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Touch Ministries ( March 25, 2018)
TOPIC – Loving God by the Book MARCH 25, 2018
Psalm 119:105-112
“I just don’t have enough time.” That’s the primary reason people give me for not meditating upon Scripture. But in reality, we all make time for what’s important to us. A few years back, I photocopied the book of Philippians, cut it into sections, and taped it over my local newspaper. It only took up three columns of the front page. This proves that reading the book of Philippians takes about as long as reading our favorite parts of the newspaper or scanning articles on the internet. Touch Ministries ( March 25, 2018)
In truth, we could probably all find space in our schedules for God’s Word. You could begin by opening to an epistle and asking the Lord to speak to you. As you read, pray over the words the Holy Spirit draws to your attention. As He lifts truths off the page and into your heart, ask Him for deeper understanding and application to your life.
Praying through a book of the Bible will elevate your spiritual life to a new level. You’ll find yourself wanting to progress past an elementary understanding of the faith as you learn to pray the Scriptures like David and Daniel. Moreover, you’ll desire to be obedient to what you’re reading, because you are falling deeper in love with the book’s Author.
Touch Ministries ( March 25, 2018)
As believers, we have been greatly favored by the heavenly Father. He has made us His sons and daughters, given of His divine Word, and promised to bless those who keep His commands. (See John 14:21.) If we’ll draw near to Him through meditation upon His Word, He will become our greatest joy and delight.
Bible in One Year: 1 Samuel 7-9 Touch Ministries ( March 25, 2018)