Table of Contents







Well, let’s lift our hands to the Most High God and worship Him. Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration.

Bless the King of kings, Bless the Lord of lords. Praise Him!

Give Him all the Glory, give Him all the Honour, give Him all the Adoration – That God has kept you alive to see another Convention.

Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration because He is going to exceed your Expectations during this Convention.

Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration for Journey Mercies for those who have already come.

And Thank Him in advance for those who are on the way. Because they too would arrive safe and sound.

Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, bless His Holy Name!

Thank You Lord! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.

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Alpha, Omega
Alpha, Omega
You are Worthy of my Praises today
You are Worthy of my Praises today (Hallelujah)!

Alpha, Omega
Alpha, Omega
You are Worthy of my Praises today
You are Worthy of my Praises today.


King of kings and Lord of lords, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning the Ending. The One Who was, the One Who is, the One Who is to come, the Almighty!

Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Our Saviour, our Healer, our Deliverer, our Provider, the Lover of our Souls, the Soon-Coming-King; Glory be to Your Holy Name!

Please, accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You for the Previous Conventions; Thank You for what You’ve done in the Past, Thank You for what You did yesterday (Day 1), Thank You for what You are about to do now, and Thank You in advance for what You will do this week.

Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus’ Name.

Tonight, my Father and my God, we have gathered together unto You. We are trusting You for Mighty things. Please, Lord do much more than we dare hope for.

Those who are yet on the way, bring them safely Lord. And at the end of everything, let Your Name be Glorified.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen

Let someone shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Now you are going to start by Prophesing to two (2) or three (3) People and say: My neighbour I love you, but during this Convention, my Miracles would be more than yours – Amen!

If you believe your Prophecy would come to Pass, shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Please, be seated! You are able welcome in Jesus’ Name.

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1. I thank God for everyone of you here and all those reading now. Taking a look at the Auditorium, I think by tomorrow (Day 3); we have to keep the 3 by 3 Auditorium open, so that those of you who might not be able to find a seat here by tomorrow, the 3 by 3 will be open for you and you will be able to follow us clearly.

2. We want to do something we’ve never done before, beginning from tomorrow Morning (Day 3) from 8am till whatever time. Tomorrow is a day God has set aside Specially for Healing.

And so, all the Senior Pastors would be here before 8am. And they will line up in front of you. And everyone who needs the Laying-On of hands; they will lay hands on you tomorrow.

So that long before Friday, you would already have your Testimonies – Amen.


I have some Good News for you: – As of 6pm this Evening, the Number of Babies already born at our Maternity Center here in the Redemption City of God is Twenty One (21). This is serious: Seven (7) Boys and Fourteen (14) Girls.

So let the Girls shout Praise the Lord! And let the Boys shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

… Don’t worry Boys, we will catch up with them. Glory be to God!

It’s going to be a great, great Convention – A Convention none of us will ever forget – Amen.

Tonight I will be speaking to you very briefly on: BEYOND SALVATION.

My Text will be Hebrews 10:19-23:

19 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus,

20 By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;

21 And having an high priest over the house of God;

22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.

23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)



When we want to talk about “Beyond Salvation”, we could visit it from two (2) Different Angles:


I. We could say well, Salvation is step No. 1.

II. And then after that comes Sanctification.

Salvation means your sins have been washed away; your files have been cleared of all queries. Everything is clean.

Sanctification means that ability to sin has been removed from you; your heart of Stone is replaced with the Heart of flesh. So that you now have the ability to live in such a manner that there will never be another query in your file.

And then we can move on and say after Sanctification comes Baptism in the Holy Ghost; and then go on to Dedication and on and on and on!

But then, I would rather want to look at the Topic from another Perspective.

…That when you are Born Again, you expect certain things:

The Number One of which of course, is that you miss hell and you Gain Heaven.

John 3:16, For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not Perish, but have Everlasting Life.

And then, Salvation confers on you several other Wonderful things – I mean for Example:

I. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, Therefore if any Man be in Christ, he is a New Creature: Old things are passed away; behold, all things are become New.

