Today’s Word Joel Osteen May 14 2018 : By His Grace

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Today’s Word Joel Osteen May 14 2018 : By His Grace


“But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favor on me—and not without results. For I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by his grace.”- 1 Corinthians 15:10, NLT

Joel Osteen



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Today’s Word Joel Osteen May 14 2018

In this day and age, many people are filled with worry about their future. They live stressed out, wondering, “What’s going to happen if I get laid off?” “How am I going to handle it if my loved one doesn’t make it?” Or, “My parents are getting older. How can I take care of them and my own family at the same time?” Here is the answer: God’s grace is going to be there at every stage of your life to help you do whatever you need to do. God’s grace is what saves us, but that’s not all. His grace is His enabling power. His grace will give you the strength, wisdom and favor to accomplish what you could not normally accomplish on your own. His grace is sufficient for whatever you need in your future.

If you’re in a difficult marriage, if you’re raising a child that’s hard, if you’re facing a sickness, one thing you can count on is that the grace of God will be there. Receive it today by faith, and let Him empower you to walk through the difficulty into a place of victory in Jesus’ name! Today’s Word Joel Osteen May 14 2018


“Father, thank You for Your grace and mercy upon my life. Thank You for empowering me to rise above every obstacle. I trust that You are moving me forward into the victory You have for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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