Happy 74th Birthday To Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye of RCCG | PRAYERS FIRE



1. Father, Thank You for the People, the Schools, the Churches, and everything You have Planted in my Community.

2. Father, Please bless all families in my Community;

– Strengthen all Marriages, and let all children be taught in Your way.

3. Father, Please let there be Unity amongst the People in my Community, in Jesus’ Name.

4. Father, Please let Your Presence be in all Learning Institutions in my Community, in Jesus’ Name.

5. Father, Please help all the Christians in my Community represent You according to Your Will, in Jesus’ Name.

6. Lord, Please help all Leaders in my Community lead according to Your Will, in Jesus’ Name.

7. Father, Please let everyone in this Community have an encounter with You, in Jesus’ Name.

8. Father, Please let there be Great Developments and Progress in my Community, in Jesus’ Name.

9. Father, Please put an end to every form of evil in my Community, in Jesus’ Name.

10. Father, Please drive away every form of Disease from my Community, in Jesus’ Name.

11. Father, Please put an end to every Unrest and Dispute within my Community and between my Community and neighbouring ones, in Jesus’ Name.

12 Your Special Prayer Requests for your Community.






Let somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!


1. Tomorrow Morning (Day 2, Friday 4th August 2023), come on time with your Walking Shoes.

As usual, during the Ministers’ Conference we will be going on Prayer Walk.

Tomorrow you will Worship from 7am to 8am when I will join you before we go for the Prayer Walk.

2. Can I call this Good News?

I have received Instructions from God that this Year’s Ministers’ Conference be raised to the Level of Solemn Assembly.

So therefore, the Teachings will be Solemn and Deeper than the usual Ministers’ Conference.

Convention Hymn

The Almighty God knows that not all of us have the ability to sing like the Choir. But He knows all of us have the ability to shout – Hallelujah.


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By this time last year there were two (2) of my friends; true children of the Living God who were here but now have joined the Lord in Heaven. But you and I are still here.

God says let’s make a Joyful noise – Hallelujah!

Nobody knows which Minister’s Conference would be the Last. You don’t know! Death has no fixed date. The old dies, the young dies. At times a child dies and leaves the parents behind.

One more time shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

After this Minister’s Conference, if you think you will remain the same again, it will only mean one thing: that you don’t know the God that I serve. That you don’t know the God who gave me the Theme: BEYOND EXPECTATIONS.

It would mean that you don’t know the God who said, Believe in me and you will be established; believe my Prophet and you will Prosper. (2 Chronicles 20:20).

When He gave me the Theme, my response to Him was, I have found a friend in You; You are my Redeemer. And that is the reason we are His.

Let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah. Amen!

We will be Praising Him later; but if I sing my own Song and you sing your own Song. When we put it together it becomes a Joyful Noise.

So, I want you to sing to the Lord wherever you are or reading this Message now on the Label of DMC.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have worshipped – Amen.


And so my Father and my God Thank You!

From the bottom of all our hearts, we say Thank You!

Thank You that thus far You have kept us;

Thank You for what You have done in the Past; Thank You for what You will be doing for us during this Conference.

May Your Name be Praised.

Thank You Almighty God. All we are saying is, Thank You!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Thanked – Amen.

Shout another Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

… You can Please, be seated!

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May I appeal to you as a Man of God; as I told the Senior Pastors during the Holy Ghost Service of Last Month (July 2023). The first time we came to the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) two (2) major things startled me;

I. Their shout of Hallelujah;

II. The second was when everything was going on fine and it was time to Pray. The fellow who was leading the Prayer that day, as soon as he said, “In the Name of Jesus!” The fellow close to me said Amen so loud that I nearly ran out of the Church.

… That kind of Hallelujah and Amen will not allow the Demon to stay!

So I want to beg you; I am appealing to you as a Man of God – Please, let’s get back to our Original way. Don’t let us become sophisticated that we can shout Amen!

Please Note: I am believing God that as you go out, you’ll have something Beyond Expectations – Amen!