II. Salvation confers on you a Brand New Beginning:

When you are saved, it doesn’t matter how terrible your Past has been, that is gone! When you have a New Beginning, Old things are passed away, all things become New.

III. So you can get a New Name: A New name written down in Glory.

John 1:11-12 says, He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

So when you are saved, you get a New Name. You used to be called a “Son of the devil”; they used to call you “Baba Ke” but now you are a Child of God – A New name!

IV. When you are Born Again, you get a New Accommodation:

Colossians 1:12-14 made it clear, Salvation gives you the Privilege of being translated out of the Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of God.

You move out of Darkness.

V. Salvation gives you the Privilege of being translated out of the kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of the dear Son of God.

You move from out of Darkness into Light.

VI. Salvation brings you under a New Management.

You were under the Management of Satan but now you are under the Management of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 11:28-30, where he says: Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Get away from your Old Manager, come into Me.

And then He says: Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your Souls.

And He emphasized it that: My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

… You come under a New Management.

But there are more Benefits far Beyond Ordinary Expectations because you are saved by the Blood of Jesus, according to 1 John 1:7 which say, the Blood of Jesus cleanse from all sins.

1. Because all of your sins have been cleansed during Salvation, you immediately have Access to the Mighty Arms of God.

Isaiah 59:1 says, Behold, the LORD’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:

2. And you have immediate Access to the Ears of God.

The same Isaiah 59:1-2, But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.

… But the Problem has been your sin!

ALSO SEE; rccg-71st-annual-convention-2023-day-1-evening-session-workers-and-house-fellowship-leaders-meet

Now your sins are gone: washed away by the Blood, so immediately after Salvation you have access to His Arms, you have access to His Ears.

3. Which means you have access to Answered Prayers.

According to Psalms 65:2. It says: O thou that hearest Prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come.

The moment you are Born Again, the moment that Blood washes away your sin, you have Unlimited access to Answered Prayers.

But that’s not all because of that blood!

4. Immediately that Blood washes you Clean, you have Victory over Satan.

Because Revelation 12:10-11 says, They overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb.

That Blood that conquered Satan becomes available to you.

5. The moment you are Born Again, you have Access to Protection from Death.

Because you read Exodus 12:1-23. But specifically, Exodus 12:23 says: For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the Destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.

The Almighty God has given an assurance that when Death is Passing by; when He sees the Blood He will pass over you.

Many of you are alive today because the Blood Protected you from Coronavirus.

And I have the assurance – It doesn’t matter what else is coming, that Blood will keep on Protecting you – Amen.

6. But then there is something even bigger in the Text that I read to you (Hebrew 10:19-23).

If you read Hebrews 10:19, the Bible tells us that because of the Blood, that Blood that gives you Salvation;You have access to the Holiest:

You know, if you ask those who know the Bible very well, they will tell you, there is a Place called the Holiest in the Temple of God – Only the High Priest can go there once a year. And when he is going there he will be going with the blood of an animal that has been Sacrificed.

And when he is going in there, they tie a chain round his leg and bells round his feet so that as he is walking about in the Holiest, if he makes the slightest mistake he will die immediately.

So when they don’t hear the jingling of the bell anymore they use the chain to pull him out.

So the Holiest is a very Sacred Place – You don’t just go there unless you are the High Priest (once a year)!

But the Bible now said: If you are saved, washed by the Blood you can walk into the Holiest.

In case you don’t fully get the importance of that, let me give you a little illustration – By the Grace of God, I have gained access to many Heads of States all over the world.

When you want to visit a Head of State, when he wants to grant you a Private Audience – Whether you are the one who requested for it or he is the one who invited you to come, Ah! you have to pass through many gates.

Gate Number 1: They want to check whether your name is there somewhere that you are expected.

Gate Number 2, Gate Number 3, Gate Number 4, Gate Number 5. Maybe by the time you get to Gate Number 6 – By then they would have taken your Telephone, everything! And then they usher you to a room.

