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Shiloh 2018 Day one Sermons David Oyedepo
TOPIC: Heralding the Dominion Era of the Church By Bishop David O. Oyedepo Shiloh 2018 Opening Sermon
Shiloh 2018 Day one 1 Sermons David Oyedepo
Isaiah 25:6-8 No one will return with tears in their eyes in Jesus name.
Shiloh 2018 Call and Response
Caller Says: Shiloh 2018
Response: I have Dominion
Caller: Dominion
Reply: I take Dominion at Shiloh 2018
Warning at Shiloh 2018
Deuteronomy 28:14: The Lord asked me to warn you at the Shiloh assure, serious warning because His curses are dangerous. Don’t ever take anything that is not yours at Shiloh 2018, choose wisely choose life! Don’t take anyone’s property that is not yours. Thank you, Jesus,
Topic: Heralding the Dominion Era of the Church By Bishop David Oyedepo
What is Dominion?
1. Dominion is being in control of the affairs of Life, that was the command God made Genesis 1:26. Matthew 8:9
2. What is Dominion?
Having it always the way you want it
3. Dominion is being in command in ones field of endeavor. Daniel 1:20, they were 10 times better than their colleagues.
4. What is Dominion?
Dominion is having authority from on high to reign in Life. Revelation 5:9 Mark 11:28, having authority from heaven it cannot be man checked! Authority from heaven, to reign on earth. Every child of God is a citizen from heaven our mission is to have dominion over the earth. Romans 5:17 we are enthroned through Jesus Christ to reign on the earth.
Daniel 7:27, all Dominion shall serve and obey him. Psalms 110:2 that means Jesus won’t come until his name rules. The church of the last days is ordained to have dominion over the earth- Say a big Amen!
Ecclesiastic 3:11 He makes all things beautiful in His terms. We are not smarter than those before us but only privilege to be available in this beautiful time. Those before us labored earnestly with all disadvantages but we are only privilege because he made all things beautiful in his time. When we started back then was no where you could see a gathering of 2000 people, go and check record. Those days no music instrument we sing and clap but all these are now because he makes all things beautiful in His time, you will not be left out in Jesus name.
The end time church is ordained a reigning church Isaiah 2:2 that is Gods Agenda for the church in the last day. Only a fool will stand in front of a 16 Wheeler trailer and say In won’t let go! It will crush him to death. We are in the Last days of the Last days! Authority in the last day is domicile in church it can’t be altered by Man or a group of people. Please be sensitive to Gods timing, you are in season of enthronement, God is committed to establish you in Dominion in Shiloh 2018.
Hebrews 12:22 Zion is the church in prophecy. Psalms 87:4 the giants of this end time shall be domicile in the church. The highest Himself is establishing himself in the church.
Dominion is Gods agenda for his church Psalms 87:7, the most notable citizens on the earth shall be found in the church, the highest employer of labour shall be seated in the church. There is nothing local that moves me; I went above local since 1984. Hebrews 4:2 you believe it with your heart and declare it with your mouth. God cannot confirm what you don’t say, you can’t say it you can’t receive it. Walk in the consciousness of this covenant.
1 Samuel 2:3 be confident that Gods integrity is committed to confirming the word, Romans 4:21 being fully persuaded that his word will come to pass. Psalms 74:20 u must take Domion here over every concern of your life in Jesus Name.
Daniel 4:25 Ephecians 1:21 we are seated far above seated in heavenly places, we are Heavenly rulers on earth, for the church to reign on the earth. From today, no more torture. The reign of the wicked over your life in Jesus Name. Conceive it in your mind believe off in your heart, declare it with your mouth. I saw myself in a coffin in the night I declare it in the sleep devil get out! A lion does not become a goat just because he is sleeping you have to be a gaint even in the sleep based on what you have conceived in the physical.
The good news is that you are leaving Shiloh 2018 a change man. Isaiah 14:25 God is committed to establishing t dominion of the church here on earth, a time shall come where the Church will declare die and they die, that is the authority of the end time church; Africa shall be delivered. According to biblical prophecy shall continue to rise in these last days! Why? Churches has become like nations in these last days. Churches will become global pacesetters!
Prayer: In the name of Jesus no one will miss this glory wave! Genesis 14:14 Abraham had an army and rescued his brother Isaiah 60:22
I receive it, I believe it with my heart. Obadiah 1:21 global rescue will begin to arise from the church. The church shall continue to manifest as the giant of the earth. Isaiah 59:14 the church is the Pillar and ground of truth 1Timothy 3:15 we are in the world of lies. Everything fighting you clears off tonight in the name of Jesus Christ.
You have to dominate the issues of your life before you dominate your world; the good news is no one is leaving Shiloh 2018 without a visitation in Jesus Name. Romans 4:19 Abraham considered only the word of God stop believing the report of others, every oppression of the devil must end tonight In Jesus Name you are seated in heavenly places Ephesians 2:6 , can you imagine terminal sickness in your body? Those are illegal forces; you are free tonight in Jesus Name!

Note: you can never dominate what you did not despise. I said I cannot have high blood pressure not me! You must despise the devices of the devil he has no power just manipulative devices.
Fact: Numbers 1:3 from the age of 20 you are absolutely responsible for the decision, not your life.
God does not need you and me for anything we are the ones who 6, him for everything. If you fix your eyes to Jesus in Shiloh 2018 He that is able to do all things, I can stops you that you will never return in shame from Shiloh believe it and act on it.
Any truth that has been revealed to you tonight and you received in your heart, declaring boldly with your mouth shall be established in your life in Jesus Name.