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About Bishop Dag Heward-Mills
Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, singularly forged by the fire of the Word of God, has his eyes burning with a vision for the Body of Christ that shall impact the entire world. He is a dynamic apostle, evangelist, pastor, teacher, and prophet. His teachings and books show God’s power and truth working in his life and the lives of others.
He has a peculiar ability to motivate people to do the work of the ministry. The purpose of the ministry of Bishop Dag Heward-Mills is to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ by taking the message of salvation to all peoples of the world.
Bishop Dag Heward Mills has traveled extensively and ministers powerfully under the anointing. He also serves on the board of Directors of Church Growth International and the Pentecostal World Fellowship.
After God placed upon him the anointing to teach, he began holding meetings in a classroom on campus that accommodated just a handful of people. As attendance steadily increased, larger and larger halls had to be used, until finally, in 2006, he commissioned the construction of the one of the largest church complexes in Africa! Currently, attendance at his meetings have exceeded the capacity of this huge structure.

With the unquenching fire of the Gospel ardent in his bosom, he began the Healing Jesus Crusades with an initial gathering of just over 600 people. Since then, he has conducted Gospel crusades with hundreds of thousands of people attending a single gathering using towering sound systems that can be heard for miles.
As part of the discipleship-training program, millions of copies of Bishop Dag Heward-Mills’ literature have been published in several languages including French, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian and printed in many countries. Millions of books have been printed and freely ‘seeded’ in nations around the world.
His books are well known to convert ordinary Christians into fearless ministers of the Gospel.
Bishop Dag Heward-Mills is the founder of the Anagkazo Bible School, a full-time Bible school with several thousand students worldwide, aimed at inspiring others to ministry. Dag Heward-Mills LIVE FROM TOULOUSE FRANCE GIVE THYSELF WHOLLY CONFERENCE
Other soul-winning projects that he has founded include the Leadership International (an unrelenting outreach into second-cycle institutions), that is aimed at inspiring the next generation to reach the unreached, to further the Kingdom, and to see the Gospel message proclaimed throughout the world. His multi-faceted ministry has outreaches to prisons, orphans and the sick.
Bishop Dag Heward-Mills is also recognized for holding Work of the Ministry Conferences in many different countries of the world. These events are aimed at equipping church leaders and workers with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the culture of Loyalty and practical guides to ministry.
His programs are seen and heard domestically and internationally on the radio and television in several countries. The ministry continues to produce books and messages. Although Bishop Dag Heward-Mills is primarily known for his Healing Jesus Crusades in Africa and other third-world countries, the ministry also seeks to actively inspire and equip the body of Christ through the internet, videos, worldwide television and radio.
Bishop Dag Heward-Mills is happily married to Adelaide Heward-Mills and they have been blessed with four children. Dag Heward-Mills LIVE FROM TOULOUSE FRANCE GIVE THYSELF WHOLLY CONFERENCE
God has blessed Bishop Dag Heward-Mills who has been in the ministry for over 20 years. We thank God for the wonderful things that He has done in the life of His servant. Below are a few facts about the ministry of Bishop Dag Heward-Mills. To God be the Glory!
Qualified as a medical doctor in 1989 from the University of Ghana Medical School
Ordained into the ministry in 1990 at the Victory Church, London
Consecrated as a Bishop in 1996, by the International Ministerial Council of Great Britain
Founded the Lighthouse Chapel International in 1988 – Lighthouse Chapel International now has over 3122 churches – Lighthouse Chapel International churches are in 86 countries worldwide.
Has trained more than 2390 pastors worldwide
Has trained over 900 minister shepherds worldwide
Has sent 457 missionaries worldwide
Has built over 550 church buildings worldwide
Has authored over 72 bestselling English books
Has over 20 million books in print – Books have been translated into 43 different languages : English, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Amharic and Korean.
Established the Lighthouse Christian Mission Schools in 1995
Established the Anagkazo Bible and Ministry Training Centre in 1997
Established the Healing Jesus Campaign in 2004 and has had 168 campaigns and won a total of 11,505,464 souls
Established the “Work of Ministry” Conference in 2004
Established the Lighthouse Mission Hospital in 2006
Established the Healing Jesus Medical Missions in 2006
Established the Lighthouse Christian Orphanage 2006
Established the Help the Helpless Charity in 2007
Founded the National Association of Charismatic and Christian Churches (NACCC), Ghana in 1999 Dag Heward-Mills LIVE FROM TOULOUSE FRANCE GIVE THYSELF WHOLLY CONFERENCE
Serves on the board of Directors of Church Growth International
Serves on the board of Directors of the Pentecostal World Fellowship