In Touch Sunday – How to Acquire Wisdom JULY 22, 2018

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In Touch Sunday – How to Acquire Wisdom

TOPIC- How to Acquire Wisdom JULY 22, 2018, Dr Charles Stanley

TEXT – Proverbs 2:1-15

No one wants to be a fool in God’s eyes, but when we ignore what He says and live the way we want, we are playing a fool’s game. Self-reliance will never make us wise. While our intelligence, education, and abilities may be useful to some degree, they are not substitutes for godly judgment. If we want God’s wisdom, we must follow His instructions.

In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanleys




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Ask for wisdom. We are to reach out for discernment and understanding (Prov. 2:3). God provides spiritual insight to those who ask, but that means we must be willing to wait for His answer. In our moment of need, we may want immediate insight, but growing in wisdom is not a fast process.

Seek it. Wisdom is like a hidden treasure. If we really want to find it, we’ll dig deep into God’s Word because He is the source of knowledge and understanding (Prov. 2:4-6). As we devote our attention to learning to know God, we’ll understand what He desires and what He hates.

Obey God. He stores up wisdom for the upright (Prov. 2:7). If we know scriptural principles but fail to apply them, we won’t grow in wisdom. But when we diligently obey God’s Word, wisdom will enter our hearts, guard our ways, and protect us from evil and deception.

We all claim to want wisdom, but are we willing to do what is required to receive it? We must intentionally feed on God’s Word, or the cares of this life and the pursuit of success will distract us. Acquiring wisdom takes commitment, time, diligence, and a single-minded pursuit, but it is worth every sacrifice and effort.

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