working with young people for over twenty (20) years); So I know that young people are faced with myriad of challenges.

The devil is not just concerned about that.

Isaiah 5:14 says “hell has enlarged her mouth and it’s swallowing people’s Glory.

I will reverentially invite our Father in the Lord (Pastor Peter) to pray for a particular set of people.

If as a Christian you are claiming to serve the Most High God and you are living a low life. That is tantamount to the greatest spiritual aberration of chromosomal disorderliness.

That can change tonight!

If you have been defeated in the battle of life and you want to become a Victor; you want to become Indomitable. Even right from day one. Please come to the front and surrender to Jesus, your source. Who can give you Power to overcome.

As I count 1 to 5.

Thank you so much for reading!


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