I told my children sometimes last week; of a time when a madman came here; he was escorted by four (4) Police men. He had been to Aro (DMC NOTES: Aro is the name of a Place at the Outskirts of Abeokuta in Ogun State where a Psychiatric Hospital is located). And suddenly he said, “take me to the Redemption Camp, I want my feet to touch the Camp Ground and I will be healed”.

You’ve heard the Story before! They brought him here, and as soon as his feet touched the Camp Ground, he was instantly whole – Amen.

I want those days back! And I am telling you some of these things because He says, don’t make it a Minister’s Conference – It is a Solemn Assembly.

When I was at the University of Nigeria (UNN) Nsukka; we had a University Games at the University of Ibadan.

When it was time for March Past (there were only six Universities in Nigeria then) and it was the turn of University of Lagos, Oh! You should have seen them – The girls were well dressed with make up and wigs. You should have watched them Perform. And for one reason or the other, the People cheered them, “Eko for Show.”

… Don’t be embarrassed if you are from the University of Lagos – It is my University also.

And it was the turn of those of us from University of Nigeria – Nsukka was a Village then. I am talking of 1965 – that’s a long time ago. We didn’t have many People to cheer us. We came like bush men. But at the end of the Competition: Six (6) Universities, twelve (12) Trophies. We won six (6) trophies, and shared the seventh (7th) with the University of Ibadan.

Why? We didn’t come “For Show”; we came for Gold!

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And if your Life does not Change after this Monisters‘ Conference; you may as well go back to the world!

That leads me to the Question I am going to ask you now:

Why are you here? Are you here “For Show” or for “Gold”? – … I didn’t hear you: “FOR GOLD”!

Alright! So may I ask somebody to shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Our Bible Text throughout this Conference is going to be Psalms 24:3-5.

We might consider borrowing Psalms Chapter 15 later on as we continue in the journey.

But the real Bible Text is Psalms 24:3-5;

3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?

4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.

5 He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.


Because all the Teachings we are going to learn during this Solemn Assembly (as it were) is for me! – Also for The DMC FAMILY MEMBERS by extension.

And I will tell you why – Those of you who use Open Heavens Daily Devotional, you would remembered I treated this Particular Passage (Psalms 24) not to long ago.

It was as we were discussing the Topic – The way we treat Open Heavens Daily Devotional in my home, we don’t just read it; we discuss, ask them to contribute what it is to learn in the Topic (that is not in the Open Heavens).

It was during one of the discussions that my Daddy said to me – “That is the Topic for the Minister’s Conference this Year (2023).”

So I began to Pray about it, Fasted and waited on the Lord.

And do you know the Question He asked me? “Why are you coming for this Year’s Conference?”

My answer is: I want to go to the Mountain Top!

The Question in our Bible Text is: Who is to ascend the Hill? Who is to climb to the Mountain? Because Deuteronomy 28:13 makes it clear, it is Possible to reach the Top. Since the Lord shall make me the Head and not the Tail; above only and not beneath.

… I want that Promise fulfilled in my Life before I die – Amen.

Because, like I told you before, for each morning and night spent, the time is running out. Every day we live, we are a step closer to Death or to Rapture. And we better become what God wants us to before it is too late.

I want to go Higher! And there are Advantages to be on the Hill of the Lord.

1. Up there the Air is Cleaner:

Those of you who have ever been to Mount Camel (in Ifewara, Osun State of Nigeria) the air is Cleaner!

I want to go Higher, I want to go to the Mountain Top. I want to breathe Fresh air.

God said to Elijah in 1 Kings 19:1-15, and you would find again and again, “the Word of the Lord came to Elijah.”

That means he couldn’t hear God where he was, until he got to Mount Horeb.

That’s the implication – God says, come up Higher, leave Jezebel alone down there.

If the Lord gives us Permission to visit Israel again, one of the Mountains we are going to visit is going to be Mount Horeb, the Mount of Transfiguration, Mount Camel.

The Air is Cleaner on the Mountain top.

I don’t want to stay with Demonic Pastors below. Maybe by the time of Ordination, they were Clean and somewhere along the line they backside.

