Come Alive Today written by Gloria Copeland(March 25, 2018)

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Come Alive Today written by Gloria Copeland(March 25, 2018)

Topic – Come Alive Today written by Gloria Copeland

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Resurrection. What do you think of when you hear that word? Most people think of the past. Of a stone rolled away. An empty tomb. And a risen Lord.

Come Alive Today written by Gloria Copeland(March 25, 2018)

Come Alive Today written by Gloria Copeland(March 25, 2018)

Praise God, Jesus is alive today, isn’t He?

What we don’t fully understand is this: He’s not the only One who has been resurrected. We’ve been resurrected too!

We were spiritually resurrected the day we made the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives. That day we passed from death to life. The greater part of your resurrection has already happened!



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Think about it. When you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, the Spirit of God hovered over you. The glory of the Lord came into your being. And that glory consumed the old, sinful man that you were. That old man died. And in his place a new creature was born.

Oh yes, there will be a day when the earthly body you live in will be raised and glorified—but you don’t have to wait until then to be free from sin and from the sickness and poverty and failure that goes with this natural world. You’re free from all that right now! Come Alive Today written by Gloria Copeland(March 25, 2018)

You may be sitting there thinking, Well, if I’m so free, why can’t I quit smoking? Why can’t I lose this weight? Why am I always sick?

Because you’ve let Satan convince you that you’re still under his power. You’ve let him talk you into living as if you’re still spiritually dead!

So, today I want you to begin considering yourself alive! Begin thinking of yourself as one who already has the life of God instead of an earthly being who’s waiting for the Resurrection. Consider yourself dead to sin and alive to the power of Jesus. You’ll find yourself living a whole new life today!

Scripture Reading: Romans 8:1-14 Come Alive Today written by Gloria Copeland(March 25, 2018)

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