Understanding the demands of building your Faith: David Oyedepo Jnr.

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Understanding the demands of building your Faith David Oyedepo Jnr

Understanding the demands of building your Faith – David Oyedepo Jnr.

Fath is a  limitless force, that puts a man in the world of impossibilities.

Hebrew 11: 33
The word of faith puts a man in practical dominion. Every challenge of life is simply a faith fight
1 John 5:4 our faith becomes the secret of color of our Christian adventure

David Oyedepo Jnr

Hebrews 11:2 – Everything good about your Christian journey is obtained in faith. Your faith must be consciously built for it to grow, Jude 1:20 faith is not automatically built, but systematically built.
Watch out for certain things that may fight south faith, because there is a contention and a battle about our faith. The faith that work was the faith delivered to the saints. We must of necessity beware of force that stands against the foxes contending our faith

Understanding the demands of building your Faith David Oyedepo Jnr

These include
1. Beware of going after other gods Isaiah 42: 8, Gods glory is not permitted to go to graven images, Psalms 62:5 other gods are anything or anyone you make an alternative to God, eg. gold, money, silver. ALTERNATIVE in your walk with God makes them a graven image. James 1:8 a doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways and can never receive from God. Your faith is productive when you put your focus on God.
Consequences of Going after other gods.

i. Such individual live under a course Jeremiah 17:5, only God can be treated as God or man places himself under a course. Exodus 20:5  not only cursed is he who go after other gods, but he is cursed and his generations.



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The moment you focus on other gods you put yourself under a course,
Prayer – That will never be me in Jesus name
ii, They move from one sorrow to another. The cost of pursuing other gods is too expensive to bear, you are either with God or against him. God refused to be mixed with any other thing. You can’t be putting talisman in your pocket and put Winners Sticker in your car.

Prayer – May we receive grace today to mention our focus in Jesus Name.
2. Beware of an Evil conscience, Jeremiah 17: 10, your heart is what will determine if you have a heart for God or not. Faith will highly be frustrated if the heart is not clear. Remember man look on the outside, but God looks at the heart. You cannot work with God with an evil conscience. The faith that is based on a pure conscience.

Understanding the demands of building your Faith David Oyedepo Jnr

Today we find people in the church with a document full of lies and expect to receive from God. The strength of your faith is determined by the state of your conscience. When you continue to violate your conscience, you begin to lose feeling. We must maintain a pure conscience.
Acts 24:16 you must make an effort.
What must I do to maintain a clear conscience?
1. You must purify yourself 1 John 3:3, 1 John 1:9 we must confess our sins. The purification comes after your confession.

Understanding the demands of building your Faith – David Oyedepo Jnr. The day we live, people keeps coloring sin, don’t call sin weakness. Sin is any transgression to God, people call lies selective provisions of the truth, it’s a lie,  Lie is a lie. To cleanse yourself, you must identify your faults, call it what it is, stop decorating sin with different names.
Every department of your life is interconnected, whatever you do affect another

PRAYER – Whatever may be battling with your conscience, I pray that God purifies you in Jesus Name.
2. Build your faith, faith comes by hearing, and by the word of God. Ephesians 5:26. Also, watch and pray Matthew 26:21
3. Continue doing what the word of God says. When you know his commandments, do it.
In conclusion, if you want your faith to work, work on your consciences.

Prayer – Whatever is battling against your faith, I pray that God clears it off in your life. Pray and ask God to give you a clear conscience.

Understanding the demands of building your Faith David Oyedepo Jnr

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