Prophet Shepherd Bushiri October the month of Esther ECG Church

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Prophet Shepherd Bushiri October the month of Esther ECG Church

To my sons and daughters,

I welcome you to the month of October, the month of Esther.

When you read the Bible, you will come across one of the most noble women in History, by the name of Esther. She was not an ordinary lady. She was an orphan who found sight in the eyes of the King and became a Queen. The life of Esther is that which speaks of elevation, favor and patriotism.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri October the month of Esther

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri October the month of Esther ECG Church
Prophet Shepherd Bushiri October the month of Esther ECG Church

Interestingly the word Esther means star. This woman right from birth had been prophesied that she would shine even in the midst of darkness. This is evidenced by how she managed to become an instrument in the hand of God to avert the destruction of the Jewish people, and to afford them protection and forward their wealth and peace in their captivity.

In this month, if you would seek God’s face in prayer and fasting just as Esther did. If you are obedient to the King of kings just as Esther did, then you can expect a reward in your life just the same as Esther.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri October the month of Esther

In this month, I see the Lord causing you to shine in every area of your life. I see you receiving an extraordinary kind of favor- so much so that even in a foreign land, men and women will elevate you and distinguish you. I see you rising from a level of nothingness to abundance. Nations will know you in this month as the Lord crowns you with a crown of honor! Prophet Shepherd Bushiri October the month of Esther

Welcome to a month that will grant you a new name and crown of glory.

Sunday Service LIVE: The anointing is international

Welcome to the International Visitors’ Program.This is a specially designed program for saints who travel from near and far to meet the prophet of God here at Pretoria. Major 1 gets an opportunity to spend time with visitors as they are part of a three day intensive prayer session. The visitors are registered and attend the special program from Friday all the way through Sunday Night. The time of prayer is intense and the program is geared to change the lives of saints who come seeking solutions for various problems and challenges. Connect to the saints who have set time aside for the Prophet of God to minister to them on this platform.



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Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Major 1
Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Major 1

Connect to the International Visitors’ Program, your life will never be the same. Welcome to the International Visitors’ Program LIVE on Prophetic Channel with the Fearless General, prophet of our time and Founding father of ECG, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, Major 1.

Sunday Service LIVE : A day of double favor

The month of Esther has been filled with extra Grace on this particular day as our father in the Lord , the Founder of Enlightened Christian Gathering has deposited not one but two kinds of favor, Khased and Chen favor.

Believers are going back to their houses and work places with a brand new revelation carrying double favor . Conquering not only in this month but also in the rest to come Members of this house along with viewers all across the globe who joined us in this wonderful Sunday Service where God of Major 1 touched so many in his very own fashion .

Thank you for being with us in this phenomenal prophetic movement . Join us for the special International Visitors’ program. Keep watching Prophetic Channel. I love you.

Shalom Saints!

Sunday Service LIVE: Pray with us today!

Pray from the Parach everyday so that you can register spiritual growth and drink from our father in the Lord’s teachings. The Daily Parach is designed for your personal growth as we celebrate the 1st year of this wonderful development, the Parach, receive it!

Pray using the Prayer petitions. The Month of Esther is bursting with favour and the petition book is available for your personal book collection. Collect these treasured writings of our father in the Lord.

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