May 27, 2018 Our Daily Bread – God with Skin On

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Topic:God with Skin On
May 27, 2018

Read: Romans 12:9–18 | Bible in a Year: 2 Chronicles 1–3; John 10:1–23
Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Romans 12:1

Our Daily Bread Faith

My husband left for a month-long trip, and almost immediately I was overwhelmed by the needs of my job, our house, and our children. A writing deadline loomed. The lawn mower broke. My children were on school break and bored. How would I take care of all of these things on my own?

I soon realized I wasn’t on my own. Friends from church showed up to help. Josh came over to fix my lawn mower. John brought me lunch. Cassidy helped with the laundry. Abi invited my kids over to play with hers so I could get my work done. God worked through each of these friends to provide for me. They were a living picture of the kind of community Paul describes in Romans 12. They loved sincerely (v. 9), considered the needs of others rather than just their own (v. 10), shared with me when I was in need, and showed hospitality (v. 13).

God, thank You for placing us in communities. Help me to look out for others’ needs and to show hospitality.
Because of the love my friends showed to me, I remained “joyful in hope” and “patient in affliction” (v. 12), even the mild affliction of solo parenting for a month. My brothers and sisters in Christ became what one friend calls “God with skin on” for me. They showed me the kind of sincere love we ought to show to everyone, especially those in our community of faith (Galatians 6:10). I hope to be more like them.



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God, thank You for placing us in communities. Help me to look out for others’ needs and to show hospitality.

Share your ideas of hospitality at

To whom do I need to be “God with skin on” today?

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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