Winners Church IYAC 2022 Message on Kinds of Wisdom

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Winners Church IYAC 2022 Message on Kinds of Wisdom

Winners Church IYAC 2022 Message on Kinds of Wisdom
Winners Church IYAC 2022 Message on Kinds of Wisdom

Wise people don’t struggle for the top they just move to the top, wise people don’t publicize themselves, they let others do so. Wisdom is the principal thing. Proverbs 8: 15, proverbs 3:35 the wise shall inherit glory and Dominion.

Wisdom is ordained for the glory of the saints 1 Corinthians 2:27 All wise men in scripture did not seek jobs they where begged to pick it up. You are destined for greatness but you need to learn the protocol of greatness.

Kinds of Wisdom

1. Earthly wisdom James 3:17- down derived from nature, you learn by native understanding or intuition. 1 Corinthians 11:14

2. sensual wisdom – from schools, sciences, social, etc Daniel Daniel 1:17, they became wiser than others

3. Devilish wisdom – from satanic, astrology, witchcraft, Vudu – Daniel 5:11

4. Divine wisdom – Wisdom from Above James 3:15 wisdom we call inspiration, the world can compete with you in creativity, but when it’s inspired by the Spirit Job 32:8 this is not learned because it comes suddenly or instantly. By inspiration, you access the instant answers to the sudden problem.

Men in the Bible

David said am wiser than all my teachers, Ephesians 1:17 unpolluted wisdom, the wisdom of what to do and how to do it like in Job the Spirit of Wisdom, then the secrete was revealed to Daniel

1. Joseph in Egypt Gen 41:15 -16 41:36 this kind is not acquired in school but from God



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2. Daniel – Daniel 2:15, 5:8

3. David – A man who operated in the wisdom of an angel 2 Samuel 14:20, 1 Samuel n18:1-5

Building divine wisdom – Biblical reference

1. The fear of the Lord: Who you are! Before God will work for you he wants to work with you Job 28:28 established the foundation not the fear of the lord Job. 1 Job fears the Lord. Proverbs 8:13 to Hate evil Psalms 25:14 the Wisdom of the Lord is with them that fear him. You become a custodian of Gods wisdom. Psalms 111:10 Proverbs 9:10 the Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, 2 Kings 3:3

2. The Word: Psalms 19:7-8 Gods word contains capsules of wisdom making wise the fool. 1 Timothy 3:15 Gods word gingers virtues of wisdom.

Luke 2:40-46 the Child grew in wisdom, all that heard him at age 12 were astonished, read the word, study the word

3. The Holy Spirit: Luke 11:49 Spirit buoyancy enhances Spirit excellence. JOHN 14:26 John 16:12 the Holy Spirit increases our capacity for wisdom 1 Corinthians 2:11-13 James 1:5 Ecclesiastic 1:33


2. Form a dictate of scripture Deuteronomy 4:6
3. Interact with the wise, even those above you Daniel 2:17, Jeremiah 6:16&17 Ecclesiastic 4:13, Proverbs 15:22
4. Value the wisdom of the young and the old. Listen to the Wisdom of others, don’t behave like you know everything

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