Day 2 Sermon Notes – Shiloh 2024 Evening – Ever winning Wisdom

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Hebrews 4:2 keep your focus and you shall emerge from this service with a tangible testimony

Prayer: Lord grant me rehma of your word tonight


Ever winning Wisdom Shiloh 2024
Ever winning Wisdom Shiloh 2024

We are all here to get wiser Matthew 11:19 Jude 1:25 we have the DNA of Christ , we have power riches wisdom, we are to stir it up. 1 Corinthians 2:16 the world should mind us because we have the mind of Christ. Wether it’s stirred up is what will determine.

Proverbs 9:9 teach a righteous man he will increase in learning.

Proverbs 3:30 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom.

Job 28:7

From tonight teaching the word if wisdom shall burst every tension in your life, you will know the meaning of true wisdom and peace
1 Corinthians 2:4

Job 28:21 we are only changing clas in the school of wisdom we don’t graduate. Everyone in Shiloh 2024 is leaving here wiser than he came in Jesus name.

Job 28:17
Job 28:12 God is the sole custodian of Devine wisdom
It’s an ever growing realm , we are all in the same school of the spirit of wisdom.

We have limited ourselves for too long let’s get our if the box. Don’t say we cannot do this with all the excuses.

Jeremiah 10:12 ther is a divine enlargement coming your way in the mighty name of Jesus.
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Walking in the wisdom of scripture keeps things working well in the life of a believer in all areas Deuteronomy 5:32



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Romans 8:28 for we know that all things work together, John 14:21 makes all things work together for the good of the believer.

9 Prophetic Characteristics of the End Time Church

This will help you to position yourself in this record breaking Army

1. Outbreak of the manifold wisdom of God in the last days. Jeremiah 32:34

Ephesians 3:8-11

2. Outbreak of health and vitality in the last days Isaiah 33:24 – Jeremiah 30:17 I will restore health unto you… The good news is that no sickness belongs to your body anymore. Tonight is your night of freedom

3. There shall be an outbreak of Financial fortune in the body. Zechariah 1:7 Matthew 24:14 they will be humbled by clean wealth in the body , sanctified wealth in the body of Christ.

Malachi 3:28, 4:1 you will be going forward when everything is going down. Servicing God with our substance is our access to such outbreak of fortune

4. Outbreak of withy invention
5. It shall be an outbreak of rising star Acts 2:20-21 stars will rise in their numbers from all fields of human endeavors in the name of Jesus. They that be wise Daniel 12:3 , there is a rising that will make men follow you , that makes men change their name to your name. Isiah 44:5 rising stars. Zechariah 8:23 … Saying we would go with you … Another man Wil not take your crown in Jesus name.

7. Death shall be conquered – 1 Corinthians 15:26 , Job 28:22 , Revelation 1:18 Jesus had the keys of life an death Hebrews 2:16

8. In the last days there shall be an emergence of a record breaking Army Joel 2:1. A rise of a record breaking Army that the world has never heard of. Don’t let the world confuse you

9. We are in the Days of Holiness. – Jesus is coming to rapture a church without spot or sprinkle Ephesians , Isaiah 35:8&9 , 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 , the highway of Holiness, and fools can’t walk there. Proverbs 9:12

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