And you find some other People who have been there before you, who have been waiting maybe for one (1) hour or two (2) and you think, well, I’m almost there! But then there will still be gates.

The first time I visited the Head of a State, I came back Thanking God that it is easier to see Jesus than to see the President. I don’t need to go through any gate. If I need help, the moment I say JESUS, I am in the Presence of the Most High.

… If you know what I am talking about, shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Imagine that you are traveling on the highway, top speed and suddenly one of the tyres of your car burst and the car begins to summersault and you have to pass through Gate Number 1, Gate Number 2, Gate Number 3 before help will come.

The moment the car begins to summersault, what do you shout? JESUS!

Let me hear you shout that Name again: JESUS!

… And immediately, Help comes!

7. The moment you are Born Again, washed in the Blood, you gain access to the Holiest; and you gain access to the Name (JESUS).

Because you are saved by the Blood of the One Whose Name is JESUS.

Matthew 1:21 says, And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for He shall save his People from their sins.

… You have access to a Name that means ‘Saviour‘.

And because you have access to the Name, you have access to Dominion.

Because it is written in Philippians 2:9-11 that His Name is above every other name; that at the Name of Jesus, all knees should bow.

8. The moment you are saved, you get Recognition in Hell.

Acts 19:11-17. God started doing some Special Miracles in the Life of Paul

He is going to do Special Miracles in the Life of somebody during this Convention  – Amen.

And some People tried to copy him and they said, “in the Name of Jesus Christ that Paul Preaches, devil come out of this man”. The devil said: Jesus, I know, Paul also I know, but who are you?

You may not know it, but the moment you are Born Again, Hell knows! Witches and wizards they know! They know you ae different now. They recognize you.

… But because of time,

9. The moment you are Born Again, you have Access to a Great Prayer Partner who is called the Holy Spirit.

And the Bible says in Romans 8:26, Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should Pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

During this Convention, you are going to Pray correctly – Amen.


So Part One (1) of my discussion is going to lead to one very Special Prayer – When the time comes, very soon. I mean, those of us who are already Born Again; sure that the Blood had washed us clean.

And that Prayer would be an apology to God – Apology that you have been living Below Expectations. That you have not made use of all the Privileges available to you. That you have been wasting the Powers, Abilities that Salvation had made available to you.

Your Story would be like the Story of somebody that they said bought a Ticket to travel by Sea to a Foreign Land. He bought the Ticket, got on the Boat. When he was boarding the boat, he took a lot of biscuits with himself.

And every time, throughout the journey, he was just eating biscuit and drinking water. Until somebody found him: what’s going on? We have not been seeing you in the dining hall? He said, I don’t have money to buy food in the dining hall. They said, Haa! The food there is free – It’s included in the Ticket.

Some of us are Born Again and eating “biscuits” when the Almighty God has Prepared a Buffet for you.

We are going to need to apologize to God that we have been wasting a lot of Blessings that belong to us. As a result of which we would go angrily after all those benefits;

And in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, we would get them all back – Amen!

… But that is Part One (1). There is Part Two (2): don’t worry I will soon finish. You know me, I can’t Preach for long.



I have told you again and again that if the Bible teaches anything at all – From all the Teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is that “Nothing goes for Nothing.”

Oh! Salvation is Free – Jesus Paid for it with His Blood.

Now, you are Born Again, What are the Expectations of God from you?

Because we have come, waiting to receive from God – Miracles Beyond Expectations. But He is also expecting certain things from us:



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For Example, in 1 Peter 1:18-19 the Bible says, because you have been bought with the Precious Blood of Christ, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot:

You are a very expensive commodity in the Hand of the Most High – You are bought, not with Silver and Gold but with the Blood.

1. Then the Passage went further to say, God expects you to Glorify Him with your Body.

The moment you are Born Again, you are no longer your own, you have been bought – Not with Silver and Gold but with the Blood of the Lamb.

Your body is not your own, God expects from you that you don’t use your body just anyhow.

