Joyce Meyer’s Daily 15 March 2018 Devotional: Prudence

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Joyce Meyer’s Daily 15 March 2018 Devotional: Prudence

Topic: Prudence [Joyce Meyer’s Daily Thursday March 15th, 2018]

nor will people say, ‘Look! Here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’ For the kingdom of God is among you [because of My presence].” — Luke 17:21

A word we don’t hear much about today is prudence. It means “careful management: economy.”

Open Heavens  by Pastor Adeboye

In the Bible, prudence, or prudent, means “being good stewards or managers of the gifts God has given us to use.” Those gifts include time, energy, strength and health—even material possessions. They include our bodies, as well as our minds and spirits.

Just as each one of us has been given a different set of gifts, each of us has been given different levels of ability to manage those gifts. Joyce Meyer’s Daily 15 March 2018 Devotional: Prudence

Too many people burn themselves out, constantly using their gifts and abilities in ways that God did not intend them to. Instead of pushing ourselves too hard to please others or reach our own personal goals, we need to listen to God and do what He’s telling us is wise.



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Trying to impress people and live up to their standards isn’t prudence. Prudence means asking God how He wants you to use your gifts and then obeying. Learn God’s prudence today and put it into practice so you can enjoy your life the way He intended.

Prayer for today by Joyce Meyer

God, I desire to be good steward of all that You’ve given me. I decide now to only use my gifts and abilities for You. Show me how to use them with Your prudence and wisdom

If you missed yesterday devotional, please click to read “Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional HERE’’

From Joyce Meyer’s Ministries.

Joyce Meyer’s Daily 15 March 2018 Devotional: Prudence

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