I remembered sometimes ago, they brought a Demon-Possessed man for Deliverance.

The Pastors in his Church were casting and binding, then I opened the door and the Demon-Possessed man said, “what are you doing here? You don’t belong here. Leave me and these Pastors alone and let me deal with them. You don’t belong here!”

I Pray in the Name that’s above every other name; by the time this Conference is over, Demons would see you and say, “you don’t belong here” – Amen.

The Air is Cleaner up there; I want to go where the air is not Polluted by Demons, by Adulterers and those who claim to be serving God but are actually serving Money.

2. The Water there is Cleaner:

Invariably, all River has its Source at the top of the Mountain.

3. The View up there is Clear:

You can see better at the Mountain Top.

You can see things before you, you can even see things that are Past and things that are to come.

I want to be at that Level where if there is a Prophecy and all others agree, I will stand alone and say, “sorry ooo, God has not told me anything.”

Do you know the meaning of that? – It means, “I can’t lie.”

And like a Great Man of God says: When God said, “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing the Word of God”. God didn’t put a comma there! Meaning you hear the Word of God over and over again.

I was just a Worker in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) then; when we attended Workers Meeting in the evening one of those days, I felt Pressed to use the toilet. And as I sat on the toilet seat, suddenly at the back of the door I saw my first Vision;

I saw in the Vision that the Service was going on at the Ebute Meta (DMC NOTES: This is the National Headquarters Parish of RCCG situated in Lagos State Nigeria).



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I saw the Altar and the Choir was singing the Last Verse of the Hymn that Preceded the Sermon.

As they were singing, the door to the Vestry opened, two (2) People – The Preacher and Interpreter joined the Service. The Preacher Preached and the Glory of God came down Mightily. And the Vision disappeared!

This was so vivid that I told my father-in-the-Lord. And he put his hands on his head and said, Oh God!

He called the other Pastors and asked me to repeat what I just told him. They also put their hands on their head and said, Oh God!

I was frightened.

Papa said: At the beginning, that’s what we used to do. The Preacher and the Interpreter always Prayed in the Vestry and joined the Service during the Hymn to Preach. And the Glory of God flowed. He said, but we stopped a long time ago. And maybe God is reminding us of what we fell off.

In the Name that’s above every other name; anything we used to do that made the Glory of God come down but that we stopped, that has slowed the work of God; God will remind us again – Amen.

When we visit the Mount of Transfiguration, we will see Moses, Elijah and the Lord Jesus Christ. We will see the Glory to come and the Glory Past – Amen.

If you read 2 Kings 6:8-17, the Bible told us the Story of Elisha and his Servant.

The City was filled with Soldiers, Chariots and Horses. The Servant came to the Man of God afraid; that one Prayed that God should open his eyes. The Bible says, the boy saw Horses and Chariots of Fire round about them on the Mountain.

Where was Elisha – In the Valley below? – No! He was on the Mountain! Where were the Horses and Chariots of Fire? On the Mountain!

The boy began to see the Horses and Chariots of Fire on the Mountain Top.

I Thank God that He has given me another opportunity to come to this Conference – so I can begin to see Beyond what I have seen before – Amen.

4. I want to be Closer to God: the Great I AM THAT I AM.

In Exodus 17:12-13, the Amalekites attacked the Children of Israel. Moses climbed to the Top of the Hill; Joshua and others were fighting below.

I want to get to that Level that I won’t have to fight, but just send those who would fight – Amen.

Is there anybody who is tired of fighting? Yes,

Tired of Struggling before they cast out Demons; tired of having to Pray for ten (10) hours before they can heal headache.

Is anyone here or reading now  to just raise his hand and Miracles happen? – Yes!

The Closer you are to God, the better!

David said in Psalms 121:1, I will lift up my head to the Lord. Where is my help coming from? Above!

The Bible says Heaven is God’s Throne, the Earth is His footstool.

– I want to go Higher so I can have a Change of Level.

– I want to go Higher to Change from being a Receiver to being a Giver.