So, when you hear somebody say, “I can do whatever I like with my body” you know that fellow is not Born Again. Because your body is not your own, you are bought with the Precious Blood of the Lamb.

And so God expects from you, according to 1 Corinthians 6:18-20; that from the moment you are Born Again, you flee every form of Sexual Immorality. Because it is not your body, so you can’t do what you like with your body anymore because it belongs now to the One Who has Paid your dowry – The Lord Jesus Christ.

2. He expects you from the moment you are Born Again, translated out of Darkness into Light, He expects your Light to Shine.

Matthew 5:14-16 says, Ye are the Light of the world. A City that is set on an Hill cannot be hid.

… You see, the moment you are Born Again you become a Light. And your Light must Shine.

He said, Let your Light so Shine before men, that they may see your Good works, and Glorify your Father which is in Heaven.

He is the One Who bought you with His Blood; so He expects you through your action, your words, your Evangelism, to Shine!

3. The moment you are Born Again it says you are no longer Ordinary, you are now the Salt of the Earth.

And amongst so many things that salt does, is that it destroys Corruption.

– Salt is what you use when you don’t have fridge and you want to Preserve fresh meat. You rub salt on it to keep flies away. Keep corruption away!

– Salt is a fertilizer: it can be used as fertilizer to cause Growth.

– Salt of course, is to make things Sweet.

The Word of God says the white of an egg has no taste until you add salt to it.

And He expects you to be the Salt of the Earth: to be the Destroyer of Corruption in your Place of work.

When I was younger, everywhere we go, those who want to do evil hate us because they know that our Presence would not allow them to operate freely. We were the Salt. Thank God some of us still are!

He says you either do the work of Salt or you will be thrown away.

The Word of God made it clear in Ephesians 2:8-9; that you are saved by Grace. You didn’t work for it. God out of his Infinite Mercy chose you for Salvation.

Don’t let me ever hear you say: “When I found Christ” – Christ was not lost! You are the one who He found where you were lost.

Don’t let me hear you say, “Oh, I chose to give my Life to Jesus.” No, No, No! It is out of His Mercy.

He said it clearly: “Nobody can come to me except my Father draws him.”

You would be surprised tonight now, that in spite of all the Benefits that I said are available to those who are Born Again, when I make the Altar Call, not everybody who needs Salvation would come!

Those who come are those that the Father in Heaven will draw to Jesus Christ.

We were many the day I gave my Life to Jesus Christ – We heard the same Sermon. Something Pushed me forward; because when I joined the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), I had a Problem and I wanted the Problem solved. And they told me: if you get to this Church, Oh! Their Prayer is Fire!

So I came, ready to Pay for their Prayer. And they kept on telling me, Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ. Forsake your way of sin, etc. And I was saying: what’s wrong with these People?

And most of the People then were not highly Educated and I was a University Lecturer.

I was saying, what do they know about sin? I mean, you want to call ‘having fun’ sin? What do they know about Philosophy and so on?

But a day came and the Preaching was on. And something deep down within me said: you said these People are not Educated, they don’t know Philosophy, they don’t know Psychology. Look At their faces, they have Peace. Have you, with your PhD?

Something within me said: Look at them, they are not asking you to surrender to them, they are asking you to surrender to your Maker – The One Who controls your Future. If God does not Push you forward, you won’t come.

That Night when they gave the Altar Call, I ran! And today, I am Grateful to God that I ran! Because somebody Pulled me.

So you are saved by Grace not by your own work.

But God does not expect you to abuse that Grace.

Galatians 2: 20-21 says yes, you are saved by Grace. But you must know you are Crucified with Christ. And must not frustrate that Grace.

Because I know you have heard all manners of Preachers saying that – Oh! Once you are Born Again, Grace will cover any other thing. You can do whatever you like after that.

The Word of God is clear – You cannot continue in sin and expect Grace to abound. God forbid!

God does not expect you to frustrate the Grace.

God says in His Word that once upon a time you were like a dog – I am not the one who said so.

