Turn Your Losses Around by Kenneth Copeland March 28 2018

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Kenneth Copeland March 28 2018

TOPIC- Turn Your Losses Around Devotional reading by Kenneth Copeland

But God’s free gift is not at all to be compared to the trespass…. For if many died through one man’s falling away (his lapse, his offense), much more profusely did God’s grace and the free gift [that comes] through…Jesus Christ abound and overflow to and for [the benefit of] many.

Read more messages by Kenneth Copeland Here

Romans 5:15, The Amplified Bible Kenneth Copeland March 28 2018

If you’re ever on a losing streak and need someone to tell you how to turn things around, go to God. He’s an expert on the subject. He’s suffered more losses than anyone who’s ever lived.

Kenneth Copeland March 28 2018



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Just think about it. He lost Lucifer, His top-ranked, most anointed angel. And when Lucifer fell, He lost at least a third of His other angels as well. Then He lost the man and woman He had created. And because He’d given them dominion over the earth, when He lost them, He lost it too. Any way you figure it, that’s a lot of real estate down the drain!

Yet, in spite of all that, God is no loser. He’s the greatest winner of all time. Do you know why? Because He knows how to turn the losses around. He knows how to use the law of giving and receiving to transform losses into gains. Kenneth Copeland March 28 2018

“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over…” (Luke 6:38). That’s the powerful principle that breaks losing streaks.

Isn’t that staggering? He had every option that exists to choose from to redeem the things He’d lost. He had all wisdom and all power available to Him. Out of all that, the law of giving is what He chose to use.

He gave the most irreplaceable thing He had: His only Son. Then He backed that gift with His own faith. And when the law of giving and receiving had done its work, the Almighty Father God received not only His first-begotten Son, but millions of other sons as well.

Don’t despair over your losses. Redeem them the same way God redeemed His. Give and put the most powerful principle in the universe to work for you. Kenneth Copeland March 28 2018

Scripture Reading: John 3:12-21 Kenneth Copeland March 28 2018

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