UNIT 4: Practical Christian Living (James)
LESSON 22: June 2, 2024.
Memory Verse: James 5:16 – Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (KJV).
Lesson Central Truth:
Compassionate prayer can bring spiritual and physical healing.
Lesson Bible Text:
James 5:7-20
The Bible is clear that every Christian is called to care for others.
This includes generously giving of our time, resources, and ourselves. God is compassionate and merciful, and we should strive to reflect these characteristics in our own lives. Compassion for others is fundamental to Christianity. Is part of “spiritual DNA” of Christians. Care is more than just a sensitive attitude; it is demonstrated in action. In this week’s lesson, James emphasizes the importance of living out our faith in practical ways, demonstrating care and compassion to those in need.
A. Stand Firm, For The Lord Is Returning – James 5:7-9
B. Persevere Through Suffering – James 5:10-12.
A. Minister Through Prayer – James 5:13-16
B. Pray In Faith – James 5:17,18.
A. Recognise The Danger Of Wandering – James 5:19
B. Reach Out To Those Who Wander – James 5:20.
James 5:7-12

James is encouraging believers to be patient in the midst of trials and suffering, knowing that the return of the
Lord is imminent. The farmer’s wait for the harvest is used as an illustration of patience. Just as the farmer can not the growth of the crops, we can not rush God’s timing. The coming of the Lord is certain. We must be patient as we live in constant expectancy of Christ’s second coming. James also instructed Christians to practise patience with one another. A lack of patient endurance will likely result in a grudging and grumbling spirit against one another, which will definitely cause us judging one another, as this can lead to condemnation. Instead, we should focus on building each other up and encouraging one another. We must stand firm in practising godly values and priorities. Jesus is indeed coming; He is the judge who will right every wrong.

James cites the prophets and Job as examples of those who suffered patiently and were ultimately blessed by God. By looking to the prophets as examples, believers can find encouragement and strength to endure their own trials, trusting in God’s sovereignty and goodness. God is compassionate and merciful, and we should strive to reflect these characteristics in our own lives. James emphasizes the importance of controlling our speech, warning against using oaths, or making promises we can not keep. Instead, we should let our “yes” be “yes” and our “no” be “no. As believers, we are to patiently endure trials, trust in God’s sovereignty, and live lives marked by compassion, mercy, and integrity.
James 5:13-18

James encourages his readers to respond to all of the circumstance of their lives with prayer. That’s what people who trust God do. Prayer should be a lifestyle of every believer. We can’t live or do anything without prayer. James encourages believers to pray in all circumstances. Prayer is not just an exercise we do. Rather, it is the active communication we have with God; it is the most important act for us in any matter or endeavour. In suffering, we are to pray. In a cheerful moment, we should sing praises to God. In sicknesses, we are to call on elders for prayer and anointing. Believers are ministers through prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool in the life of a believer, and faith is the catalyst for effective prayer. Note that it is the prayer of a righteous person that is effective and powerful. So, when we pray in faith as righteous people, God will bring healing and restoration to our lives. This shows that to demonstrate care involves confessing our sins to each, praying for each, and showing compassion and support in times of need, which can bring both physical and spiritual healing.

James pointed to Elijah as an example of how prayer can be powerful.
His example offers encouragement to everyone to every believer who questions if he or she can make a difference through prayer. Elijah was as human being as we are, and yet, when he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, it didn’t rain. Elijah was not a superhero but an ordinary man who accomplished extraordinary things through prayer. Elijah’s prayer was specific and bold, asking for no rain and later for rain. This teaches us to be specific in our prayers, trusting God for specific answers. We must trust God’s faithfulness when we pray. Prayer works, but not because of the power of the one who prays. It works because God hears and responds with all of His power and effectiveness. Note that God is ever ready to connect with us and to help us in our time of need. We must have faith that He is willing and able to do far more than we could ever ask or imagine.
James 5:19-20

James warns us about the dangers of wandering away from the truth. To wander from the truth means to drift away from the fundamental principles and doctrines of Christianity. More at times, believers wander away when they embrace false beliefs or doctrines, thereby causing them to abandon their close relationship with God via neglect to prayer and fellowship. Wandering from the truth can happen gradually, often starting with small neglect or compromise. Recognising this sign helps us stay vigilant and seek restoration when needed. As believers, we have a responsibility to help our brothers and sisters stay committed to God’s Word. If we see them turning from the truth, we need to share with them from Scripture about what they are doing that is wrong and encourage them to repent and turn back to the Lord.

In reaching out to those who wander from the truth, we must know the truth ourselves. To demonstrate care as believers, we must reach out in love just as shepherds seek out the lost sheep (Luke 15:4-7). Reaching out to those who wander away is a vital expression of love, care, and spiritual responsibility with the body of Christ. Don’t put up a blind eye to those who wander away from the truth. Play your part to reach out in love, prayer, and visitation expression. Our responsibility as believers is to support and restore one another, rather than abandoning or shunning those who wander from the truth. When we restore those who wander away, we save them from spiritual death. We must all be on a mission to bring people back to the truth!

Lesson Action Word

We reflect God’s love and character when we show physical, emotional, and spiritual support to others.

Lesson Prayer Point

Father, help us to patiently endure difficult circumstances and support others in their struggles in Jesus’ Matchless Name. Amen!