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Engaging the unlimited power of faith
Teaching David Oyedepo Jnr. 18 July- Engaging the unlimited power of faith David Oyedepo
Winners Church Prophetic Theme off the Month Theme: Enough is Enough
Faith is one of the principal mysteries of the kingdom, mystery means it carries hidden secrete, secrets that gives it unlimited power to deliver Galatians 3:14, a every promise of God is of the spirit Ephesians 1:3, without faith access to God is already short cited.
Prayer : your faith will be quickened afresh in Jesus name
Your faith is what determine your lot. What you acquire is at mercy of faith
What is faith?
1. Faith is taking spiritual responsibility in the light of scripture Deuteronomy 28:1, every individual who
wants to see the finger of God must heed to the covenant and ork in the terms, Joshua 1:8 do all the
is written; praise God! So faith is not just believing God but taking responsibility in light of scriptures
John8:28 … Doing what commanded Christ was the product of his result. We must recognized we must
find what to do in faith
2. Faith is not a bergerly force but an ever conquering force, 1 John 5:4 you are not to beg the forces of
the world, but an ever conquering force. It is the force that puts you in charge Ephesians 4:12, Matthew
11:12. Until now, that now is today tomorrow etc there is a consistent fight, to win it, faith must be
applied. 1 John 5:19, Psalsm 74:20 the world is flooded with wickedness so there is a constant fight,
there is need for the force of faith to be put at work. I see you overcoming in Jesus name
3. Faith is not a dormant force, but it is a violent force Matthew 11:12, when faith is at work you react
violently at the devil. The force of faith is a violent forces. Don’t be too soft with the devil Daniel 13:16
this Hebrews boys said we are not careful to answer, violent faith, God quenched the fire for them, the
heat was dead. Too many Christians are too considerate how others will feel, and the devil is assaulting
you. You have to wake up and take bold faith, be violent in faith. Faith is not a force that you sit with
dormantly but violently.
Your challenge is not beyond what God can handle, you need to have bold faith, let this sink into your
heart, No! Sickness you cannot take hold of my body, react violently, don’t shiver at the doctors report,
apply violent faith of healing, and you walk out that wicked operations innJesus name.
4. Fsith is a cardinal law of the spirit with the capacity to suspend the laws of nature Romans 3:27.
Gravity is real, butnthere is a law of uplift. Now uplift does not deny gravity but uplift subdues it. That’s
why an aircraft surpasses garavity and lifts itself up, likewise miracles, miracles cannot be explained by
nature it suspend the laws of nature. When faith is put to work, laws of nature is suspended and
something happened. Somonenin this winners church went were a young man was dead and shouted
by faith come out Jesus is here, and the dead man rose to live, this is as a result of application of violent
faith, whichnhace the capacity to suspend death and life jacked back.
What does the force of Faith of do ?
1. No devil can stop the power of faith Mark 9:20, the force of faith does not give recognition to the
devcil, the devil cannot stand the force of faith 1 Peter 5:8 there is nothing you are faced with thatnis
ew 1 Corinthians 9. When you are operating if faith you see the devil as a non factor, you don’t go
about accusing the devil. You speak boldly Satan get lost!
2. Only the force that can stop the way against God can stop faith John 14:12 Jesu was making it clear. If
you manifest faith you will manifest in t same magnitude, there is nothing that can stand God, is makes
faith in surmountable if God cannot be stopped faith cannot be stopped. No matter what has been
confronting you is destroy in Jesus name
3. It brings a mans hand to bare for exploit Isaiah 53:1
Faith is not assumed, faith is not strong faith, no, faithnis consciously built, which can onlynbe a product
of hearing from God
Keys to hearing God
1. Engage in intensive search of Scriptures Isaiah 56:10, 1 Timothy 2:15 you can Only find the right word
for your situation by an intensive search of the right scripture.
Prayer: May a fresh appetite for the word of God fill ur spirit in Jesus name.