Deliverance from The 7 ‘S’ By Pastor D.K Olukoya (PMCH June 2019)

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You will do well not only to listen to me but prepare yourself for the deliverance prayers to be prayed. Like I used to tell you, strange problems requires strange prayers, deep problem requires deep prayers, wicked problems requires wicked prayers.

mfm church Kayode Olukoya

Deliverance from the 7 ‘S’, what are these seven S:

1. Sins. Deliverance from sin.

2. Setbacks. Deliverance from setbacks.

3. Shame. Shame is a prostitute, it can spread to anyone and they can mesmerize anyone.

4. Sickness. Sickness can stop and truncate a destiny.

5. Stagnancy. If you remain stagnant, it means you’re not going forward meaning those that you have passed will catch you. The tragedy of stagnancy is that if you don’t arrest it, it goes to the next stage called ‘decay’.

6. Stoppers. They stop a person that, is how far the person can go. They silence the voice of a person.

7. Suffering. Any power that wants you to suffer, any power that wants you to be the visitation of your parent suffering, any power that is happy to see you suffering, they shall expire in the name of Jesus.

Seven things have been mentioned, but the most dangerous of them all is sin. Sin is the fountain from which all of them drink. So if you eliminate that sin, you will deprive them of their food and their energy.

G.O narrates a real life incident:

It’s like I was at a school sometime ago, asking the student. Students, what do you consider as the most dangerous animal on earth? They all raise their hand and some said lion, snake, scorpion, crocodile e.t.c. I said that the most dangerous is mosquito. It looks tiny but it’s very dangerous. As I speak, malaria is killing someone somewhere now.

Sometimes we fight the cobwebs but we ignore the spider whereas if we remove the spider, there will be no more cobweb. If we leave those things there, therefore the battle increases.

Unfortunately, when many get to the deliverance ground, they sometimes seek deliverance from the flowers whereas; it’s from the root. Many people seek deliverance from their enemy but their problems are in the hands of the Almighty.



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When sin is dealt with, the strength of the enemy collapses. When you deal with the issue of sin and the issue of flesh, every demonic attack against you will not produce any result. Sin is like an airport where the aircraft of demons land. For the enemy to come against you and succeed, there must be a ladder. In Isaiah 6:1-5 & vs 8.

Don’t go to the house of God seeking for deliverance when the message for you is to repent. If you ignore the repentance, there will only be temporary relief. This is the mountain of fire and miracles ministry and we do not deceive anybody.


Smoke normally symbolizes anger (from the scripture passage), it means God is normally angry with sin. A man is busy running up and down, yet God is saying whom shall I send. Why should God be looking for someone else in spite of Isaiah being on ground. Isaiah did not know that his position has been advertised in heavens.

This is a cry that you must know this day that God has declared some people’s position vacant because He cannot find some people where they should be.

Let me tell you one naked truth, people pray, people seek for deliverance to get relief, to get breakthroughs, to make progress but the interest of God in your lives is to bring all of us into the image of Christ. If you cannot measure with that image, you need to fight to get there. Deliverance is good, worship is good, singing is good but they are not as important to God except Christ likeness.

Satan turns our attention from Jesus just to turn us away to sin. If you continue to defeat sin and yield to Christ, you build an impenetrable stronghold in your life.

If you’re here and you’re still running after strange women, smoking secretly, pulling others down, you tell lies, you gossip, or you’re a fornicator, your father married 7 wives but you yourself have fourteen girlfriends, the powers will not leave you because there is an access ladder?

G.O narrates another real life incident:

In 1995, one woman came to me with a dead daughter of hers as she was her only child. She (the woman) was crying bitterly. I felt so sorry for her. I prayed for her daughter and poured almost a whole bottle of anointing oil. After several minutes, her mouth opened and a demon spoke: Man of God, what is your interest in this matter? Is she your family member? You asked us to go but we will be back. She is a fornicator but we will be back.

If you’re a young man or woman here and you’re still sleeping around, you’re only digging your own grave and hiding the spade. If you get rid of these sins, the enemy become helpless. God’s greatest interest is to make us like Christ, to make us godly. He knows that once we are godly, those things will get out of our lives. That sin is a signal that you’re not taking God seriously. Sin is revealed in the Bible, that whosoever covers his sin shall not prosper. The conscience is condemning sin and God punishes sin. Sin will promise life but pay off with death, it promises prosperity but pays off with poverty. Once you deal with sin, you will be pleasantly amazed that the battle arrayed against you will be dismantled.

Today, I want to give you the opportunity to deal with your sin so that the prayers we are going to pray will not hinder you. Bow down your head and confess your sins, ask Him to forgive you.

When we call to God in prayer, there are two major hindrances:

  1. Unbelief and doubt
  2. Sin. Confess your sin and repent.

Prayer Rain:

Sessional Prayers:
Uprooting the seed of darkness by Pastor A. Aladejola (A.G.O):

  1. Evil seed that the Almighty God has not planted in my life, what are you looking for: die in the name of Jesus.
  2. Evil seed that wants me to suffer year after year; expire in the name of Jesus.
  3. My Father, I’m determined to succeed this year; arise: help me, help me, help me in the name of Jesus.
    Destroying the chains of stagnancy by Pastor Kehinde Adegbolahan (A.G.O):
  4. Stagnancy, I’m not your victim: go away in the name of Jesus (To be prayed 3X)
    After Ministration Prayers By Daddy G.O:
    The First three prayers to prayed, anyone being troubled by the power of the emptier; a padlock will break and instrument of darkness will be destroy. Some were programmed with things that pepper them in the body, some were fired arrow I tot he brain, those arrows will receive Fire and it will jump out of their body:
  5. My enemies shall give themselves assignment that will kill them in the name of Jesus.
  6. Powers making God a liar in my life, die in the name of Jesus.
  7. Every dream and prophesy of death against me, what are you waiting for: backfire in the name of Jesus.
    The Next Three Prayers Require Boiling Anger:
  8. Every shrines of darkness firing arrows at me, die in the name of Jesus.
  9. Every battle assigned to sell me to strangers, you’re a liar, die in the name of Jesus.
  10. Powers assigned to empty me, backfire in the name of Jesus.
  11. Every wicked enemy bragging against me, be disgraced by fire in the name of Jesus.
  12. Powers supervising evil load in my life: carry your load, die in the name of Jesus.
  13. Powers supervising evil load against me: carry your load and die in the name of Jesus.
  14. Powers assigned against me from my village, die in the name of Jesus.
  15. Any prophesy of darkness bringing battles to my life, die in the name of Jesus.
  16. Powers studying evil books to harm me, die with your book in the name of Jesus.
  17. Any weapon fashioned against my new song and my new dance, die in the name of Jesus.
  18. Powers assigned to disgrace my name, your time is up: die in the name of Jesus

Special Announcement by Daddy G.O
The next PMCH is the Water of Fire service. Come with three bottles of water. One to use here, one to use for your environment and one to keep.

Deliverance from The 7 ‘S’ By Pastor D.K Olukoya (PMCH June 2019)

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