What we think and speak, especially if it is frequent, is written on the tablet of our heart.
joyce meyer ministries
It is embedded in our hard drive, so
to speak. Just as a computer can only put out the information that is programmed into it, our hearts can only put out what is
written on them.
If we don’t like the result we are getting from our computer, we don’t hesitate to get a new program, and that is what I am suggesting that you do with your life.
Start rewriting what has been programmed into your heart. What is on a computer program determines the information that comes out of it, and what is in our heart comes out of our mouth.
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For out of the fullness (the overflow, the
superabundance) of the heart the mouth speaks. Matthew 12:34b
I want to assure you that you can do this with God’s help.
You may have many bad mental and verbal habits, but they can be changed into positive, life-filled ones. It is time to renew
your mind and become the person God wants you to be in every area of life.
Everyday Study Joyce Meyer Ministries : Just Say the Word Just Say the Word Learning …
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