Faith Oyedepo Daily Declaration – February 18 #FaithOyedepo

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Faith Oyedepo Daily Declaration

No matter how long that oppression has being in your life, today marks your day of escape!
#Escape #FaithOyedepo

Faith Oyedepo Daily Declaration – February 18

Faith Oyedepo daily
Faith Oyedepo daily

All through the days of your life, you won’t know depression anymore, in the name of Jesus!
#Joy #FaithOyedepo

Diligently handle your assignment, pour your life into it, give it your best and you will be distinguished in it!

When you know the potentials you carry in you, you see yourself differently and you carry yourself differently

Every issue of concern in your business and career is over in the name of Jesus!
#FaithOyedepo #MondayMotivation

Raising children is real work. That is why God designed that both parents share this responsibility. If one party is not there for any unavoidable reasons, you as a single parent can hook up to God and let Him fill in the vacuum.
#Children #FaithOyedepo



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Every unwanted habit drops off you, in the name of Jesus!

One of the major reasons for crises in families today is because family members do not fully understand their God-given responsibilities in the family set-up. If a person does not know his duties in the family set-up, he cannot fulfil his obligations.

women should be in subjection to their husbands in everything.
When a woman allows her husband to fulfil his covenant role of headship, she has automatically given him the room to play his messianic role over her.

Similarly, any woman or women’s organisation that attempts to question the position of the man in the family should be regarded as being under a demonic influence. God expects that just as the Church is subject to Christ in everything, even so,

Also, the fact that the bone was not taken from Adam’s feet proves that the wife is not to be trodden under foot or trampled upon as a slave.
It would be demonic for any Christian to question the leadership of Jesus over the Church.

What God did at creation clearly reflects the position of the woman in the home. He took a rib from the side of the man to make the woman (Genesis 2:21).
The fact that the bone was not extracted from Adam’s head tells you that the man’s position as the head is incontestable.
Every health and family siege is over, in the name of Jesus!
#Family #Friday #FaithOyedepo

Do you know “I’m sorry” to your spouse can save your marriage?
God not man said ‘man love your wife and wife submit to your own husband’…

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