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David Oyedepo Message: Understanding the ministry of the Holy Spirit Winners Church 20 July 2022\
Understanding the ministry of the Holy Spirit

John 14:26 The Holy Ghost which the father shall send to you He shall teach you all things….
John16:12 … When He, we need to understand the person of the Holy Spirit. He is Gods ordained helper out of every issue of life. The good thing about him is wherever you are, he is able to help you, you at work, on air, he is there. He will show you things you should know. We live in a wild life world we need him to show us the right path to go. Everybody needs this helper the Holyghost. In case you have left the Holy Ghost you better get him back now, Arise get down to Lagos, he speaks clearly not about maybe, no guess work, very loud and clear, He still speaks today. The Holy Spirit is not a church doctrine He is a Helper according to scripture. Proverbs 14:12 , the Lord said to me 1998 same year he Spoke to me.
What is in The Holy Spirit
We are so helplessly helpless without him. 1 Corinthians 2:10 the Holy Spirit is a takeover spirit.
1. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of wisdom Acts 6:3 the apostles appointed others to serve in the ministry. All the people in the kingdom came to listen to the wisdom of Solomon. Wisdom from above never lacks an audience. A product from above unique. Mark 6:2 the Holy Spirit is the spirit of wisdom of mighty works not might words.
2. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of vengeance: until vengeance comes the wicked never gives up. Annais and Sapphira try to resist the wisdom of the Holy Ghost and they were gone. The Spirit of vengeance Romans 12:19 vengeance is mine says the Lord and I will repay. You need the Spirit of vengeance to secure out place in Gods agenda. To declare the day of vengeance Isaiah 61:2
Therefore every agent of the devil lined up against your glory tonight they all come under the vengeance of the Lore in Jesus name
Psalms 94:2 how long shall the wicked tarry… We call on ourselves to Manifest ourselves, stop this siege in my life, stop this siege from the Land!!
3. The Holy Spirit is the seal of our protection. Ephesians 1:13 torch not package Luke 10:19 you shall receive power. We all need him in this wicked wicked world.
4. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of obedience. Deuteronomy 28:1 obedience in season and out of season Ezekiel 36:27 that’s the gateway to the word of the blessing.
That’s where the Holy Spirit comes in, to help us to obey God without coercion.
Psalms 112:1 delight in obeying God shall endure to his seed, not just him to his generation. The blessings are too many, you become fear free operating in them no attack can operate in your life walking in the realm of obedience