Matthew 15:21-28; remember the woman who came crying to Jesus Christ, asking for Healing for her daughter. Jesus told her, “I can’t give the bread of children to dogs.

Two (2) categories of People – Children and Dogs.

But the day you gave your Life to Jesus Christ; the day Jesus saved your Soul, you became a son. You were a dog, now you are a son.

And He therefore, does not expect you to go back to your Old ways.

In 2 Peter 2:20-22, He made it clear: Only dogs return to their vomit.

God expects from you that once you have been washed in the Blood; once Grace has brought you to the Lord Jesus Christ; once you have said, “Old things are Passed away, that all things have become New” you will never go back.”

Because to go back to any of those things that you said bye-bye to, that means your dog has gone back to its vomit.

But you know what He says will happen?

It does not matter who is the Professor who has been telling you all kinds of things about how you should live after you are Born Again. God says, you return back to your vomit, you will be kept out of his Kingdom.

In Revelation 22:15 He says, without are dogs, all backslider – All those who became children and then returned to their vomit. “For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.”

4. The Almighty God expects you as a Child of God to Redeem Time – The time that you have wasted.

Ephesians 5:14-16 asks you to redeem your Time.

You have wasted so much Time, do something! He said because the days are evil.

May be you didn’t understand the drama that the children Presented – The Drama shows you one Problem after another Problem, after another Problem! Until Jesus returns.

The days are evil. And It is going to get worse before it gets better – That’s when the Lord returns.

When He returns, it’s then there will be Peace because He is the Prince of Peace.

When He returns, that is when all Problems would be gone!

And those of us who belong to Him of course, will reign with Him forever and ever – Amen!

5. But He wants you to act quickly.

Why? He says, And, behold, I come quickly; and my Reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be – Revelation 22:12;

In Revelation 2:1-5, He said, I know some of you have tried ooo; you have worked. But you have left your first Love.

You used to Love me more than anything else. Now, you Love something else – Your Love for me has withered.

He says hurry up! Get back to your “First Love”, so I don’t come and take away your Light.

I know some of you are not expecting this kind of Preaching tonight.

But if we don’t lay the Foundation, you would miss the Blessings of this week. And I don’t want you to miss any of them. And if I don’t tell you the Truth, who else is going to? You are my children.

And when I get to Heaven, I want to see all of you there – Amen.

He wants you to act Speedily; act Quickly as the days are going.

Remember what the Bible says in Joshua 13:1; Now Joshua was Old and stricken in years; and the LORD said unto him, Thou art Old and stricken in years, and there remaineth yet very much Land to be Possessed.

… God said to Joshua you are Old and stricken in years, and you have not completed the work I gave you to do.

Before God draws the curtain; before He says no more – There’s nothing more you can do; He wants you to wake up.

That is talking about those of us who are sure of our Salvation.

6. God expects a Life of Spotless Holiness from you.

He expects that you keep your body Pure and Holy because you are Precious to Him and bought with the Blood of the Lamb.


So your next Prayer Point would be LORD, Thank You for Preserving my Life till today.

I will Redeemed Time; I will go back to my First Love; I will serve You Beyond Expectations.

I will tell just one little Story – It’s not a Story you have not heard before. But I believe God wants me to tell you again.

I told you I was Praying towards one Congress, and all of a sudden I heard God say, “Son, give me your two (2) cars.”

And I had two (2) cars then – One was a Lincoln Town Car, the other was a Lexus Jeep. I was feeling good: If I want to travel rough roads, I take Jeep; Smooth roads, I take the Town Car.

“Son, give me your two (2) cars!” – I know His voice, but I said, God that can’t be You!

I began to tell Him what is written – What Your Word says is that if I have two (2) coats I am to give one out. I have two (2) cars You asked me to give both of them?

He told me something that I have never told anybody before (I am telling you now):

I. Do you want your Blessings to remain usual or do you want to go to the Unusual?

II. Do you want to stay within Expectations or you want to go Beyond Expectations?

You know the result!

