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DCLM Daily Manna 4 August 2020 – Lessons From Misfortunes

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Topic: Lessons From Misfortunes
[DCLM Daily Manna 4 August 2020 Devotional by Pastor William Folorunso Kumuyi]

Text: Luke 13:1-10 (KJV)

1 There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

2 And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things?

3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

4 Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?

5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

6 He spake also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none.

7 Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground?

8 And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it:

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9 And if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down.

10 And he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath.

Key Verse: “I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” – (Luke 13:3)

Dclm devotion
DCLM Daily Manna 17 May 2019 Daily Devotional

Our newsstands are daily filled with tragic incidences occurring in different parts of the world with rising death tolls. Fire outbreaks, cyclones, hurricanes, tornadoes, road and boat crashes, etc., are happening almost on a daily basis. Many alive one moment, are swept into eternity the very next. All these are causing serious concerns in different quarters and are reasons for us to pause and learn.

In our text, some people had gone to Jesus to complain of the evil deeds of Governor Pilate who had killed some worshippers and mingled their blood with their sacrifices. Christ’s response was both surprising and revealing. They might not have been the worst sinners in Galilee to have suffered such things. Also, the eighteen on which the tower of Siloam fell and killed might not necessarily have been the worst sinners in Jerusalem. He therefore urged those still alive by the mercy of God to repent lest they too perish.

Christ’s teaching must be clear to everyone. We live in a world where evil, orchestrated by Satan, is prevalent. He steals, kills and destroys. The point is that someone needs not be the worst person or sinner to fall victim in the hands of the evil one. The only place of security therefore is under “the canopy“of Jesus Christ, which must be entered by repentance from sin and faith in His finished work. Sinners belong to Satan and he hurts them. Believers belong to God and He protects them. That is not to say they are not being attacked by the enemy but God still delivers them.

As Christians therefore, the news of tragic happenings all around us should make us remain ever thankful to God for His daily mercies and protection, and spur us to reach out with love, compassion and a sense of urgency to the sinners all around us so they will not perish.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Act fast before more perish!


About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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