In Acts 29:35, the Word of God says it is more blessed to give than to receive.

Unfortunately, many of us are still in the Receiving Business.

But I want to go Higher.

Thank God He has helped me to this Stage; but I want to go much Higher.

I think it was President Kennedy of America who said to the Peace Corpers (as they call their Youth Corpers): “Don’t ask what your Country can do for you; ask what you can do for your Country”.

There are many of us who are still asking – I want to get to that Stage where I won’t be asking anybody for any kind of help. Rather I will be asking, “how can I be of help to you?”

Oh, majority of Pastors today are busy complaining – We can’t build more Churches because there is no money. We will write to Daddy GO to help us.

When we joined the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), we never asked anybody for help. We spent and were spent! And yet we kept on building Churches.

I’ve told you, in the early years when we started a Church in United Kingdom, we didn’t ask anyone for help (they didn’t have any way).

We used everything available – Like telling the Anglican Church, “Please, can we hold our Services here after you are done (in the Basement)?”

When the Basement couldn’t contain us any longer, we asked to use the Auditorium. Their service was 10-11am; had ours from 12 Noon.

We had no Money then, and we were not waiting till we have our own Place of Worship.

I still remembered that one of our Churches in London started in the Mall (their Market Place) – When the Mall closes.

Our Pulpit then was made of empty crates. The Vestry was one corner of the Mall.

We didn’t ask – We were not expecting anybody to give us.

We spent and were spent!

I want God to do a Miracle again – Amen!

When we first got to this Camp Ground for our Convention, to feed the People we said we would eat together.

We said, every Area bring your own food, we’ll combine.

Some Areas had Problem, complaining and murmuring. So I got out one day (in the first Auditorium) and said: the God Who made me your Pastor would help me to feed you – Both Spiritually and Physically. And that was thirty (30) years ago!

I got to the Prayer Room to Pray with the Pastors. After we were done God spoke to me,”Son, when do you want to start feeding your People?” I said Daddy, I wasn’t sure You were listening. He said, can’t you start now? I said, where will I get the Money from.

Those days we were about ten thousand (10,000) People.

The Lord said, tell them now. I said No! I am not sure Daddy.

During the next Month’s Holy Ghost Service, He still said, tell the People. I said, Lord not now.

And He said Son, you are about to miss a Miracle.

And I said okay! If I sell my car (Second Hand) sell my wife’s car (Third Hand), it would be enough to feed the People for three (3) days. Afterwards I would tell them, you may go home now, God has answered your Prayers.

I told them, “God would feed you from now on.” And He has not failed till now.

I don’t need to remind you of the Prices of foodstuffs in the Market.

But it doesn’t matter how many Millions will attend our Convention; my Father will feed them – Amen.

*I want to be able to feed every Poor Person in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – Not just during the Convention.

I want to go higher!

And I know someone is here now or reading this Message now on the Label of DMC who wants to say, “Daddy, Next Year, whatever it would cost I want to Sponsor the Convention – Amen.

I want to move from being a Receiver to a Giver because the Giver’s hand is always on Top.

I want to move from being blessed to the one who would bless.

Because Hebrews 7:7 says, And without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better.

I want to move higher.

I always groan in my Spirit when People say, “Daddy, we don’t know what to give you because you have almost everything.”

I say to such People, Misery will not kill you. Everybody can be a blessing to others.

In the Name that’s above every other name, from today onwards you will be a Blessing – Amen.

There is Nobody so big that can not be blessed! You just don’t want to give. But your orientation must Change from today.

I have told you about one of my sons from Abeokuta – He came to me and said Daddy, I want to give you one of my houses in Abeokuta, I have two (2). I said to him, I don’t need a house in Abeokuta, I live in the Redemption Camp.

When he insisted, I asked him to go and Pray about it – That there are Pastors in Abeokuta who needs it. When he returned, he came with the keys and documents.

Later on when I was going to hear from him, he said, there are many soils to sow. I have surveyed the soil, you are the best soil.