– I don’t want my Life to be Ordinary. You know we have been talking about that;

– I don’t want to be an Ordinary Pastor; I don’t want to be an Ordinary Christian.

– I don’t want the Natural when I can have the Supernatural.

– I don’t want the Ordinary when I can have the Extraordinary;

What about you? Thr DMC FAMILY MEMBERS wants to go Beyond Expectations!

So when it is time to Pray you are going to cry to God and tell Him:


From this Night onward, let everything about me be BEYOND EXPECTATIONS.


But before we Pray; I have spoken to those of you who are out there and you are not yet Born Again. You know it, because you are still living in sin (maybe up to yesterday).

But the Blood is available to you – To wash away your sins: to give you access to the Arms of God, access to the Ear of God, access to the Presence of God, access to Victory over the devil, access to all manners of Blessings.

If you are ready to Genuinely give your Life to Jesus Christ; that you want everything to become Brand New.

– If you are really, really ready to say bye-bye to the devil, welcome Jesus.

– If you are ready to say bye-bye to your Old Master and you want Jesus to take over.

Please do so now!

If want to give your Life to Jesus Christ, Stand Up before Him wherever you are now or reading this Message now on the Label of DMC – Cry to Him to have Mercy on you, to save your Soul.

I’m not talking of coming casually – No, No, No! You really mean business. You want an end to a Life of sin, a Life of shame, a Life of being under the control of Satan.

Come and surrender to Jesus Christ now so that I can Pray for your Salvation.

… Jesus is not begging you to clap! Don’t insult Him with your “Casual Clapping’ – He expects better things!

Those of you who are ready to Genuinely surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, cry to Him now:

– Tell Him to Please, save your Soul.

– Tell Him: I don’t want to have anything to do with the devil anymore. I want to be a Child of God, I don’t want to be a dog.

I want to serve You for the rest of my Life – Have Mercy on me, wash me Clean with Your Blood.

And the rest of us Please, let’s Stretch our hands towards our New Brothers and Sisters and intercede for them – Pray that the Almighty God will save their Souls, even as He saved your Soul.

Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for Your Word;

And I want to Thank You for Your Promise: that whosoever will come unto You, You will in no wise cast out.

Your Children have come to You now my Father and my God:

– Please receive them, in Jesus’ Name.

– Have Mercy on them, in Jesus’ Name!

+ Let Your Blood wash away their sins, in Jesus’ Name!

– Save their Souls tonight.

– Write their names in the Book of Life.

– Receive them into the Family of God.

– Give them Brand New names!

And from now on, anytime they call on You, Please answer them by Fire!

And don’t let them ever go back into the world.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Now those of you who have just Genuinely Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, I rejoice with you. Because I can assure you by the Word of God; because you came, and because we’ve Prayed, you are Born Again now.

So let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Then I want to assure you that from now on, I will be Praying for you. So I am going to need your names, your’s Address and your Prayer Requests.

The rest of us we are in two (2) Categories:

Category one would be those who are Backslidden.

When it is time to Pray, your Prayer tonight will just be: God, Please take me back. I want to come back to You; I’ve returned to my vomit, but no more!

The rest of us who have been kept by the Power of God all these years, we are going to Pray:

1. You are going to say: Thank God for Preserving your Life even till today.

2. You are going to apologise to Him that you have not made full use of the Benefits available to you as a True Child of God.

Tell Him: I’m sorry, I have not made full use of all the Benefits of Salvation. And I will Change.

3. You are going to call on the Almighty God and say: By Your Grace, from now on, I will serve You Beyond Expectations.

May Light will Shine, my Salt will be effective; everybody would soon see my Good works and they will Glorify God on my behalf.

4. And finally, you will lift up your voice to Him and and say: Father from tonight onward, don’t let my Life be Ordinary.

I want to get to a Level where People would look at me and say, you are different, you are Superior.

Let People see in me, a Life Beyond Human Expectations.

Let’s go ahead and Pray!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.


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