Well, I collected the keys from him and gave it to someone who needed a house in Abeokuta.

One day, he came that I should follow him somewhere in Lagos – It was a whole Estate that he asked me to Dedicate for him.

I called him Clever Boy! – You sowed a house to get an Estate.

You can be a blessing to anyone. I want you to Change Levels, get to that Height where you can bless anybody no matter how great they are.

I want to go Higher, why? Because Genesis 1:28 says I am to have Dominion.

You can’t have Dominion if you are on the Ground.

Dominion means on Top. The Top controls the bottom.

“But Daddy, you are already a General Overseer: what else?”
I am not talking of Dominion over you; I mean Dominion over myself.

The Bible says he one who conquers himself is greater than the one who conquers a city.

I want to conquer myself! I don’t want to struggle ever again to obey God. I don’t want to ever reason together when my God speaks – It is Yes Lord, all the time.

In 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, Paul the Apostle said, But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have Preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. I have absolute control over myself!

… Alright! Then comes the Question:


If the answer is YES,

God won’t ask the Question, “who would ascend to the Hill of the Lord?”

He knows not everybody could go to the Hill.

I have said, this is a Solemn Assembly (as it were) it is not for frivolous talk. Just tell them, “leave me alone because I want to Pray, I will chat later”.

It is not Possible for all to climb the Hill. It is not everybody who got to the bottom at the Mount of Transfiguration who got to the Top. The Twelve (12) Disciples got to the bottom, but only three (3) Disciples go to the Top.

Who are those who will climb during this Conference? They are the People that Jesus calls, Disciples.

In Matthew 13:1-22, Jesus was speaking in Parables; the Disciples asked, Master why are You speaking in Parables? He said, so that the Multitude will hear but never understand.

Your ears are blessed!

One great Man of God said the word ‘Disciple’ means a Student, a Learner.

If you think all of us are hearing me, you must be kidding.

Some People think I am taking too long. Well, this is a Solemn Assembly, Nobody would force you to do anything. It is in Ministers Conference that we apply rules. In Solemn Assembly you Pray and leave quietly without disturbing others.

Who are those to Climb the Mountain?

Colossians 3:1-7 says, they are:

Those who focus on things Above and not beneath: focused on Anointing, the ability to do Mighty Things for God, not on Titles.

Those who have blessed ears – They may be young or old.

I had a Session with my Grandchildren about doing Mighty Things for God. I wasn’t even sure they understood me. I tried to make them understand.

Then I asked them a Question: How many of you would like to do Mighty Things for God? Their response shook me!

You might be young and yet be Higher for God, whatever it is going to cost. And I know the way to the top is narrow, it is not for everyone.

Matthew 7:14, makes it clear, Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

The way up is costly, because in Matthew 18:8-9 the Bible says, Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.

I told my children during our Family Devotion not too long ago of the Story I told some of my Elders years back – I spoke of a Vision of People going to Heaven (a narrow path). People were Rejoicing and walking towards the gate. Suddenly the gate was closing. A man saw it and began to run to get to the gate before it is fully closed.

So this man saw the gate sliding – Closing gradually. By the time he got to the gate, there was no room enough for his full body. He begged and squeezed himself in; but his hand was out, as the sliding gate wedged his hand.

And the Angel at the gate said: Sir, you are blocking me from closing the gate. It’s either I open the gate for you to go out or I cut off your hand.

… Which of the options do think the man would choose? – Cut off the hand!

If you say “cut off the hand” it means you are ready to climb Higher. Tomorrow we are going to start with your hand.

“Who shall ascend into the Hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart;”

Thank You Daddy!

We want to pray now. The Elders and my wife (Mummy GO) would come and sit on the chairs here. We are going to spend one (1) hour Praying – Pray as you go, but don’t disturb us.

We are going to spend Quality Time Praising, and when we are satisfied, then we can begin to discuss on going Higher.

Say: Help me Lord to Pay the price, whatever it will cost.

Let’s go to God in Prayer!

… See you tomorrow; I am not going to say Closing Prayer.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.


About Devotional 2023

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